For those working in retail today/tomorrow.

Board 8

Board 8 » For those working in retail today/tomorrow.
This is a mobile account, forgive any errors. ~ DYL ~
over the years, we went from opening at midnight to door busters

to just opening early. There are still doorbusters, but they barely last an hour

and with corporations being greedy and now starting Black Friday on the friday before Black Friday, AND on thanksgiving, its all divided up

I remember some years ago, we were literally sitting around from 1-4am not doing anything because everybody stopped coming. We only got a few drunks from the bar down the road

what I'm trying to say is its not so bad anymore
there's store selling things since monday

I don't understand why people still wait until friday to go buy their stuff

why do people even wait in line for that $200 tv that breaks in 6 months
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I work at GNC open to close Friday-Sunday, no help. It might be good in terms of making more money, but could be rough. Depends on the foot traffic.
"Evening caress, Always yearning, I must confess, The stars aren't burning"
Copernicus - Candlemass
Thanks, I'm actually going to work in a few hours. Luckily, I work at the least popular grocery store in the area, so I might be alright.
Exhausting as today was, it wasn't quite as bad as the previous years.
This is a mobile account, forgive any errors. ~ DYL ~
Board 8 » For those working in retail today/tomorrow.