Some streamers are playing a new secret Capcom Trading Card Game

Board 8

I'm still enjoying it. Especially with the announcement they're nerfing the black dragon's Spike Launch soon (today, I think?) to 20 AP (from 17) and max of 12 damage dealt (from no max). I'm in Champion so I can obviously play around it cause if Black Dragon was a losing matchup I wouldn't be able to increase rank with 75% of people using him, but it's definitely OP. Ryu is actually worse (not because he's OP just cause Shinku Hadoken + red units hard counter my deck so hard) but I'm learning how to get around him.

Game kinda needs a lot more balance updates than that but I can see why they'd play conservative on all but the most egregious stuff right now. I really would like to use a hero art that isn't Devil Trigger but at high level the other two aren't really usable in their current state. I actually think hero arts are the most poorly balanced thing in the game right now and there aren't too many actual cards that need it. Maybe the MP Charge 50 Iris but most of the other stuff seems pretty okay. Some underpowered stuff but not a lot of overpowered stuff on the card front.

New hero is coming out soon too. Kinda feel like the game needs a new expansion set pretty quickly cause the meta seems really paper-rock scissors right now but I guess it's only been out a month.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!