How would you rank the Star Wars trilogies?

Board 8

GranzonEx posted...
XIII_rocks posted...
and visually on a level way way beyond 3

visually the PT is better than the OT but nobody ever argues that so why do you bring this up

I meant even of its time. Like I was never wowed by the visuals of the PT even as a kid - maybe the first time I saw Coruscant. Perhaps because so much of it was CGI, perhaps I just didn't really absorb visual splendor the same way back then, who knows.

But TLJ especially has gorgeous shots and set design that the prequels imo just don't have. This isn't like a "PS4 has better graphics than PS1" discussion to me, it's more about...filmmaking skill, or intent, or ambition, or something like that.

I guess it's summed up by what yo said about sets but imo the prequels - even with modern tech - would never pull off a scene like the lightspeed ram in terms of visuals. The PT just didn't have that same... panache.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.