How would you rank the Star Wars trilogies?

Board 8

TLJ and TFA are both better than 3

Firstly, 3 centralizes Hayden (obviously) who is not a good actor

TLJ and TFA are like, fairly well-acted and visually on a level way way beyond 3. TLJ is also a more surprising watch (inevitably since 3 is a prequel) and has better dialogue. It's really not close to me, the ST are just better-made movies. That's before we even get into how badly 3's CGI has aged (like the entire PT) and how all three of the prequels would be utterly ripped to shreds if held to the exacting, precise standards to which TFA and TLJ have been held. Every line of dialogue in those two movies are used as sticks to beat them with, whereas the prequel trilogy, including 3, are drowning in bad lines, bad writing and bad effects at every turn.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.