[VGMC] Gokinjo Battle/Jenova Absolute, Everything is OK/Sayonara (Blue Reflec)

Board 8

Board 8 » [VGMC] Gokinjo Battle/Jenova Absolute, Everything is OK/Sayonara (Blue Reflec)
Best FF7 track?

Welcome to today's topic for Video Game Music Contest 12, a tournament of the best tracks from games, as decided upon by you, the voters.

Bracket - http://www.bracketmaker.com/tlist.cfm?tid=469506
Contest info - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lzzbpDP2whgvOTN2XHETfWg79IyPs01jdwIQu_L2C7k/
Discussion and results thread - https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/8-gamefaqs-contests/76419785
Main bracket playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW9O9mntH1RFBXCwz0vAKZg8V0rnrKHsE
Side bracket playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW9O9mntH1RFI-vkdyFa8-bXzbFLMLl1X

- Listen to both of the songs. Links have conveniently been provided for both songs. Even if Song A is your favorite of all-time and Song B is from a series you hate... Listen. To. Both. (If I have suspicions your vote is not based on a fair and impartial preference, it will be disqualified.)
- Obvious contest rules apply (no alts, one vote per person, no rallying, etc.).
- Please make your voting options clear, rather than burying them in text.
- Each set of matches lasts 24 hours, even if the new one isnt up by then.
- Always vote on the versions of the song provided, not versions from different sources.
- If you know ahead of time that you're not going to be around and you want to vote in advance, post your choices in the discussion/bracket topic.
- Please do NOT post tallies/score updates in the middle of the match, as this has a tendency to directly influence matches.
- You don't have to vote in all the matches, but it'd be cool if you did!

Match #1:

Gokinjo Boukentai (Neighborhood Adventure Squad) - Normal Battle

Final Fantasy VII - Jenova Absolute

Match #2:

Prey - Everything Is Going to Be OK

Blue Reflection - Sayonara (All Phase Mix)

Side bracket (what should we call this?):

Ougon Musou Kyoku - Ano Nichi ni Furetakute

Sonic Adventure 2 - On the Edge

Easy vote form:
Normal Battle / Jenova Absolute
Everything Is Going to Be OK / Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute / On the Edge
Video Game Music Contest 12: Now in progress!
Normal Battle
Eternal Engine
Thus is our treaty written, thus is our agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked is given; the price is paid.
KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
Normal Battle - Mori really was too good for this world, and honestly this song is way too good for this game. actually the game is good but how is a banger like this in a game about a preschooler, for real. It starts off super fun and only gets more fun as the song goes on. Jenova Absolute is easily one of my least favorite FF7 tracks; almost every single individual part of the song manages to piss me off lol

Everything Is Going to Be OK - This one hurts me a little bit. This should be an easy, easy win for Sayonara.... but its the all phase mix. Kamimusubi and Amenominakanushi are really really good, but god does Takamimusubi SUCK. Everything Is Going to Be OK was my personal number one biggest surprise song of 2017, that opening is insane with the paired visuals and song.

On the Edge - holy shit is that rekka katakiri? shes...... unnaturally boring in that song. shame. i can hear the locking on in eternal engine please end me
Normal Battle
Everything Is Going to Be OK
On the Edge

Normal Battle and Everything Is Going to Be OK are a couple of my favorite songs I didn't personally Nominate.
Congrats to BKSheikah, winner of the BYIG Guru Contest!
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute

Not a lot to say on the first match. Normal Battle is really cool for its entirety, but it's opponent is so boring it doesn't even feel worth talking about.

And I honestly have similar feelings about match 2. ughh. I guess unlike my pick from match 1, Sayonara does a few things I don't like--mostly times when it seems too manic for my tastes. However it's mostly song that does a lot of neat things, and it's way better than its competition in this match.

Not really big on either song in the side bracket. Mediocre rock song vs. mediocre vocal ballade. I much prefer vocal ballades to rock in VGM, so my choice here isn't that hard, but I definitely don't think either song is a shining example of its genre.

Normal Battle > Sayonara > Ano Nichi ni Furetakute > In the Edge > Everything is Going to be OK > Jenova Absolute
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00 , this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
Final Fantasy VII - Jenova Absolute
Prey - Everything Is Going to Be OK
Ougon Musou Kyoku - Ano Nichi ni Furetakute
This was not the best year for my bracket.
Congrats to BK_Sheikah00 for winning the BYIG Guru Contest!
Final Fantasy VII - Jenova Absolute
Blue Reflection - Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
Ougon Musou Kyoku - Ano Nichi ni Furetakute

Best FFVII song probably Shinra Company. Those Chosen By The Planet (the Mansion variant) , Fighting, and Jenova Absolute are contenders too though.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
Final Fantasy VII - Jenova Absolute
Blue Reflection - Sayonara (All Phase Mix)

side bracket later
insert something about BKSheikah here
Normal Battle
Everything Is Going to Be OK
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute
Glaze on the layers of the atmosphere, white stardust sprinkles on a fine parfait.
I'll take your hand and you can take me here, up to the Satellite Cafe.
Normal Battle
Everything Is Going to Be OK
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute

No real favorites this round...just kinda meh.
Normal Battle
Everything Is Going to Be OK
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute
After all, we are in The current times.
Match 1: Normal Battle

It sounds great and has a lot of personality.

Match 2: Everything Is Going to Be OK

Real nice sounding track, kind of sounds nice and chill.

Side Bracket: Ano Nichi ni Furetakute

Not really big on either.
Jenova Absolute - Absolute is no JENOVA, but it's less irritating than Normal Battle. Really don't like the instrumentation there.

Sayonara (All Phase Mix) - OK is actually pretty okay (until the ending, where it kinda falls apart), but Sayonara's one of my favorite songs in the contest, so no real contest here.

On the Edge - I pretty much forgot about Ano Nichi the second I finished listening to it. Non-vocal 3D Sonic songs tend to be pretty good in my experience!
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)

Ano Nichi ni Furetakute

today was a bad day.

then i got home and opened up the topic and got to listen to GO KING JOJO

now it is a good day.

(also I am confused by this lyric-free sa2b song. also, it's missing a 'b'. THE CONFUSION NEVER ENDS)
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
On the Edge

First match is decent. Side bracket is eh. Sayonara is weird.
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."

if only there were a way to make this bump relevant for all three matches...
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
On the Edge
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute

Year of Gokinjo (apparently this is a thing)? Sure, why not. Easily the better song here.

Sayonara was my favourite song I heard last year period. Of course I'm picking it.

This Umineko song is surprisingly way, way better than I expected (weird as it is to say that about an Umineko song nowadays, I'm not a terribly big fan of most of the vocal songs. This one seemed like it'd fall into the category of ones I dislike, but surprisingly no).

Three very easy matches.
Jenova Absolute
Everything Is Going to Be OK
On the Edge
Save in the name of true love
~Project 1000~
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
On the Edge
Normal Battle
Everything Is Going to Be OK
On the Edge
Gokinjo Boukentai (Neighborhood Adventure Squad) - Normal Battle
Blue Reflection - Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
Sonic Adventure 2 - On the Edge
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
On the Edge
Optimism is the first step to disappointment.
R.I.P. signature ASCII
Second match is really Sayonara vs Sayonara. Either you're voting for it or against it. The Prey track is decent enough, but the good parts of Sayonara are better. There are, however, parts of Sayonara that are decidedly not of this quality, and the track phases in and out of them throughout. I'm taking it here, but I'm betting it jobs next round.

Side match was decidedly bleh.

Jenova Absolute
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute....I guess
Video Game Music Contest 12: Now in progress!
Post #26 was unavailable or deleted.
Post #27 was unavailable or deleted.
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
On the Edge
Our eyes were removed
For our own safety
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute
"Total sentence imposed is ten [years in the state prison]"
- Lyrics of "Knight of Fire" boss theme in Xenogears
Normal Battle
Everything Is Going to Be OK
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
On the Edge (or Eternal Engine, w/e this track is called)
Normal Battle
Everything Is Going to Be OK
On the Edge
Normal Battle
Everything is Going to Be OK
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute

I don't remember Jenova Absolute being so boring. I guess I just remembered it in context instead of it being alone. On the other hand, Normal Battle is catchy as hell!

Sayonara was so great in the first part, and then it just became a train wreck. The Prey song wasn't bad by any means, though I wasn't really attached to it.

The vocal track is fine if not great. Meanwhile, Sonic disappoints, just like it usually does. Easy vote there.
E come vivo? Vivo!
Gokinjo Boukentai (Neighborhood Adventure Squad) - Normal Battle
Prey - Everything Is Going to Be OK
Sonic Adventure 2 - On the Edge
Long live Saint Seiya!!
Ed votes:
Jenova Absolute
Everything Is Going to Be OK
On the Edge
Video Game Music Contest 12: Now in progress!
Jenova Absolute
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
On the Edge

This day is pretty hard to rank, aside from my obvious favorite of the day.

-Normal Battle is quirky and catchy... Sadly, though, it's against freakin' Jenova Absolute.
-Everything Is Going To Be OK is monotone and uneventful if you ask me, whereas Sayonara is just 8 whole minutes of "calmed-edgy-calmed-edgy". Both songs have wasted potential.
-On the Edge wasn't that hard of a pick because I'm all for rock songs over most things, but the ballad of what seems to be Umineko but somehow isn't... (is this right?) is also kind of good.

Jenova Absolute >>>>>>>>>>> Sayonara (All Phase Mix) > On the Edge > Everything Is Going To Be OK > Ano Nichi ni Furetakute > Normal Battle
Here lies the sig of BK_Sheikah00 , who swore fealty to the Gurus of Board 8.
Gokinjo Boukentai (Neighborhood Adventure Squad) - Normal Battle
Blue Reflection - Sayonara (All Phase Mix)

Sonic Adventure 2 - On the Edge
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -transience
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute

Normal Battle smashes Jenova Absolute for me, I dislike that greatly. Normal Battle's solid. Everything Is Going to be OK is... OK, but Sayonara has some really good parts and ends on a high note. I imagine I would be more fond of it if it was broken into individual tracks, but I like it overall. Wow I don't like On the Edge at all, it just sounds totally off tune to me. Maybe some people are into that. I don't even like the Umineko vocal song.
Just killing time until the world ends.
Yeah, that side bracket match was super weak.
KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
but what about...

Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
weekend slump is real
Video Game Music Contest 12: Now in progress!
Jenova Absolute
Currently Playing : Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (NS)
well with the guessing game going on I'm not gonna have time to listen to the side bracket match so

Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
Archive of my and others' playthrough/ranking topics, fanfiction recs, etc:
Normal Battle
Sayonara (All Phase Mix)
On the Edge
The Iron BKSheikah break your bracket and make you humble!
Normal Battle
Everything Is Going to Be OK
Ano Nichi ni Furetakute

man that second match is way too good for round 1. especially compared to that pretty bad bonus match, the difference is staggering.
Grats to BKSheikah , a guru ahead of his time.
Normal Battle
Everything Is Going to Be OK
On the Edge
Ougon Musou Kyoku - Ano Nichi ni Furetakute

this side bracket match is terrible
insert something about BKSheikah here
Board 8 » [VGMC] Gokinjo Battle/Jenova Absolute, Everything is OK/Sayonara (Blue Reflec)