This 18 y/o Missouri Kid gets 4 YEARS in Prison for Dragging a KITTEN to Death!.

Board 8

Board 8 » This 18 y/o Missouri Kid gets 4 YEARS in Prison for Dragging a KITTEN to Death!.
Do you think animal cruelty charges should get hefty prison sentences?

18 y/o Missouri Freak, Kyle Williams was sentenced to 4 YEARS in Prison after he sparked outrage by tying his kitten to his car's bumper and DRAGGED IT to it's death!!

He and his 19 y/o friend, Jordan Hall got 4 years in prison and Kyle got another 3 years for armed criminal action and will also serve 5 years for "possession of a weapon in a county jail, relating to the sharpening of a spork in a shank"..

They both plead guilty to the horrifying incident after they posted on a video on a private Facebook group last June of a cat being dragged for 5 minutes while they laughed.

The car stopped twice but begins again when the cat was still alive with a person saying "Keep going. Don't stop. He's alost dead"

The group Cellulites: Salvation were furious after he posted a photo of himself next to the tortured and bloodied cat which had an eye popping out of its head..

His caption read "Try to guess how i killed my cat, bet you can't"

The group contacted police as one person said "He posted it in the wrong group. Animal cruelty is not okay"

Do you think animal cruelty charges get hefty prison sentences?

Kyle - Animal killer

Jordan - Accomplice
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
Only in the case of murder. This 100% deserves a hefty prison sentence.
BlueCrystalTear | GNT BB4 Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner
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Board 8 » This 18 y/o Missouri Kid gets 4 YEARS in Prison for Dragging a KITTEN to Death!.