
Board 8

Board 8 » Sleep
You can fully control your sleep habits, but you must sleep 8 hours per day

You can sleep on cue, immediately, soundly and with as many or as few non-lucid dreams as you desire, but every day you must get at least 8 hours of sleep. If midnight approaches and you haven't met your quota, you will automatically pass out so that exactly the sleep deficit is fulfilled before the next day (eg, you've slept for 6 hours, so you pass out at 10).

I'm tired.
Thus is our treaty written, thus is our agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked is given; the price is paid.
While I occasionally have issues falling asleep, I wouldn't say it's bad enough that I'd want to lock myself into 8 hours every single day to fix it. Now if it did come with lucid dreaming then probably, but you had to a be a party pooper.
BK_Sheikah ? More like BYIG_Sheikah. - Number of people that D'awwed: 102
8 hours is a pretty reasonable amount, and with my currently losing an hour or two of sleep every night to insomnia this would pretty much be a net gain, so it's an easy yes for me
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Lord have mercy on my soul, I've had a good run but I can't run anymore. Just put me down
BKSheikah got me good in Guru
Would I be fully energized and non-sleepy for the rest of the day?

I'd take the deal if it stopped me from feeling sleepy after more than 8 hours.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
Does it come with a 1 million dollars?
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
NFUN posted...
You can sleep on cue, immediately, soundly and with as many or as few non-lucid dreams as you desire

I would kill a man for this superpower
at first i thought this would be an easy "yes"

but the fact that i can NEVER go on an unplanned 24 hour party binge again is kind of a let-down. but i think it would just require some extra planning

but, thinking again, i guess i'd try to sleep from midnight to 8am every day to give myself the biggest window of flexibility of 32 hours

so, after some thought, this is a definite yes
You did indeed stab me in the back. However, you are only level one, whilst I am level 50. That means I should remain uninjured.
yes yes yes yes a million times yes
Esto es el fin, Grande Padre
No way. I can sleep when I want as is, and get recharged in half the hours.
Bells, bells, bells!
That's not possible for me since I work on Friday night then have to get back up at 4 in the morning. Then do the same thing that night. By the time I get home it's too late for me to get 8 hours. Most I could do is 6.

Regardless, I have no problems falling asleep anymore. The only interesting part about this deal is that I could make sure I have lucid dreams every night, which is my favorite part about sleeping.
Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.
I want to get 8 hours of sleep a day but often cannot because I struggle falling asleep due to not having a comforting soul next to mine and am thinking about that... so this would alleviate that issue.
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
8 hours is the minimum one should sleep to be healthy, so yeah I'll take it, especially if it would prevent me from feeling sleepy for the rest of the day.
How paralyzingly dull, boring and tedious!
I can already fall asleep on cue pretty easily (unless I'm stupid and have coffee or a boatload of sugar beforehand)

and the amount of times life requires me to sleep for less than 8 hours a day is frequent enough this would be a huge punishment
jesus no i hate sleeping for 8 hours
This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
My job at times prevents it absolutely.
NFUN posted...
If midnight approaches and you haven't met your quota, you will automatically pass out so that exactly the sleep deficit is fulfilled before the next day (eg, you've slept for 6 hours, so you pass out at 10).

this actually sounds sort of terrifying because there's a nonzero chance I'll be driving shortly before midnight
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
I can get by on 6.
I'll get back up for good this time and I ain't comin' down...
This is basically my wife. She falls asleep within a minute, sleeps for like 8 hours at least, has some crazy vivid dreams.
Board 8 » Sleep