Tennessee CHRISTIAN gets a STANDING OVATION after he admitted to RAPING a GIRL!.

Board 8

Board 8 » Tennessee CHRISTIAN gets a STANDING OVATION after he admitted to RAPING a GIRL!.
Would you trust a christian pastor like Andy?

Christian Jerk, Andy Savage, a mega pastor from Texas received a STANDING OVATION after he admitted to RAPING a 17 y/o girl 20 years ago as he asked his congregation for forgiveness!!

He's a pastor at Highpoint Church in Memphis, Tennessee and made his apolgy during a sunday service which were streamed live on the Church's Youtube page as his past was brought up by victim Jules Woodson who wrote about the incident on WatchKeep last Friday.

Jules wrote in 1998 that Savage gave her a ride home while she was in high school and he took her to a wooded area, unzipped his pants and took his winky out and asked for oral sex.

Andy issued an apology but didn't discuss what happened and said "My repentance over this son over 20 years ago was done believing God's forgiveness is bigger than any sin and i still believe in that". The audience ROARED in cheers after that..

In his conclusion he said "any painful memories or fresh wounds this has created for anyone, i am sorry and i humbly ask for your forgiveness, i love you all very much" and the audience stood up and clapped with a rousing applause....

Jules said she found the video "disgusting" and it was never properly handled.

Andy was a college student at the time and a youth minister at Woodlands Parkway Baptist Church in Texas. Jules was a 17 y/o high school senior and a member of his youth ministry.

Jules remembered feeling excited and special that day as she assumed they were getting something to eat..but instead, he took her out to a wooded area and asked her to give him oral sex instead and then unbuttoned her shirt and touched her breasts.

Jules said she remembers getting out of the car and exclaimed "Oh my God. What have i done?". Andy told her to keep what happened a secret and then drove her home.

She remembers telling an associate pastor what happened and he told her "So you're telling me you participated?" and basically victim blamed her!! Jules said she felt it was somehow her fault after the pastor gave her that impression and said they treated it as water under the bridge until she worked up the courage to tell more people and had Andy leave the church.

She said the church could never imagine andy doing something bad or immoral as they "didn't" want to believe it.

Chris Conlee, the lead pastor said they knew of the incident but assured them that Andy has "redeemed" himself because he lived a "godly" life

Would you trust a Christian Pastor like Andy? let's see if people would

Andy - Religious Hypocrite






Crowd giving Andy a standing ovation -


call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Did he force her to or just ask her too? I'm sketchy on the definition but if she participated willingly but regretted it afterwards is that still rape?
User ID: 4002777
Board 8 » Tennessee CHRISTIAN gets a STANDING OVATION after he admitted to RAPING a GIRL!.