This Kentucky FAT Girl is Viciously Attacked because she has a SKINNY BOYFRIEND.

Board 8

Board 8 » This Kentucky FAT Girl is Viciously Attacked because she has a SKINNY BOYFRIEND.
Are you one of those people who thinks that if a Fat and Skinny person are in love it's because one of them has a "fetish"??

Melissa Gibson a plus size activist from Kentucky is hitting back at trolls after she debut her SKINNY BOYFRIEND and people say she doesn't "DESERVE" and that it must be some kind of FETISH he has for big girls!!

Users are questioning their relationship by criticizing her body stating that her boyfriend, Johnathan, must only love her because of a "fetish" he has for big women and that their relationship is "abnormal"....

Melissa says people now feel entitled to comment on them because her boyfriend's body fits into a particular "mold" whereas hers doesn't.

She's received a flood of negative comments on her weight as one person said "Go to the gym and eat better you fat person, like you are DYING i'd rather be smoking than be your size"

Melissa responded to the haters with "If the world won't just let us be, we will keep fighting for our love, for our space, for our right to be seen, accepted wthout question, and celebrated. In all honesty, it's silly to think it bothers people so much. We are exactly what each other wants, and guess what, our bodies are a part of that. It's not abnormal or a fetish. It's simply natural. So while you insist on yeling your insecurities and bigotry at me, realize i'm not playing the game you play any longer. I'm not playing by your rules, and it's honestly said you still are. 2018 is the year for Love that is not defined by weight, age, ability, genitals, gender, sexuality. Not defined by race or ethnicity or religion. We're having more fun this way anyway :)"

Melissa has had people defend them as one person added "Just ignore all the haters, it's just jealousy and you are beautiful no matter what size you are"

Do you think if a fat and skinny person are together it's because one of them has a "fetish"? let's see what people think

Melissa and Johnathan -

Comments -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Board 8 » This Kentucky FAT Girl is Viciously Attacked because she has a SKINNY BOYFRIEND.