Is it lame to smoke weed when you're in your mid 30s?

Board 8

Board 8 » Is it lame to smoke weed when you're in your mid 30s?
Is smoking weed for younger folks?

At a middling New Year party atm, boring enough that I'm posting on B8 between Jackbox rounds.

In an attempt to liven things up, the host and some older guests stepped out to smoke some weed and started coughing incessantly and sharing stories about the highest they've ever been.

Now I've never partaken myself, but I have nothing against folks who do. I was surrounded by folks who smoked in college and wasn't bothered a bit. That's just the thing though, that was in college. Most of my friends seem to have grown out of it and it was a bit weird to see all these older folks breaking it out after years of not seeing it.

What say you, B8? Is smoking weed something you should grow out of, or is there nothing wrong with keeping it up into the middle ages?
Let the voice of love take you higher,
With this gathering power, go beyond even time!
Is drinking something you should grow out of?
Blasting off
i know plenty of people well into older years who smoke
This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
Its normal
Heck em
Drinking is uncool after 21, smoking shortly after.

No more lame than it is to smoke at all
TLO has my dog for a month.
pretty much anyone who smokes weed is lame
Anything you do in your mid-30s is lame because it's something someone in their mid-30s does.
Congrats to 2017 Guru champ BKSheikah!
I worked with a lady who was well into her 60s and still smoked weed.

and before anyone asks, yes it was recreational not medical
redrocket_pub posted...
Is drinking something you should grow out of?

Yeah. Your liver does.
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
Most of my family smokes. Most of them well over mid-thirties.
GameFlux : Unofficial GameFAQs board browser
if snoop dog has taught me anything in life
It's probably less lame than posting about it on a video game message board
Age isn't what makes smoking weed potentially lame.

It's how much of your life smoking weed that can make it lame.

Tons of people of all ages smoke.
I am Nick. Go Sens, Bills, Blue Jays!
Board 8 » Is it lame to smoke weed when you're in your mid 30s?