This 41 y/o FAT Man forced a 16 y/o Girl to give him ORAL SEX or be EVICTED!!!!

Board 8

Board 8 » This 41 y/o FAT Man forced a 16 y/o Girl to give him ORAL SEX or be EVICTED!!!!
Did your parents ever have trouble paying the bills when you were growing up?

47 y/o Fat Pervert, Kenneth Bryant in Louisiana plead guilty after he forced a 16 y/o Girl to give him ORAL SEX or else she and her family would be EVICTED!!

He faced 3 counts of molestation of a juveile as he was sentenced to 5 years in prison, 3 of which were suspended and he has to register as a sex offender

The age of consent in the state is 17 and according to the girl's parents, the landlord followed through with his threat to evict if she had reported it!...

The girl's father said "He threatened her with her job. Threatened to have her fried from her job. Threatened to have us evicted. Threatened to have my sons evicted if she didn't do these acts"

The girl said that he made her take her clothes off after she refused and then forced her to give him oral if she didn't want to be evicted. She was able to push him off of her before he had any chance to do more harm.

Text messages showed she didn't want to have "vaginal sex" with him and also mentioned the firing of a family member.

She also WORKED for him when he was president of the BFM Corporation, a large land survey management company

BFM Owner Ralph P Fontcuberta said he fired him after his first arrest and was sorry he ever met him!!

Did your family ever have trouble paying the bills when you were growing up?

Kenneth - Pervert

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Board 8 » This 41 y/o FAT Man forced a 16 y/o Girl to give him ORAL SEX or be EVICTED!!!!