A 30 y/o Man tried to WHITE KNIGHT a Girl but gets THROWN off a BRIDGE instead!.

Board 8

Board 8 » A 30 y/o Man tried to WHITE KNIGHT a Girl but gets THROWN off a BRIDGE instead!.
Have you ever saved a girl from "danger" before?

An unidentified 30 y/o Man from Connecticut tried to SAVE 22 y/o Jennifer Hannum from an intense argument with her 25 y/o boyfriend, Gregory Rottjer after he stepped in to try and calm him down, Gregory in turned SHOVED him off a 45 FEET Bridge instead and down into the freezing waters!!...

Fortunately he survived but now Gregory is charged with attempted MURDER and Jennifer and Gregory's 27 y/o friend, Matthew Dorso were arrested as well for LYING to police about what happened.

It happened on Thanksgiving morning when the encounter happened when Gregory and Jennifer were having an argument on the bridge over the Housatonic River when the man and his brother asked if Jennifer was OK and tried to lead her away from the argument and pushing back Gregory..but Gregory got heated and a fight ensued where the victim is then thrown off the bridge!

He was seriously injured but will survive the fall after a police officer spotted him and rescued him from thee water.

Have you ever saved a girl from danger before?

Gregory - Attempted Murderer



Jennifer - Victim AND Liar



Matthew - Second Liar



Where the victim fell -

Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
That second picture of Jennifer makes her look kinda like a dude~
Board 8 » A 30 y/o Man tried to WHITE KNIGHT a Girl but gets THROWN off a BRIDGE instead!.