This 11 y/o Tennessee Kid said he's being BULLIED because they say he's UGLY!!!!

Board 8

Board 8 » This 11 y/o Tennessee Kid said he's being BULLIED because they say he's UGLY!!!!
Have you ever been bullied because of your appearance before?

Several celebrities are coming out in support of an 11 y/o Tennessee Kid named Keaton Jones who's video went viral after he made a plea to his bullies to stop picking him and calling him UGLY!!

He asked his mom, Kimberly Jones to record a video asking him why his bullies were bothering him and was tearing up when he said they would make fun of him because of his nose and called him ugly and poured milk on him...

Now celebrities are lining up in support and even INVITED him to move premieres after hearing his heartbreaking plea!!

Chris Evans, Demi Lovato, Hailee Steinfield, Mark Ruffalo, Cardi B and Kati Perry have thrown their support

Keaton said "Just out of curiosity, why do they bully? What's the point of it? Why do they find joy in taking innocent people and finding a way to be mean to them? it's not okay." His mom says "What did they say to you?" and he responds "They make fun of my nose, they call me ugly. They say i have no friends. They poured milk on me and put ham down my clothes. They threw brerad at me. I don't like that they do it to me and i for sure don't like that they do it to other people because it's not okay. People that are different, don't need to be criticized about it. It's not their afult. If you are made fun of just don't let it bother you. Stay Strong i guess. It's hard. But it'll probably get better one day"

He is now being asked by the Avengers Cast to come out to the PREMIERE of Infinity next year..

Have you ever been bullied because of how you looked?

Keaton and his family -

Celebrity Support -
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how many y/o is his mom
Board 8 » This 11 y/o Tennessee Kid said he's being BULLIED because they say he's UGLY!!!!