Favorite deli meat?

Board 8

Board 8 » Favorite deli meat?
You know, the meats you get sliced at the deli

Got into a discussion with my brother about deli meats this afternoon. Personally, corned beef is my favorite while his is pastrami. Curious what everyone else's favorite is.
Congrats to the BYIG Guru Winner, BKSheikah
*slurps yakisoba* *nods* *nods*
I actually don't know what some of these are. I'm going to blame living in a really small town. I think we only have 4-5 of those in the only delis I've been to
Probably Salami
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
Black Forest Ham
This is a poll about deli meats without turkey and ham.

Most of those meats only work together in an Italian hoagie.
What, do you live in a Primo Deli?
Warning: I'm literally VeryInsane.
Corned beef is usually my go to anywhere that has it

the italian meats are great but they don't really stand on their own; they're really meant to be eaten together
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ https://goo.gl/Diw2hs
Pastrami or don't bang
Burns then confronted him about the fart and Willie became agitated, telling her to shut up
LOLIAmAnAlt posted...
This is a poll about deli meats without turkey and ham.
Pastrami when it's good, mortadella and chicken when it's meh
2 + 2 = 4
Prosciutto mmm *italian kissy face*
Spare me your obsolete empathy
The voice of sympathy means nothing to me

Set me up with that in a Rye Bagel w/ some Pickles and some mustard, I'm content!
I'll get back up for good this time and I ain't comin' down...
Salami for sure.
Phantom Dust.
Board 8 » Favorite deli meat?