The US/Canada are the ONLY countries WITHOUT Mandatory School UNIFORMS!!!!

Board 8

Board 8 » The US/Canada are the ONLY countries WITHOUT Mandatory School UNIFORMS!!!!
Do you support mandatory school uniforms in PUBLIC schools?

It's true. They say that western countries are all the same with the same values but if you look closely, that's not exactly true...

Take public school uniforms for example which is actually adopted AND mandatory in all westernized countries except the United States and Canada...

Places like the UK, Australia..all of Europe, they all have mandatory uniforms that students must wear.

The key difference between the US and Canada now is that the US is more STRICT in what students can and can't wear.

the US punishes students who break the rules and have a lot more in their rulebook in what kids can or can't wear.

Canada however is more lenient and although some don't approve of low cut outfits for girls, many have eliminated that and allowed kids to wear anything they want within small reason.

Also, students in America can't colour their hair..whereas students in Canada are allowed to.

Do you think public schools should have mandatory uniforms? let's see what people think

Here's an example of what female students in Canada can wear but girls in America CAN'T.!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/crop-top-tuesday.jpg
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
Went to private school. Wore a uniform. It's not that big of a deal.
No one reads signatures.
Board 8 » The US/Canada are the ONLY countries WITHOUT Mandatory School UNIFORMS!!!!