Rate the Character Day 44: Zelda (Legend of Zelda)

Board 8

Board 8 » Rate the Character Day 44: Zelda (Legend of Zelda)
Which character should be rated tomorrow?

Welcome to the most must-see recurring daily poll series on Board 8. I'm your host scarletspeed7. Everyday, I choose a category, you pick a character. I post the character you rate them. These are characters, you are raters, and this is Rate the Character.

Yesterday, Negan landed 6.647 average, pioneering placements for future Walking Dead characters.

All ratings are on scale of 1-10. Please do not rate characters with which you are unfamiliar. You may rate any previous characters you have yet to rate at any point; please post them in the thread. No more than ten retro-ratings per day. View your ratings here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P47gZ8N7QcS-ShXYjvteOnd_aCJbv3AcJdipiUChhAg/edit?usp=sharing

Today's character is Zelda, the titular character of the Legend of Zelda series.


Current Top Ten:
1) Han Solo (Star Wars) - 8.394
2) Scarecrow (DC Comics) - 8.293
3) Urdnot Wrex (Mass Effect) - 8.228
4) Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones) - 8.141
5) Furiosa (Mad Max) - 8.091
6) Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter) - 8
7) Bowser (Super Mario) - 7.971
8) Severus Snape (Harry Potter) - 7.962
9) Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) - 7.921
10) Doctor Strange (Marvel Comics) - 7.893

Previous Placement:
21) Dracula (Dracula) - 7.156
22) Michael Scott (The Office) - 6.959
23) Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic) - 6.946
24) Saruman (Lord of the Rings) - 6.911
25) Boromir (Lord of the Rings) - 6.767
26) Will Smith (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) - 6.663
27) Negan (Walking Dead) - 6.647
28) Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) - 6.6
29) Rosalina (Super Mario) - 6.55
30) Midna (Legend of Zelda) - 6.5

Current Bottom Ten:
33) Donkey Kong (Super Mario) - 6.128
34) Phil Dunphy (Modern Family) - 6.036
35) Randy Marsh (South Park) - 5.792
36) Mad-Eye Moody (Harry Potter) - 5.642
37) Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes) - 5.447
38) Pikachu (Pokemon) - 5.339
39) Squirrel Girl (Marvel Comics) - 5
40) John Cena (WWE) - 4.957
41) Kylo Ren (Star Wars) - 4.817
42) Akinator (Akinator) - 2.915

Hi MI.

Let's see if anyone gets the picture reference.
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer

Hi scarlet
I can always rely on MI to say hi.

It brightens my day.
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
3 - probably the worst recurring character in the series
This is one of those ratings that could vary incredibly by "Which Zelda" but I'll say 8
We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
Hmmm... If I count Tetra it's like an 8, if I don't it's like a 4.

But I don't think counting Tetra is fair and think she might actually get her own day here...

So 4.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?

Equal parts damsel, strong warrior, and awkwardly funny.
I once read that names which begin with the letter 'S' are the names of SNAKES! Sssss!
http://tinyurl.com/zqwzc9a - http://i.imgur.com/e6kIv3X.png

Breath of the Wild Zelda is pretty decent. The rest, eh. I guess I can give her a little credit for being Sheik.
As average as it gets.
Not changing this sig until Caius Ballad is released in FFRK.
Bear Bro
The Empire of Silence
Breath of the Wild and Spirit Tracks did a lot for her, in most other games she enjoys a whole five minutes of screen time, if that.

7 I guess.
boring placeholder signature
All hail to he who could see the future, Guru 2017 BkSheikah
http://letterboxd.com/jesusoni ; http://www.backloggery.com/linkhatesganon

Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ https://goo.gl/Diw2hs
I've enjoyed that they gave her more of a character to work with rather than simply kidnap her and leave it be. Even starting with OoT she was just a girl being suspicious of that green skinned dude (thanks to a prophecy), then having to hide from him turned into Sheik and so on. Wind Waker was a bit saddening, her only parts outside of Tetra are becoming Zelda, and shooting light arrows at you. Twilight Princess she only had backstory really, she was seen like... twice overall. Then we hit Spirit Tracks, where she's then Link's sidekick and was overall a great character (my favorite of Link's sidekicks)... Skyward Sword she was highly developed and cute... BotW does a lot with her too, though I haven't met her in that as of yet.

Granted, LBW just dumps that back out... but eh. Overall she's an 8/10.
New season, new loli gif.
Btw how are the poll selections chosen (aside from the polls that are all one medium)? Is it like randomly chosen from so list or just the first ten Characters you think of each day? Surprised to see Robert California there of all people
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ https://goo.gl/Diw2hs
Johnbobb posted...
Btw how are the poll selections chosen (aside from the polls that are all one medium)? Is it like randomly chosen from so list or just the first ten Characters you think of each day? Surprised to see Robert California there of all people

I have a list of 15,432 characters right now. I weight things based on genre and franchise. For example, anime constantly performs poorly and therefore gets weighted downwards. The Office had a successful voter turnout for Michael so in terms of TV shows, it gets weighted slightly higher. Star Wars and Harry Potter are currently far and away the highest weighted pools.

Anyways, 8 out of 10 for Zelda.
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer

Really liked her character in Skyward Sword, Breath of the Wild and Wind Waker . Her role in Spirit Tracks is also one of her finest and most underrated. She's alright in OoT in both her roles but is greatly outshined by Midna in TP .

In short her character suffers from inconsistencies in the series but for the most part, she is a great character.
User ID: 4002777

Screw this hussy.

She plays the same role in every single Zelda game. There's never any co-op in any of the Zelda games (besides that DS Spirit Tracks game I think?) so why do you idiots buy the same game over and over and over again?

Does she ever assist you in battle? No.

What year is this? 2017? And they still can't afford to hire actual voice acting for the series.

It's the 5th (at least Top 10) best selling video game franchises of all-time and they still can't find competent voice actors to do the voice acting for the characters?

Is she attractive? No really. Wearing a headdress for half the game in Twilight Princess makes her so rogue it's not even attractive.

Does she have any pets? No. Did her pet cat survive cancer like Cole and Marmalade did on YouTube? No.

Did she weigh 200 pounds and in a domestic relationship and lost all the weight and became a stronger person? No.

I'm done.
Board 8 » Rate the Character Day 44: Zelda (Legend of Zelda)