Conservative Restaurant SHUTS DOWN after they got DEATH THREATS!!!!

Board 8

Board 8 » Conservative Restaurant SHUTS DOWN after they got DEATH THREATS!!!!
Do you have the same beliefs as what these people posted?

Christopher Smith and Jay Warren, the Pro-American Conservaloons and owners of the "Cup It Up American Grill" in Tucson, Arizona were forced to close their restaurant "indefinitely" after they posted a Pro-Trump tirade on their Facebook and received hundreds of HATE mail and DEATH threats!!

It said "We believe in and support 100% in the following: OUR President, Always Standing for the National Anthem, repealing Obama Care..."

Then it went on to praise God, the Bill of Rights, the US Armed Forces and drug screening for welfare recipients

Then it said it did not support "those that DON'T respect our President, Armed Forces and First Responders, kneeling for the national anthem, Antifa, fake news, global warming and late night hosts getting political"

It finished off with "If you like this post, please share it with 5 friends and we look forward for your next visit! if you disagree with this post, please share it with 100 friends and we won't be expecting you anytime soon"

No surprise it had a furious backlash receiving "angry phone calls" with staff who quit on the spot.

Ron Sanchez, whose daughter worked there said people even threatened to burn the restaurant down with the owners in it!!

The owner told ABC news "It's a crazy world we're in"...

Last week it said on the door "We have made a decision to close our doors indefinitely as of today, Monday, October 9, 2017. The safety of our employees and our families is of great concern and is our #1 priority at this time. We would also like to extend a special thanks to our Military and first responders, Thank you all and God Bless"

Ericka Ayup, a regular there said she respected their decision to speak up and said it was "smart" of them to do what they did from a business aspect since they are around a big University which was more "liberal and young".

Do you have the same beliefs as what these conservatives posted? let's see if people do

What they posted -

Cup it American Grill - Defunct
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
It's been a great couple weeks for liberals...
I love how like, 80% of the "don't believe in or respect" list literally applies to Trump himself.
Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.
Inviso posted...
I love how like, 80% of the "don't believe in or respect" list literally applies to Trump himself.

Didn't take liberals long to try to deflect their evil. Just like when they got caught raping, and then had to say everyone did...
SSJBKK20Vegito posted...
Inviso posted...
I love how like, 80% of the "don't believe in or respect" list literally applies to Trump himself.

Didn't take liberals long to try to deflect their evil. Just like when they got caught raping, and then had to say everyone did...

You mean like how Trump had multiple allegations of rape and sexual assault, multiple Fox News hosts were fired because of allegations of sexual assault, and then the only time you gave a shit was when a liberal got caught (and liberals rightfully crucified him?)
Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.
Inviso posted...
I love how like, 80% of the "don't believe in or respect" list literally applies to Trump himself.

You may have an argument for "fake news" but everyone in the public eye lies, politicians included. Where does Trump support Antifa or hate groups or political correctness or whatever?
"I feel like you can't be a real person" - OmarsComin
Theyre assholes and deserve a lot of blowback, but death threats? Jfc...
E come vivo? Vivo!
WhoopsyDaisy posted...
You may have an argument for "fake news" but everyone in the public eye lies, politicians included. Where does Trump support Antifa or hate groups or political correctness or whatever?

Definitely supports "people getting political", just not late night hosts since they all get political in ways he doesn't like. Other company figureheads though? Oh sure. I find it funny these people damn the late night hosts for expressing their political views on their platforms, yet they themselves tried to express their's on their platform. That's the typical norm for people like this. It's only okay if they do it.

SSJBKK20Vegito posted...
Just like when they got caught raping, and then had to say everyone did...

Boy this is sad. A dude's political affiliation should have nothing to do with the crimes they commit. Like really, just because he is liberal that means "they got caught raping". It was one guy. Not like there aren't tons of conservative criminals too. A criminal is a criminal to me though, and it should be that way to everyone else too.
Truly smilin'
This is fucking dumb. I really don't agree with them but they aren't spewing hate speach or whatever. The extent of blowback is so fucking ridiculous.
Inviso posted...
SSJBKK20Vegito posted...
Inviso posted...
I love how like, 80% of the "don't believe in or respect" list literally applies to Trump himself.

Didn't take liberals long to try to deflect their evil. Just like when they got caught raping, and then had to say everyone did...

You mean like how Trump had multiple allegations of rape and sexual assault, multiple Fox News hosts were fired because of allegations of sexual assault, and then the only time you gave a shit was when a liberal got caught (and liberals rightfully crucified him?)

Fake alagations during an election cycle. No. I don't care. Not till a court or cops or the FB fuckig I says something. We'll see the same in 3 years. It will be lies too then.

As for Fox. I wanted the Fox hosts to get released (if it was true) and they were and didn't sue for wrongful term so I'm pretty sure it was.
SSJBKK20Vegito posted...
Fake alagations during an election cycle.


"any allegation against a conservative is false and any allegation against a liberal is true! because conservatives are all that's good and just and liberals are evil and darkness!" you're literally a cartoon character.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
Mr Lasastryke posted...
SSJBKK20Vegito posted...
Fake alagations during an election cycle.


"any allegation against a conservative is false and any allegation against a liberal is true! because conservatives are all that's good and just and liberals are evil and darkness!" you're literally a cartoon character.

Nope. In Trumps entire career. Nothing like that ever. He starts taking a run at Hillary, people come out of wood work to say it happens (and note, tons came out and said this never happened to them when he was with them and it was bullshit). None of them can even get it to court....

Yup. 100 % bullshit. Never happened, was just meant to torpedo Trump. Will happen again in 3 years, we'll ignore it then too since it's so obviously bullshit.
you get that women didn't immediately come out of the woodwork when weinstein sexually assaulted them either, right?
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
Mr Lasastryke posted...
you get that women didn't immediately come out of the woodwork when weinstein sexually assaulted them either, right?

The difference being I've said this is happening FOR YEARS. So yeah, let's say I wasn't shocked. And you know, they weren't perfectly timed to torpedo the man. And the whole FBI stuff... (you'll note there was no authority stuff for Trump)
Shut down ur account
Vegito is a joke account
Man, Donnie Two Scoops must've been planning that presidential run for a LONG time. I mean, way back in 1989, his own wife accused him of rape in open court and has never recanted her version of events. Plus the 2005 admission by Trump himself of sexual assault. But no, no, it was ALL politically motivated.
Inviso's Most Adorabl-est Eeveelution Ever
Espeon posted...
Man, Donnie Two Scoops must've been planning that presidential run for a LONG time. I mean, way back in 1989, his own wife accused him of rape in open court and has never recanted her version of events. Plus the 2005 admission by Trump himself of sexual assault. But no, no, it was ALL politically motivated.

I'm gonna guess the 2005 never happened...

As for the first. How'd that go in court?
This is exactly why businesses need the freedom to discriminate against protected classes.

I'd much rather watch those businesses close their doors, watch the owner not be able to feed his family, and explain to the kids the reason they lost their business is because they spouted hate.

Such a better outcome then them being forced to serve people they don't want to
lol @ the idea that businesses that discriminate would all go out of business
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
Board 8 » Conservative Restaurant SHUTS DOWN after they got DEATH THREATS!!!!