Are we at the beginning of another Gaming Renaissance?

Board 8

Board 8 » Are we at the beginning of another Gaming Renaissance?
Is this the end of the Dork Age?

Personally, I find myself rather excited for the upcoming library of games (even games I won't be playing) and I feel like things are turning up in general.
Life is unfair by nature - People are unfair by choice.
Using this as an excuse for bad behavior is worse than juvenile.
I don't know what this is supposed to mean

Does this mean anything
SuperNiceDog didn't have to reconcile his name...
But Dauntless Hunter is now MrGreenonion
We are just one step closer to the Crash.
Blasting off
I thought Vlado was the worst poster on this board
MrGreenonion posted...
I don't know what this is supposed to mean

Does this mean anything

I thought it was fairly obvious. I'm asking if you feel the upcoming generation of gaming is going to be a "rebirth" of quality, as opposed to the previous generation of gaming being met with a lot of criticism for lack of it for one reason or another, or if you feel like things aren't going to change (or even don't need to change)

redrocket_pub posted...
We are just one step closer to the Crash.

See, I feel like you understood the question.

KingButz posted...
I thought Vlado was the worst poster on this board

Does Vlado even still post on this board?
Life is unfair by nature - People are unfair by choice.
Using this as an excuse for bad behavior is worse than juvenile.
Not really sure what Dork Age is supposed to mean. But I do think gaming has started picking up steam again. The mid 2000s and early 2010s were pretty all over the place. But the last two years have maintained a solid amount of quality.
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BetrayedTangy posted...
Not really sure what Dork Age is supposed to mean. But I do think gaming has started picking up steam again. The mid 2000s and early 2010s were pretty all over the place. But the last two years have maintained a solid amount of quality.

This trope:
But applied to gaming instead of any specific franchise

And I'd say I agree with your assessment :)
Life is unfair by nature - People are unfair by choice.
Using this as an excuse for bad behavior is worse than juvenile.
Beginning? No. The proliferation of digital distribution and reduction of game development costs leading up to the first Summer of Arcade on XBLA in 2008 was the start of this boom period.
We've got movie sign!
I haven't noticed anything in particular either way. TBH gaming has pretty much been a big business for a while now and just still is. There was so much more change between generations of system back on the 16 bit console wars I can't detect these tiny little paradigm shifts anymore.
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I'd never be jealous of a ten-year-old girl with a full mustache. -Moth366 (AIM on 10/19/05)
BowserCuffs posted...
I thought it was fairly obvious. I'm asking if you feel the upcoming generation of gaming is going to be a "rebirth" of quality, as opposed to the previous generation of gaming being met with a lot of criticism for lack of it for one reason or another, or if you feel like things aren't going to change (or even don't need to change)

But what was the previous "Gaming Renaissance"? What was the "Dork Age"? What was bad before and what's getting better now? Just seems like you're making a lot of assumptions that people feel the same way you do about trends over a long period of time that they would know what you're referring to without explanation.
SuperNiceDog didn't have to reconcile his name...
But Dauntless Hunter is now MrGreenonion
There's more great games coming out now then ever before

But lots of great games have come out all the time over every year
I'm not sure, but we could be finishing with the Casual Revolution of 2007 at least.
Posted using GameFlux
For AAA I guess so
I feel like things have been pretty "normal" for a while but we're headed downhill currently. Loot boxes, season passes, all around shady dlc practices, digital games being pushed as the norm, and all the yearly half baked game series lead me to this. It just seems like devs have less passion now days and only care about the big money to be made. I feel like the first Battlefront is a good example of this. Absolutely no heart put into that game. They saw an opportunity to feed off of people's nostalgia and did (arguably) less than even the bare minimum effort to get it out onto store shelves.
NNID, PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
DD:DA Pawn: Xekoben the support mage
MrGreenonion posted...
But what was the previous "Gaming Renaissance"?

The NES until the contraction and small collapse of publishers starting in the 360/PS3 era? But that also coincided with the explosion of the Wii and the new market that helped create (which likely now exists on mobile devices) and the growth of independent games. I do agree with you that this argument is a bit simplistic. Video games is a huge industry with many mini-boom and bust periods, often happening simultaneously in different markets. This "renaissance" is occurring at a time when console manufactures have lost half their market from generation to generation. Independent games make up the majority of well-reviewed games each year, but with more and more indie games flooding the market, developers are starting to talk about an 'indiepocalyse' where it's becoming increasingly difficult to maintain an audience from release to release.

I've always been skeptical of this "actually, games are good now" argument.
We've got movie sign!
Waluigi1 posted...
digital games being pushed as the norm

outside influences screwed up video games for a while there, it still has lingering effects
pjbasis posted...
Waluigi1 posted...
digital games being pushed as the norm



Oh I forgot probably one of the biggest ones! Devs releasing half finished or non-bug-tested games and then patching them up later.
NNID, PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
DD:DA Pawn: Xekoben the support mage
Board 8 » Are we at the beginning of another Gaming Renaissance?