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How much do you enjoy your current job?

Board 8

Board 8 » How much do you enjoy your current job?
Do you like it?

My job is very meh but I don't actively dislike it.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
I work three jobs. I quite like all three of them in general but I've been hitting some rough spots lately, so I took the second option.
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The problem is the racism against cute Pokemon. - Luster Soldier
Raka_Putra posted...
My job is very meh but I don't actively dislike it.

Pretty much this. I'm about to seriously start looking for a new one though. I just don't get paid enough.
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I love my job. The pay as a teacher is dogshit compared to the workload so I have to love it or I wouldn't do it.
User ID: 4002777
I hate it. I'm a 5th year PhD and see my friends with a Bachelor's making wayyy more money than I will likely make anytime soon doing wayyy less work. I highly doubt the PhD pays off in the long run.
I love it

In fact, I fear I'm actually becoming a workaholic.
Natwaf congratulates BKSheikah , Winner of the 2017 BYoG Guru contest!
But Asagi Igawa is still the best Waifu
I like it a lot. Not enough to say I love it, because I would still rather not be at work than be at work, but it sure is a job I see myself staying at for awhile.
Emperor of Board 8
Peaceful days are over. Let's survive!
Depressing due to the nature of the data, but it pays well and I'm in a very cheap city in terms of cost of living.
Casual Revolution 2007 - 2016
Have my resignation letter typed up and ready to print and deliver very soon
I picked the second option.

I actually get bored as shit with what I do at times, but the people around me make it extremely worthwhile. Some of them have told me they'd have lost their sanity long ago if they had my job. I also love the location, which allows me to unbore myself at lunch or after work. And, somehow, I manage to keep finding ways to entertain myself with work that's as redundant as a Milli Vanilli song.

Thinking I'll be here another two years at least, unless I get blindsided with another great opportunity like a few co-workers have.
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
Not even thinking of leaving after 1.5 years which is pretty weird
2 + 2 = 4
I like the place I work at, though it's not a long term thing since newspaper is a dying breed. But it's very laid back, the people not just in my department but outside of it are awesome too. The customers are hit and miss but that's most places anyway. I do only get 30 hours a week but I've never fancied myself a 40/week person anyway.
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
I would always like to make more but I'm never stressed and the time off and benefits are great and I'm good at what I do. So I went with number 1.
124 Gurus were better than me in BGE 2015 contest! But the best of all was DpObliVion! Congrats!
I used to like it, but a company I don't like bought us out so the times they are a changin'.
It's pretty good. Some slow days and some frustrating days, but overall much nicer and lower stress than it would be elsewhere. I compromised on money in exchange, but that's still good enough for me to live exactly how I want to while still saving a huge chunk of it.
Congratulations to BKSheikah , winner of the BYIG Guru Contest
Doing what I've always wanted to do, so yeah, I love it.
Somewhere between options 2 and 3. I like my job as much as I would probably like any job and I'm very very happy with compensation, but it's still a job and I have never had a day where I wouldn't rather play instead of work if I could still get paid.
It's easy, the location is super convenient, I have a decent amount of free time, benefits are nice, and I get paid well enough. The only thing that sucks is having to do the graveyard shift for a couple of months every now and then.

It's totally okay.
all you need
job is bleh but i love my coworkers so i dont mind
I love my job. I don't really get paid what I'm worth but I answer to no one and the people I care for actually appreciate the time I dedicate to them. (I average 50-60 hours a week and up to and over 100 in some cases)

Basically I care for 18 mentally and physically disabled individuals on a regular basis and offer both facility and in home support additionally for my company. (based on need & request)

I did retail for close to 20 years and I'll never look back. It didn't matter how much you bled for a company, they'd always "expect" more out of you and hardly ever thanked me for the profits they reaped on my laborious behalf. F*** them to hell.

Anyway, It's likely that I'll be doing what I do now for the rest of my life (I've actually been working for my company for close to 10 years now.)
"Best read of the game goes to se7en. Who correctly surmised this town is full of idiots." - Corrik
5tarscream posted...
I love my job. The pay as a teacher is dogshit compared to the workload so I have to love it or I wouldn't do it.

Dude you make almost 3 times as much as I do so it can't be all that bad. :P
"Best read of the game goes to se7en. Who correctly surmised this town is full of idiots." - Corrik
I got laid off by the most amazing job ever and now I'm at the worst job ever
~Wigs~ Dp Guru Wins over Me: 1, Fantasy Baseball Wins over Dp: 3
WiggumFan267 posted...
I got laid off by the most amazing job ever and now I'm at the worst job ever

Sorry dude that sucks. I can't imagine getting laid off. I'm curious what the "worst job ever" might be though.
"Best read of the game goes to se7en. Who correctly surmised this town is full of idiots." - Corrik
I get paid to go to school right now and it's super easy but boring af.
Phantom Dust.
Wiggs you are insanely smart and awesome and things will turn around for you. <3

I'm in the "eh" camp myself. Compensation is good. Coworkers are great. I'm just not passionate about the career I've picked out for myself and am not sure how to alter course.
Like it.
Culture of the place is phenomenal and I got the chance to create the wheel on a few things which is really exciting.

Just gotta work hard for it is all.
The King Wang.
Listen up Urinal Cake. I already have something that tells me if I'm too drunk when I pee on it: My friends. - Colbert.
Board 8 » How much do you enjoy your current job?