"Hi I was wondering if you would like talk some time."

Board 8

Board 8 » "Hi I was wondering if you would like talk some time."
Booty call or spam?

I have this message in my FB inbox from a 45'ish year old woman I barely know from a community organization that does one event per year in the spring. Nothing on her home page immediately indicates she's been hacked.

About to open and reply "Sure, what's on your mind?" Taking predictions now.
Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
Can confirm not a dude, sorry I didn't have an "other" option.
Nominate METAL MAN for 20XX!
i mean, dude
is she hot?
MZero , to the extreme
"2017 Guru champ BKSheikah is racist against cute Pokemon." - Luster
cmON dude

like that
Not hot.

And if you're trying to tell me there's an obvious answer to what she means, dude, I don't recognize it (story of my life).
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She thinks you'll make her money probably. Either because she wants to hire you or because she's selling something.
"I feel like you can't be a real person" - OmarsComin
Hiring me is great! Selling something to me though is off-limits unless I'm interested.
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She's seen it. She's not responded yet.

Understandable, my response was pretty non-committal. Might be busy anyway.
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25% of you are right -- she heard I was single and looking, and so is she. She wants to get coffee.

I am single, and I am looking elsewhere at the moment. Still down for coffee and being kind, but I'm not interested in going further with this lady in this way.
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Her: Ok this might seem a little forward of me but I heard that you were single and looking. I am also single and wanted to see if you wanted to chat and or maybe catch coffee sometime. Sorry if this is too bold for you but life is short.

Me: Thank you! I'm flattered and down for getting coffee sometime, but I don't want to lead you on either: I'm not looking to make time for a relationship right now. Sorry if you were misled on that point. If you're still down, I have maybe an hour'ish free after work tomorrow. If not, I understand, no ill will or anything.

Her: I am completely booked tomorrow but thanks for the offer. Weekdays are hard for me with my job and kids. I completely understand about not looking for anything. My life is full and I am looking to hang out with someone that is not married or a preteen girl. Because that is all I hang out with my married friends or my daughters and their friends. But hey it was worth a shot like I said life is short and just looking to have fun and live life. Take care

Pretty sure she wants the D, but I'm not giving it.
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How old are you?
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Pics or it didn't happen
Seplito Nash, Smelling Like the Vault since 1996
Step FOUR! Get Paid!
Isn't 45 too old for sex anyway?
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
Old people have sex too. Even 45 year olds.
GameFlux : Unofficial GameFAQs board browser
Haha. You're just pulling my leg lol
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
HaRRicH posted...
Her:it was worth a shot like I said life is short and just looking to have fun and live life. Take care

Pretty sure she wants the D, but I'm not giving it.

You gave a polite rejection and she is telling you that she's picking up what you're putting down. Y'all aren't gonna get coffee.
"I feel like you can't be a real person" - OmarsComin
I'm okay with that. Good luck to her.
GameFlux : Unofficial GameFAQs board browser
lol what a cougar.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
Board 8 » "Hi I was wondering if you would like talk some time."