Poll: Would you want a Super NES Classic, assuming ample stock?

Board 8

Board 8 » Poll: Would you want a Super NES Classic, assuming ample stock?
Poll: Would you want a Super NES Classic, assuming ample stock? (pick the BEST answer)

Yeah, let's just assume there's enough in stock. Because otherwise the vast majority of votes would say, "No, because I won't be able to get one."
Time to throw a complicated party for the mighty prophet and seer BKSheikah !
For sure.

My first introduction into video games so there's a special place in my heart for it!
Sure I am curious about star fox 2, and it would be nice to have a replacement copy of ff6. Some of the other stuff is cool even though I have a lot of the big games on it
Friend Foundation
I'd never be jealous of a ten-year-old girl with a full mustache. -Moth366 (AIM on 10/19/05)
If they made enough that I could casually order them on Amazon I'd get one for myself and a couple to give as gifts, sure.
BKSheikah dominated even The Show hosts in 2017, wow!
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I'd be interested, although I don't know what the price or collection is so that might put me off. I haven't bothered to research because it's a safe assumption I won't be able to get one anyway >_>
Tombolo Friends of the friendless, seize the day!
The problem is the racism against cute Pokemon. - Luster Soldier
Board 8 » Poll: Would you want a Super NES Classic, assuming ample stock?