Favorite Hamilton song

Board 8

Board 8 » Favorite Hamilton song
What is your favorite Hamilton song

Man it's hard making this poll with only 10 options.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
You'll be back!
Like before!
I will fight the fight and win the war!
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh BKSheikah
i'm really surprised to see my favourite (Yorktown) not even mentioned
Remember, BK_Sheikah is eternal - all this pain is an illusion
ctrl + f right hand man

what the fuck raka
we're all buds ~jc~
<DeathChicken> you are my hero for being the first person to cite National Geographic in Mercs
I'll keep all my plans close to my chest
Putting Wait For It and Non-Stop together is kind of unfair
What is this, some kind of joke?!
Go, then. There are other worlds than these.
steiner tera
Thus is our treaty written, thus is our agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked is given; the price is paid.
Board 8 » Favorite Hamilton song