These are the seven foreign countries I have been to.

Board 8

Board 8 » These are the seven foreign countries I have been to.
Which would you like to visit?

Expecting Japan to win and Iraq to lose, but we'll see.

Actually gonna guess at the order:

1. Japan
2. S. Korea
3. Germany
4. Mexico
5. Ireland
6. Kuwait
7. Iraq
Congrats to the BYIG Guru Winner, BKSheikah
*slurps yakisoba* *nods* *nods*
1. Ireland
2. Japan
3. Iraq
4. Germany
5. South Korea
6. Kuwait
7. Mexico
Already done mexico so i picked Germany. Ireland is an easy second choice

I have almost no desire to visit Japan or SK. I have exactly zero desire to visit Kuwait or Iraq.
BKSheikah correctly guessed which years are more popular than others on this video game website. Congratulations!
Germany > Japan > Kuwait > Others
Emperor of Board 8
Peaceful days are over. Let's survive!
I've already been to Germany and Ireland.

Desire to visit:
1. Japan
2. South Korea
3. Mexico
4. Kuwait
5. Iraq

Ireland is incredibly beautiful though and I highly recommend it.
lived in SK, been to mexico.

want to see japan, germany, ireland really bad.

not particularly interested in iraq and kuwait.
Been to Mexico.

1. Japan
2. Germany
3. South Korea
4. ROI
5. Iraq
6. Kuwait

I legit want to go everywhere, though, so it's just relative.
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
tossup between japan and germany
Been to Japan, Korea, and Germany. Going to Mexico in the fall. No desire to go to Iraq or Kuwait.
1. Japan
2. Ireland
3. Mexico
4. Germany
5. South Korea
6. Iraq
7. Kuwait

Only really not interested in going to the last two.
Tangy's Quest to beat the Final Fantasies: I , II, III, IV , V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X , XII, XIII, XV
Of the ones I haven't been to yet:


Of the ones that I've been to:

South Korea
1. Japan
2. Ireland
3. Germany
4. South Korea
5. Mexico
6. Kuwait
7. Iraq

South Korea might be a little higher if it wasn't for paranoia about small but finite probabilities of North Korean attacks
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
Currently in Germany now. Want to check out Japan and Ireland. Would be okay with South Korea if I got told to go there via my job. Wouldn't care much for Mexico. And praying I never have to go to Kuwait or Iraq
Formerly known as Raven 2, currently losing to BKSheikah
Japan and SK are next on my list of places

Due to the blockade on Qatar flights there are extremely expensive now so my plan to go there in September has been foiled. I'll have to wait until January
Such a lust for revenge
s korea

though if my safety could be guaranteed, i would certainly like to visit iraq to see it from inside
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
Menji posted...
Been to Japan, Korea, and Germany. Going to Mexico in the fall. No desire to go to Iraq or Kuwait.

It's the cradle of civilization! Think of the history!
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Board 8 » These are the seven foreign countries I have been to.