This 21 y/o Blonde Texas Girl is BULLIED for having THUNDER THIGHS! Is She Hot?.

Board 8

Board 8 » This 21 y/o Blonde Texas Girl is BULLIED for having THUNDER THIGHS! Is She Hot?.
Is Meghan Hot?

21 y/o Meghan Gilbert from Dallas, Texas was bullied for her THUNDER THIGHS throughout high school and now she's learned to "love" her legs after losing a third of her weight but still has 'strong, muscular quads"

Meghan weighed at her heaviest at 200lbs when she had a binge-eating disorder that went out of control..classmates taunted her because her legs would "jiggle" so much that "thunder struck"

It all changed when Meghan saw how unhappy she was when looking in the mirror and decided to make a change 3 years ago as she changed her diet and exercise regime and now weighs 137lbs...

She said "I see my legs as a strong point, before i never used to wear shorts or show my legs but now i love how big and muscular they are. Now if anyone tells me my legs are huge, i can say i have thunder thighs in a positive way."

Meghan is now a model and social personality as she's moved back home and started her exercising routine to get in better shape and embracing her "thunder thighs" which she now uses as her nickname.

Her legs are now her "strongest point" and she's very proud of how they look..

Is Meghan Hot? let's see what people think

Meghan - Chunky Thunder Thigh Girl

Meghan - Skinny Thunder Thigh Girl
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Board 8 » This 21 y/o Blonde Texas Girl is BULLIED for having THUNDER THIGHS! Is She Hot?.