This 30 y/o COP is fighting for her JOB after her DOMINATRIX past is REVEALED!!.

Board 8

Board 8 » This 30 y/o COP is fighting for her JOB after her DOMINATRIX past is REVEALED!!.
Do you think Kristin should still be a Cop after this embarrassing reveal?

30 y/o Dirty Birdie, Kristin Hyman from New Jersey, a newly sworn COP is fighting to keep her job and is now speaking out after it was revealed she used to be a DOMINATRIX!!

She was suspended on May 26th, 6 days before her academy graduation after failing to disclose that she appeared in several films and sometimes saw clients privately in her dominatrix past where she dressed in scantily clad outfits and WHIPPED and inflicted PAIN on paying clients!!

In an interview with the New York post, she says she doesn't believe she should be judged on her past and previous occupation to determine her capability of performing her new one..

She starred in in dozens of kinky bondage films, not under her real name during her 4 year career in the fetish trade as she insists she NEVER performed sex acts on the men..

She would regularly humiliate and inflict pain on naked men as she says it wasn't to satisfy her "personal" fetish but rather to pay the bills..

Kristin said "i was struggling financially as an actress and model. I had been doing regular catalogs for clothing, small stuff."..she did admit she made "good money" while doing this as it was a "safe thing"

The majority of the videos were "super cheesy" as everything she did was wink-wink.

During 2008-2012, Kristin was described as a "true sexual sadist who hurts people not because she has to but because it truly brings her pleasure"

The hateful comments she's gotten online is now making her "unsafe" as she's been avoiding the internet since it's been painful for her now..

A judge quickly reinstated her and allowed her to graduate on June 8th but she still has to face a disciplinary hearing on the 27th

Her lawyer, James Lisa said "She deserves to keep her hard earned job. I just want the world to see this young lady as she is. She's not a carnival sideshow. She's a woman committed to law enforcement. The biggest question is, did she lie in her application? She did not. She said she was a model photographer and actress"

Do you think Kristin should still be an Officer? let's see what people think

Kristin graduating -

Kristin as a Dominatrix - Dailymail didn't do a good job of editing here so i did


Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
In some ways, wouldn't this arguably help her? Especially if they needed to set up some kind of sting operation?
how many y/o is this fetish
What's with the random capitalized words in the title?
3DS FC: 4983 4925 5121
NNID, PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
If anything, it might make her better at her job.

Waluigi1 posted...
What's with the random capitalized words in the title?

Oh hey, new guy.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
I would understand if you were trying to emphasize certain words but it just seems random. Also, these stupid clockbait topics are garbage.
3DS FC: 4983 4925 5121
NNID, PSN, and GT: Waluigi1
it's a landslide yes....
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right

Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
Board 8 » This 30 y/o COP is fighting for her JOB after her DOMINATRIX past is REVEALED!!.