You wouldn't DOWNLOAD a car...would you?

Board 8

Board 8 » You wouldn't DOWNLOAD a car...would you?
Would you download a car?

Would you do it?
I like big polls, I cannot lie.
I would download AND 3D print it.
darkx remembers his friend, GrapefruitKing. RIP :(
Games beaten in 2017: 8 (Most recent - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End)
I would download a car, a house, a waifu, money to pay the bills I would also download.

There would be so much stuff to download, that I would have to download a copy of me to keep track of it all.

I guess what I am ultimately saying is that, as far as apocalypses go, grey goo isn't so bad.
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
Board 8 » You wouldn't DOWNLOAD a car...would you?