could a zergling open a door

Board 8

Board 8 » could a zergling open a door
opening a door means any sort of getting through the threshold as they lack hands

for context, would the zergling look for another way or would it try to rush through (if so, would it prevail?)

lets presume the door is a typical door that you'd find in any ordinary castle
BK_Sheikah00 might have won guru, but he hasn't won Mercs at least!
board 8 you are fired
BK_Sheikah00 might have won guru, but he hasn't won Mercs at least!
A zergling doesn't have particularly outstanding skills so would probably fail most strength checks. They might get lucky and find some imperfection to exploit, possibly due to neglect should they happen roll a 20.

Failing that, it could probably make it by chipping away at the door until enough time passes that a hole is made. What is the average lifespan of a zergling?
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
i mean i feel as if it'd look for another way around. these zerglings arent exactly smart without kerrigan's PSIONIC powers
BK_Sheikah00 might have won guru, but he hasn't won Mercs at least!
does the door have its anime cutscene feats
I'm just here to post something barely relevant, then fade back into the shadows. It's a tough job, but BKSheikah has to do it.
yes of course and it's made out of standard door materials, not out of cement
BK_Sheikah00 might have won guru, but he hasn't won Mercs at least!
Zerglings cut through still, they totally 'open' the door that way imo
Shine on, you crazy diamond.
It might look for another way, you could be right. It would depend on the layout and whatever instinctual nature the zergling in question has.

A typical door wouldn't be a particularly herculean effort to overcome though, not even for a zergling.
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
yeah but will it?

why not look for another way is what i mean, they are dumb things without Sarah Kerrigan to tell it to force its way through

i agree that a zergling could get through a door i just dont think it would
BK_Sheikah00 might have won guru, but he hasn't won Mercs at least!
If there is nothing triggering it to want to go through the door, it might stay where it is, but this hypothetical was not presented as 'there is a zergling in a castle and there is a door what would happen' but rather 'there is a door, can the zergling get through it'. I naturally assume there is some motivation behind the zergling to want to get behind the door, and it will likely succeed. It is either that or stand around and do a whole lot of nothing. It might mess with a window if there is one.
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
They can cut through futuristic armor no problem, why would a door give them trouble?

Hell, a lone zergling can take down entire buildings
**R.O.B.A.Z.O.I.D** (On mobile)
I would not count on a door to protect me from a zergling.
I don't like this duchy. Now, it's an adventurer.
Board 8 » could a zergling open a door