This 29 y/o Blonde Teacher gets 2 YEARS for having Sex with an 18 YEAR OLD!!!!

Board 8

Board 8 » This 29 y/o Blonde Teacher gets 2 YEARS for having Sex with an 18 YEAR OLD!!!!
Do you think this was fair?

29 y/o Dirty Birdy, Jessica Storer, a Substitute Teacher at in Ohio gets 2 YEARS in Prison after she had Sex with an 18 YEAR OLD student, whom her HUSBAND gave alcohol to!!

She had sex with the adult student inside their home whom she shared with her husband, 33 y/o Derrick after they invited a group of students to come over to their house!

Judge Randall BAsinger sentenced her to 2 years after the mother of 2 plead guilty to sexual battery as the MALE student said he attempted SUICIDE because of the harassment he got from others at Pandora Gilboa High School and was bullied online for it!

The male teen said "I should have been able to trust her. I'm trying to get my life together Jessica Storer has really made the last 6 months a living hell for me. I hated it and i hated myself for doing it. She destroyed me and i'm in pain everyday"

His father also spoke about his son's attempted suicide and said "He is trying to make his way out of this. Our son is going to have to live with this for the rest of his life"...

The victim said Jessica manipulated him when he spoke to her about a bad break up he was going through and he was given alcohol by the duo before he had sex with her and slept over

Jessica admits to having sex with him but said that the male teen helped himself to get alcohol and said the sexual relationship between them was a "one time thing" and fully accepted her responsibility for him drinking and not to stop him.

But said "I do feel it was consensual. It was not forced. That's where i came in saying this should be between my husband and i, and my priest and God"

Her lawyer also tried to ask to review her mental health as she was taking medication for bipolar disordr and depression..

Jessica will now have to register as a sex offender for the rest of her life and her husband plead guilty to first degree misdemeanor furnishing alcohol to a minor and he now faces up to 2 years in prison!!

Do you think this sentence was fair? let's see what people think

Jessica and Derrick -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
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5tarscream posted...
MZero , to the extreme
"The problem is the racism against cute Pokemon." - LusterSoldier
Jessica sounds like Mrs. Robinson from the Graduate. #LockHerUp
Psalm 73:20: As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image.
Jesus Christ, taxpayer money is being spent on this puritanical, backwards shit.

Also, niceeeeee.
Best gif you will ever see -
LoL ID = imajericho
XBL GT = Corrik
I would make that dirty bird even dirtier

also, nice (and legal! :D)
This is literally the answer to every argument or debate in the history of humankind...
Let the voice of love take you higher,
With this gathering power, go beyond even time!
Board 8 » This 29 y/o Blonde Teacher gets 2 YEARS for having Sex with an 18 YEAR OLD!!!!