Tom Tens Day 94: Languages

Board 8

Board 8 » Tom Tens Day 94: Languages
What's your favorite of my favorites?

Welcome to the Tom 10 project, where I do a top 10, and you vote on your favorite! Ground rules:
-No stuffing or other jerkiness
-Polls last at least 24 hours, and will be started and closed at my convenience.
-Nominations are welcomed, but I will veto anything I don't know well or that somehow doesn't fit with my other ideas. Or if I just don't feel like if for whatever reason.
-Feel free to gripe about snubs, but don't expect me to change the poll or results unless it's something I legit forgot.
-These are my top 10's, and they're roughly in order on the poll. I won't vote, but I will break ties.
-Help bump please?
-This is not a super serious project and I don't want drama.


-Kongregate games: Gemcraft CS (30.77%) (2nd: Upgrade 2, 23.08%)
-Persona chars: Rise (23.68%) (2nd: Kanji, 18.42%)
-Undertale chars: Sans (56%) (2nd: Napstablook, 12%)
-Dominion cards: Goons (33.33%) (2nd: Peddler, 22.22%)
-M4 Mercs: Slime (23.08%) (2nd: Bub, 15.38%)
-Animals: Cat (27.5%) (2nd: Wolf, 20%)
-RPG Classes: Summoner (16.5%) (2nd: Paladin, 15%)
-Books: LotR (38.89%) (2nd: WoT, 27.78%)
-UCA Matchtypes: Rumble (37.5%) (2nd: Ultimatum, 12.5%)
-Pieces: WTC (23.08%) (2nd: Rach2, 15.38%)
PLAYOFF: Cat (22.73%) (2nd: UCA Rumble, 18.18%)

-Avatar chars: Toph (34.62%) (2nd: Iroh, 23.08%)
-Mafia roles: Jack (26.09%) (2nd: Nilla, 26.09%)
-Wrestling finishers: Diamond Cutter (36%) (2nd: SSP, 16%)
-Weapons: Soul Edge (16.67%) (2nd: Crescent Rose, 16.67%)
-Ships: Ash/Misty (30.3%) (2nd: Jyoumi, 15.15%)
-Steam Wishlist: Disgaea PC (28.57%) (2nd: FFX/2 HD, 25%)
-Musicals/Operas: Les Mis (37.5%) (2nd: Joseph, 25%)
-Right now chars: Akio (23.53%) (2nd: Estelle, 23.53%)
-Stables: Horsemen (27.78%) (2nd: Shield, 22.22%)
-SSB Stages: Saffron (36.36%) (2nd: Poke Stadium M, 18.18%)
PLAYOFF: Toph (38.1%) (2nd: Disgaea PC, 19.05%)

Block 10: Wrapping up
-Anime characters: Kenshin (26.09%) (2nd: Master Asia, 17.39%)
-Years in gaming: 1998 (33.33%) (2nd: 2000)
-Umineko characters: Erika (38.89%) (2nd: Kyrie, 27.78%)
-Losers: Cirno, Flonne, TEW, Master Asia, Salted Caramel, Guerrero, Flute, Naoto, Superkick, Yuki
-Playoff losers: [P4] PS2, Dash, SSBM, Toph, Chili, Undertaker, LotR, Diamond Cutter
-Playoff runnersup: Pizza, Bulbasaur, PWTril, Kanji, CFA, Beethoven, UCA Rumble, Disgaea PC
-Snubs: Civ series, Reimu, Bret Hart, Rinkah, Wizardmon, Aviendha, Siuan, Ty Lee, Yellow, V.R. Emma
-Runners up: [Sushi] Anime/manga, Sakuya, Civ V, Saber-Saber, Cracker Barrel, HBK, TEW, Rach2, Iroh

GRAND FINALE: Video Games, Jericho, Undertale, Kenshin-Saber, Ice cream/etc, RuroKen, Calvin and Hobbes, Cat, Toph, ?
Tombolo Friends of the friendless, seize the day!
The problem is the racism against cute Pokemon. - Luster Soldier
English > Latin > Spanish > German > don't really care
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto V, Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Japanese and Italian are my top 2 foreign languages, too! Neat.
Blitzball fan? Try Captain Tsubasa II (in English) for NES!
Best game reviews:
Spanish is the most elegant language I've ever seen. Not completely without mess, but very consistent.
E come vivo? Vivo!
Where is the superior Korean?!
-~ get rich or drunk trying ~-
FlyingForever posted...
Where is the superior Korean?!

Imagine actually believing this. Korean is objectively worse than Japanese. It has the same grammar, but it sounds worse, and practically doesn't use kanji, so you have to rely on phonetic lameassery to understand words instead of meaning.
Blitzball fan? Try Captain Tsubasa II (in English) for NES!
Best game reviews:
I don't have enough experience with Korean to have much opinion on it
Tombolo Friends of the friendless, seize the day!
The problem is the racism against cute Pokemon. - Luster Soldier
totemo sugoi
Tombolo Friends of the friendless, seize the day!
The problem is the racism against cute Pokemon. - Luster Soldier
Against my better judgment I voted Italian. Japanese is tied for it, but then I thought of the Renaissance.
essentially shizuo "eat your vitamins and say your prayers" heiwajima in an apron.
Aww yeah,Hawaiian!

Congrats to the last man standing in Guru, DpObliVion
Board 8 » Tom Tens Day 94: Languages