This 17 y/o Jersey Girl went to Prom in a COFFIN because it's her DREAM!!!!

Board 8

Board 8 » This 17 y/o Jersey Girl went to Prom in a COFFIN because it's her DREAM!!!!
Do you think this was disrespectful to the dead?

17 y/o Megan Flaherty from New Jersey has caused outrage after she arrived to her junior prom in a COFFIN as her dream is to be a funeral director one day and her employer drove her and her date to prom while she sat in an open coffin and was slid out which shocked friends!!

The Pennsauken High School student made a shocking entrance when she arrived at the back of a hearse in her bizzare stunt that ouraged the community for her actions as they accused her for "mocking the dead"

She steps out of the coffin and smiles as other prom guests looked on..she said she asked her date if he had any problems with it and he was alright with her stunt...

Her mother, Susan said megan meant no "disrespect" as she said it was al in good fun as megan decided a year ago that this was going to be her lifelong profession as she's already made a choice to work with the dead and work at mortuary for the rest of her life as she's already worked in funeral homes and the hearse driver is her employer and mentor.

But people said her stunt was insensitive and tasteless but others were supportive and said they won't be surprised if she gets REJECTED for a job at a funeral home for this publicity stunt.

Do you think this was disrespectful? let's see what people think.

Megan's Bizarre Stunt -

Susan - Megan's Mom
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
how many y/o was the tree used for the coffin's wood
As long as it was her coffin/a loaner, I don't see a problem with it.
Epsil -
What a happy ending! She was ALIVE in the coffin!
Did prom take place during the Dark Hour?
Thus is our treaty written, thus is our agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked is given; the price is paid.
You know what is disrespectful? Parking a hearse next door, taking the tracks out of the back to use it for storage, and using it as a regular car for at least a year. Your neighbors have recently lost family members, but you don't care what they're going through. You have a nice, roomy 'car'.

This is not even remotely disrespectful. This girl is awesome for knowing what she'd like to do, and pulling weird stunts when you're a teen is normal. This hurts no one. Especially since her mom is cool with it, more power to her.
essentially shizuo "eat your vitamins and say your prayers" heiwajima in an apron.
Board 8 » This 17 y/o Jersey Girl went to Prom in a COFFIN because it's her DREAM!!!!