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VGMC11 day 23: Atrocious Raid vs Work it Out, Got Hive of Ra vs Pokemon Typing

Board 8

Board 8 » VGMC11 day 23: Atrocious Raid vs Work it Out, Got Hive of Ra vs Pokemon Typing
Best (kinda sorta) progressive track in the contest?

Yes, I left out the Gust tracks. I didn't feel like debating whether they were progressive or just vocal songs that didn't have a verse and chorus.

Welcome to today's topic for Video Game Music Contest 11, a tournament of the best tracks from games, as decided upon by you, the voters.

Bracket -
Contest info -
Discussion and results thread -
Main bracket playlist -
Side bracket playlist -

- Listen to both of the songs. Links have conveniently been provided for both songs. Even if Song A is your favorite of all-time and Song B is from a series you hate... Listen. To. Both. (If I have suspicions you are not doing this, your vote may be disqualified.)
- Obvious contest rules apply (no alts, one vote per person, no rallying, etc.).
- Please make your voting options clear, rather than burying them in text.
- Each set of matches lasts 24 hours, even if the new one isn’t up by then.
- Always vote on the versions of the song provided, not versions from different sources.
- If you know ahead of time that you're not going to be around and you want to vote in advance, post your choices in the discussion/bracket topic.
- Please do NOT post tallies/score updates in the middle of the match, as this has a tendency to directly influence matches.
- You don't have to vote in all the matches, but it'd be cool if you did!

Match 1:

LoH: Trails of Cold Steel - Atrocious Raid

Sonic R - Work It Out

Match 2:

Groove Coaster 3 - Got Hive of Ra
Atrocious Raid
Boss Battle
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
lol, abc
Atrocious Raid
Boss Battle
Awe of She
Save in the name of true love
~Project 1000~
LoH: Trails of Cold Steel - Atrocious Raid
Learn with Pokemon: Typing Adventure - Boss Battle
Guilty Gear X - Awe of She
My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion.
Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest!
Atrocious Raid
Got Hive of Ra
Awe of She
Nice job DpObliVion for ranking 4 spots ahead of me and winning the BGE15 Guru Contest!
Atrocious Raid
Boss Battle
Awe of She

Second match was kind of close, the other two not so much
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
Atrocious Raid
Got Hive of Ra
Work It Out
Got Hive of Ra
Awe of She

this is a day.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
Work It Out
Got Hive of Ra
Awe of She

Actual matches >>> side bracket today

also uninformed (person who hasn't gotten around to playing ToCS) question here, why not Risking Everything, Here We Stand instead? Not used in-game or what?

also also I kinda want to say Megalopolis for the poll actually
Work it Out
(boring generic non-rotating sig because I posted from not my phone)
Atrocious Raid
Boss Battle

Pretty weak day overall.
I guess DpObliVion gets to be in my sig now. His knowledge of video game popularity contests far surpasses my own.
can't beat EPIC PROG
Post #15 was unavailable or deleted.
Post #16 was unavailable or deleted.
really that interesting. It is basically just fast and loud, but the melody and everything else about it is all just really generic and simple stuff that mostly doesn't interest me. I do like some parts of it like the chords it starts with but like....even though I like electronic music, I definitely do not like this particular cliche of like hoover-like synths over really fast Bobmobmobmbombobmbo kick-snare-kick-snare 4/4 drum beats. I don't even mind electronic dance music I just think stuff that's this PARticular SET of things sounds dumb I guess. I like stuff that's over the top, but this is over the top in a way that's boring to me I guess. Still better than a lot of stuff though I guess, and it's not like I can't stand listening to it, I like it, it's just like uhhhhhhhhh, h.

This is an incredibly easy match for me obviously. I'll be VERY sad if got hive of ra loses, but hey I actually managed to get my favorite VGM track into a contest so yay.


Aww of she. AWWW! cute. wow that sharp 7th this uses sounds like such a cheesy haunted c astle movie AGAIN (why does stuff like that make me think things sound dumb so fast) and the church organ doesn't really help with that, and in general the style of guilty gear guitar music has always just been very "meh" to me, so I am not really going to place this very high in the first place. might be one of my least favorites in either contest actually. :< sorry!

rotating triangles please keep eating my original meat loves. WOW you can hear that sample loop point bubbling like a big boy when the notes get too high, that's cute. Obviously that makes this a "less good" chiptune but WHO cares because "nostalgai"(exc ept I did not grow up with a super nintendo entertainment system ) Hey look there's the zelda main theme!! Everyone knows that song!!! I've always liked how uniquely the chord changes interplayed with the melody in the zelda main theme. I think that is actually a part of why it is so catchy, because it has a melody that sort of guides you through the more unpredictable chord changes that are I guess kind of unpredictable if you do not know them already so it like makes you feel like it is taking you on a dangerous journey but your friend the melody makes you still feel like you are safe hero cylinder child that will not get lost even if you are doing the adventure thing. Really it's the perfect balance between like "complex yet unpredictable" and/or "simple yet unpredictable" that you do not fall off the edge of the balance beam but you also don't get bored and forget what happened. Unfortunately for me I would rather fall off of the edge which is why my favorite video game song is "Groove Coaster 3 - Got Hive of Ra" and not "Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Credits"

I remember this match seeming harder when I was making my favorites bracket but I think I actually find it extremely easy lol. Definitely prefer the zeldo
Boss Battle
Awe of She
Atrocious Raid
Boss Battle
Just killing time until the world ends.
Atrocious Raid
Boss Battle
Joe Bulo says hi
Work It Out
Boss Battle
Awe of She
\\//\\// Real life would be better with an undo function.
/_/\_\/_/\_\ xx521xx
Orochimaru_Fan posted...
also also I kinda want to say Megalopolis for the poll actually

Almost included it in the poll. Decided there were options that fit the poll better.
Post #23 was unavailable or deleted.
Atrocious Raid
Boss Battle
Awe of She
Thus is our treaty written, thus is our agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked is given; the price is paid.
LoH: Trails of Cold Steel - Atrocious Raid
Learn with Pokemon: Typing Adventure - Boss Battle
Guilty Gear X - Awe of She

Orochimaru_Fan posted...
also uninformed (person who hasn't gotten around to playing ToCS) question here, why not Risking Everything, Here We Stand instead? Not used in-game or what?

I'm not the nominator (or even supporter) but it should play in-game. Personally I think the intro added by Risking Everything is weaker than the main part of Atrocious Raid so I'd agree with the decision to go with Atrocious Raid over it.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
Most Definitely Not My Alternate Identity votes for:
Atrocious Raid
Got Hive of Ra
Awe of She
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
Work It Out
Got Hive of Ra
Awe of She
You will respect the power of a Newtype Super Saiya-jin Jedi Master!"
th3l3fty posted...
Most Definitely Not My Alternate Identity votes for:
Atrocious Raid
Got Hive of Ra
Awe of She

mm-hmm. I have it on good authority that the artist formerly known as Ed Bellis wants to vote for nothing of the sort! I've figured you out! DISQUALIFIED!
LoH: Trails of Cold Steel - Atrocious Raid
Learn with Pokemon: Typing Adventure - Boss Battle
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Credits
Long live Saint Seiya!!
oh yeah, guess I should vote

Work it Out
Boss Battle
Awe of She
Atrocious raid

maybe the others later

work it out sounded like some really shitty song you'd hear in a 90's exercise video (and not in a good ironic way)
Heck, the wheelchair might even become an asset- Proto or Auron shuttles him around while he blasts away. - Tom, on crippled Ryu
Work It Out
Got Hive of Ra
Awe of She
obligatory DpOblivion sig for guru
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Atrocious Raid
Groove Coaster 3 - Got Hive of Ra

Guilty Gear X - Awe of She

greengravy294 posted...
work it out sounded like some really shitty song you'd hear in a 90's exercise video (and not in a good ironic way)

(16:51:50) eb: this is such stereotypical early 90s cheese and i like it a little too much
(16:52:15) eb: if sonic and friends put out an exercise video it would be to this song
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
th3l3fty posted...
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Atrocious Raid
Groove Coaster 3 - Got Hive of Ra

Guilty Gear X - Awe of She

That looks suspiciously like the songs you claim "Ed" was voting for...I'm onto you, southpaw.
Sonic R - Work It Out
Learn with Pokemon: Typing Adventure - Boss Battle
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Credits
DpOblivion's Best Game Ever Guru Bracket filled you with determination.
Atrocious Awful Battle

(Atrocious Raid, Boss Battle, Awe of She. But "Atrocious" is the theme of the day)
FC 5026-4424-6331 -- Native Vivillon type: Polar
Still need Marine, Sun, Icy Snow, Monsoon, River, and Jungle
Board 8 » VGMC11 day 23: Atrocious Raid vs Work it Out, Got Hive of Ra vs Pokemon Typing