wow i hate my voice

Board 8

Board 8 » wow i hate my voice
do you hate how your voice sounds?

kneejerk reaction to hearing an extended cliip of me talking but not really

i can't believe what i've been putting people through all this time
i mean most trans people do
Give a good greeting. Try not to give up. Sleep well, eat well. If you're troubled, talk to someone! You're likely to succeed if you try.
all right i need to know what people think of my voice. what should i record myself reading?
bad slash fanfiction
Give a good greeting. Try not to give up. Sleep well, eat well. If you're troubled, talk to someone! You're likely to succeed if you try.
The entirety of Pushing Gaywards
Applekidrose posted...
bad slash fanfiction

have a link?
God yes I sound horrible on tape or talking in a mic.
kateee posted...
Applekidrose posted...
bad slash fanfiction

have a link?
You don't have to be afraid of the pain inside you.
I really like my voice.
With just a simple roll of duct tape this level of reasoning is possible.
iiicon posted...

i get the implication

but how am i supposed to pick out one that's worth reading here
OliviaTremor posted...
The entirety of Pushing Gaywards
Thus is our treaty written, thus is our agreement made. Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades. What was asked is given; the price is paid.
i like my voice
Post #13 was unavailable or deleted.
NioraptH posted...

i can't believe this ended up being 5 minutes. i'll probably regret this. behold my nonexistent camera-holding skills. please tell me if my voice is annoying. or my laugh.

i probably should have read it first before attempting to record.
your voice sounds fine to me
Congrats Black Turtle !
kateee posted...
i get the implication

Read the transcript for the implication
I like my voice as I hear it out of my mouth

it is unnerving coming out of a recording, just sounds a little off.
Post #18 was unavailable or deleted.
by that point i'm already well settled into the absurdity and it's not too drastic a departure from the tone set at the beginning. it's the beginning settling into it that catches me off guard
I always hated it in recordings, but when I actually heard myself talking on like a HD recording or something that was actually decent sound quality, I sounded completely normal and I didn't hate my voice at all and I was all wtf how does poor sound quality make that much difference?
(boring generic non-rotating sig because I posted from not my phone)
My voice sounds cool in my head, but it sounds so different on a recording that it bothers me.
Your voice sounds perfectly fine, it has a pleasant baritone and you're enunciating clearly enough to be understood.

I think if you listen back to recordings of yourself talking enough you'll eventually get used to it. I used to have this problem - I would always hate how my voice sounded in recordings, I thought I sounded like a total nerd, but everyone kept praising me on how deep and smooth my voice was and I was like, "huh?" But then I started doing a lot of long running commentaries on twitch and I started listening back to a lot of them, and I gradually got used to hearing the sound of my own voice, and it started to sound more like just another normal person voice instead of oh no it's my own weird gross voice. It's a blindspot that basically every human has for their own voice and you just need to get used to it.
i was mostly over hating my voice but circumstances conspired to take that away from me so yeah i do
yeah after i made the topic, i looked some things up and saw that it was a very common sentiment.

i had avoided getting on video or recording messages for a while so i wasn't as aware of the difference in perceptions. but there was that terrifying moment where i'm thinking, "oh shit what if my voice is really annoying" and all these moments of me going on long, extended ramblings came flashing back.
I feel sort of bad because if I actually found your voice annoying I don't know what I would have said. It's hard to do anything about an annoying voice.
i like my speaking voice, though i kinda miss my pre-puberty singing ability. my voice is so high that i hardly gained any ability to sing lower, but lost a lot of my upper range.
well my thought was that if some people did find it annoying at least there was a better chance of someone on the board telling me so than people i knew in real life. i'm sure some people would have refrained from saying anything if it was the case for them. but again, i thought there was a better chance of anyone who did think so telling me.

or if the video was getting way more views than replies, i could assume it was bad.
your voice just sounds like a generic dude voice

the constant laughing was a bit annoying
With just a simple roll of duct tape this level of reasoning is possible.
that sounds like my life.

generic and annoying at times to others. so it's fitting!
Board 8 » wow i hate my voice