This 5 y/o Girl was SUSPENDED for using a STICK as a GUN!!!!

Board 8

Board 8 » This 5 y/o Girl was SUSPENDED for using a STICK as a GUN!!!!
Was it fair to suspend Caitlin?

5 y/o Caitlin Miller from South Carolina was SUSPENDED for one day after she picked up a stick and pointed it like a GUN to her friends during recess!!

She was ordered home after the school admins saw her during the game of King and Queen with her 2 friends

She picked up a stick and pointed it like a gun that caused alarm to staff.

They sent her home and took a picture of the object as proof to show her mother, Brandy as the school maintained she posed a threat to other students as soon as she made a shooting motion with it.

A spokesman said "Hoke County Schools will not tolerate assaults, threats or harassment from any student"

Brandy said "We know why it's bad. We watch the news but then i have to tell my kid you're not allowed to play like that in school because people do bad things to kids your age"

She now feels bad for her daughter as now she thinks all her teachers will hate her and can't imagine a girl at 5 feeling that way as the school has a zero tolerance policy for a weapon like object.

She said "it pisses me off that one minute she's running around playing with her friends, and the next minute her teacher is snatching her up and dragging her to the office to get suspended. She was so scared and confused. Caitlin is a handful, but i feel lke this was way blown out of proportion"

Was it fair to suspend Caitlin? let's see what people think.

Caitlin and then stick and her mom -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
I have zero tolerance for zero tolerance policies.
Best gif you will ever see -
I can't wait until some 5 year old starts throwing leaves and pretending they're grenades. They might get a life sentence for that!
1st Year OMG Link Always Wins. 2nd Year OMG FF7 Always Wins.
3rd Year OMG Link Always Wins. 2101st Year OMG CATS Always Wins.
I wonder if the people in charge of the suspension think they're being reasonable.
"I feel like you can't be a real person" - OmarsComin
It's depressing that an occasional school shooting has made it so kids can't even play like kids in certain common ways.
"God Hand is the ultimate expression of the joy of humanity, specifically the punching part of the joy of humanity."-Shigeru Miyamoto
No. Suspending someone at age 5 for any reason other than actual violence is dumb.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
I remember in pre-school, the favorite playtime games of some of the other kids were "sword fight" and "guns"
4th place - The Ultimate Showdown.
Machete phone-posting...
Board 8 » This 5 y/o Girl was SUSPENDED for using a STICK as a GUN!!!!