Create-A-Most-Powerful-Character Contest: The MPFC Simulator.

Board 8

Drakeryn posted...
Yeah, Evany is borked, and not in an interesting way.
- Can make anything she is capable of doing happen instantly, without having to actually take the action necessary to cause it to happen
- Her sword can literally cut through anything that exists
- Bracers make her immune to magic
- Tiara makes her immune to magic AND psychic
- Instantly opens with her most powerful technique and tries to end matches as quickly as possible ('gamefaqs evany')

'mpfc simulator' does not mean 'compete to make the most broken character conceivable' - apparently you missed that memo


I had an idea myself but it might be too close to what GANON1025 already did so there's a good chance I'll just pass unless I come up with something else

which one's green, broccoli or cauliflower?