Don't forget: Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga, DRM-free, $6. Ends Saturday.

Board 8

Because I asked questions that were, on further investigation, already answered in the links

But Hey, if you want to provide your own opinions:

1) On a scale of Diablo to Planescape, is it more hack-and-slashy or Role-play-y?
2) Since it's a sequel (which, as I found out after checking, is an updated version of Ego Draconis, not another sequel that didn't change the number for some reason. Although it is the third game because of Beyond Divinity, but that's apparently a spinoff or something... never mind, irrelevant mental meandering), are there likely to be lots of references to events I haven't seen, which would really bug me
3) How good is character customisation, both physically and in terms of abilities?

"My name is Ezio Auditore da Firenze, and like my father before me, I am an accountant"
Nothing is true. Everything is tax-deductable