It's crazy how many Doctor Who fans are outspoken bigots. *potential spoilers*

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Current Events » It's crazy how many Doctor Who fans are outspoken bigots. *potential spoilers*
This show has always been about accepting somebody for who they are and not being judgmental of others (how many times has The Doctor chastised or corrected a companion who made an assumption about, or acted frightened around an alien?) but it seems like so many people who watch the show completely miss that, and just look for reasons to be outraged. I don't know how many YouTube channels I've blocked so far because they keep coming up in my recommendations complaining about how it's "woke".

Doctor Who has always been fucking woke, you morons.

Seems like it started with Whittaker's run (people REALLY hated that The Doctor didn't have a penis) but it's persisted heavily into Tennant's return and Gatwa's era, with "fans" bitching about the trans/nonbinary representation and how The Doctor is now black and openly gay.

It's just baffling to me how so many people can completely miss the point of the show they claim to love.
Oh, and don't worry, CE's resident " that Doctor Who fan" is blocked and can't see this topic. We can discuss in peace. :)
TMOG posted...
It's just baffling to me how so many people can completely miss the point of the show they claim to love.
It's hardly exclusive to the Who fanbase.

Bigots have shit media literacy across the board.
It's like people bitching X-Men/Spiderman/Any other comic have 'gone woke' too. lol

Like you clearly weren't paying attention.
I'm a long, long way from giving up
Call me old-fashioned, call me a fool
Same with One Piece fans tbh. I think the Zoro memes brings it out of them.
So far, 2021 has been 2020.1.
Its unfortunately pretty common in nerd culture and why I just refrain from talking about it online anymore.

so often people will get into a media franchise because theyll delude themselves into thinking this just *has* to be made for them, and the second anything that doesnt match their worldview is expressed, its woke bullshit.
people like to pretend things were never woke but it was super obvious and apparent since the start

angry people complained about doctor who before, just like angry people are doing now
Binkster posted...
Same with One Piece fans tbh. I think the Zoro memes brings it out of them.
I legitimately grew to hate the One Piece fanbase because of how so many of them willingly misgender Yamato because (their words, not mine) "she's just roleplaying as Oden!"

No, you fucking clod, he's a trans man who is roleplaying as Oden. Both these things can be true at the same time. Pay attention to the character's dialogue, personality, actions, reactions to others, and how others talk about him even when he's not around. Everybody in the series knows that Yamato is a man, I don't fucking care if he has breasts or was on a non-canon fanservice spread.

See also: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fans who don't want to accept that Dragona is a trans woman and not a male-identifying crossdresser.
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People who moan specifically about those things, sure.

However, people who dont like that era and feel that the show has gone downhill for other reasons are absolutely right.
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People angry about Jodie's era because it's "when the show became woke" will be extra funny to me since her era was ironically the most conservative the series has been in fuckin forever, they just hate women.

They give the older seasons they like a pass because they were younger when they watched them, so the social commentary and progressive talking points went over their heads. If you point this out to them, they get mad. This extends to the classic era as well.

But yeah, bigoted Doctor Who fans, racist X-Men fans, homophobic One Piece fans, etc. All straight bozos.
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They probably aren't fans.

There is a whole group of people who feel the need to comment on anything they think is being "wokified".
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Current Events » It's crazy how many Doctor Who fans are outspoken bigots. *potential spoilers*