Melee will get a Switch 2 port, right?

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Current Events » Melee will get a Switch 2 port, right?
I miss playing Smash.
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Confirmed unbiased
You can play Slippi if you miss Melee.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Hypnospace posted...
Why would it

The money nintendo would get from an online GC console
Brawl is what Melee failed to be

A masterpiece
FL81 posted...
Brawl is what Melee failed to be

A masterpiece
It didn't fail to be a masterpiece, though.
"It's a simple question, Doctor: would you eat the Moon if it were made of ribs?"
You wouldn't like it and go straight back to, very specifically, the North American Gamecube version.

That's why Nintendo won't bother.
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Wait, are we still pretending that Ultimate isn't better than Melee?
telling you right now, you dont want a port of that game on modern consoles.

ever played a port of a game and the controls felt sluggish and not precise? thats probably what Melee would feel like on a Switch
TMOG posted...
Wait, are we still pretending that Ultimate isn't better than Melee?
I never gave in to the propaganda.
I highly doubt Nintendo even sees any purpose to rereleasing older Smashes. From their point of view, they just keep making the next one bigger and better, so they don't see the point of going back.
DodogamaRayBrst posted...
I never gave in to the propaganda.
Did you play Ultimate, or just give in to the propaganda that "Melee is still better"?
Because from Nintendo's point-of-view, there's no point in porting over Melee when Ultimate or the newest Smash game would make far more sense from a marketing standpoint. The casual player base is far, far larger than the competitive one, and even if they did port Melee, there would be changes to the mechanics that would end up causing long-time Melee players to stick with the original.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
Of course I played it.
M-Watcher posted...
You wouldn't like it and go straight back to, very specifically, the North American Gamecube version.

That's why Nintendo won't bother.
Yeah, melee is basically poison at this point. Melee players dont even want new controllers because they like that their 20 year old controllers are defective in such a specific way that it makes playing the game easier. The people still playing it will never play a port/remake, and the people nostalgic about it are more than happy to just play whatever the newest game is as long as it has their favorite characters.
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Why would it, Smash Ultimate exists.
TMOG posted...
Did you play Ultimate, or just give in to the propaganda that "Melee is still better"?
It's usually the latter with Melee fanatics.
LightningThief posted...
It's usually the latter with Melee fanatics.
I did play Ultimate, though.
TMOG posted...
Wait, are we still pretending that Ultimate isn't better than Melee?
I like Melee slightly more but that's almost certainly nostalgia on my part because Ultimate is a fantastic game.
Never anything to do in this town.
DodogamaRayBrst posted...
I miss playing Smash.
Then play one of the 4 games that came out after Melee and don't live in the past.
River Song: Well, I was off to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I thought 'Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think i'll kill the Fuhrer'
Sir_Will posted...
Then play one of the 4 games that came out after Melee and don't live in the past.
Nobody says this when people prefer older entries of other series'.

It's weird.

But no, I don't want to play the other ones.

I guess I'd play Brawl if they ported it, but I wouldn't be happy about it.
DodogamaRayBrst posted...
Nobody says this when people prefer older entries of other series'.
Then you would be telling yourself something that isn't true.

Plenty of people tell others stuck in nostalgia of old things, to stop living in the past. Melee fans are not some kind of special unicorn that's only treated this way.
Who tells Final Fantasy fans to stop living in the past if they prefer any of the first 12 or so games over the last 2 or 3?

Post #27 was unavailable or deleted.
Hypnospace posted...
Melee is literally Ultimate with 70 less fighters and faster gameplay.
so its different
Hypnospace posted...
Melee is literally Ultimate with 70 less fighters and faster gameplay.
Firstly, that's a huge difference.

Secondly and more importantly, I'm mostly interested in the amazing singlerplayer content Melee had vs the literally nothing (yes, spirit fights count as nothing) Ultimate has.

Claiming they're the same but Melee just lacks characters is ridiculous to the point of being a dishonest argument.
DodogamaRayBrst posted...
Firstly, that's a huge difference.

faster gameplay sure

fewer playable characters no lol
Fammy fam
DodogamaRayBrst posted...
Who tells Final Fantasy fans to stop living in the past if they prefer any of the first 12 or so games over the last 2 or 3?
I kinda miss dumb side content like break the targets and board the platform

trophies were cool too
You haven't set a signature for the message boards yet
Scotty_Rogers posted...
faster gameplay sure

fewer playable characters no lol
Everybody arguing against playing melee now has Scotty on their side

gg folks
I've played every smashe except 3d with ultimate being my least played due to just life getting in the way. I'm love all of them but im most nostalgiac for brawl. Ultimate obviously has the greatest roster , melee has the most competitive gameplay to an extent. Something about brawl was special tho.

Not sure about melee getting a port, i feel like the die harss wouldn't want it snd the casuals would rather just a smash 6
The succotash is suffering.
LightningThief posted...
Yes, people are critical of them too.

Get off the soapbox.

Not to mention, let's humor you for a second that specifically FF isnt criticized. And? You claim specifically Melee fans are the only people criticized for living in the past. It's a delusional take to act like poor little old Melee is the only series people are critical of its fans living in the past.
How about you just dont criticize people for wanting to play a video game

holy shit what a fuckin concept
How about you just dont criticize people for wanting to play a video game

holy shit what a fuckin concept
Then how about those people go play the game.
Or not hop on a soapbox acting like Melee fans are some singled out victim of a fanbase getting criticism for living in the past.

Holy shit, what a fuckin concept.
You going on a multi-post tirade about me using the word "nobody" as if I meant it literally 100% totally never ever (getting back together) happens anywhere else on the planet and the universe itself is wild to me.
Mfer keeps using the word soapbox
Everybody arguing against playing melee now has Scotty on their side

gg folks
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
Post #40 was unavailable or deleted.
HudGard posted...
I kinda miss dumb side content like break the targets and board the platform

trophies were cool too
Ultimate is a great game, but it was arguably too big for its own good in some ways. Due to the massive roster, they had to cut corners elsewhere, which resulted in them not being able to do side-scrolling levels for Adventure mode, and Trophies being cut entirely in favor of Spirits (I don't think people would had minded Spirits too much if they also came with profiles/descriptions, but that may had also factored into the workload with Trophies), and why Home Run Contest and Stage Builder were post-launch updates.

That said, I wouldn't change Ultimate's roster at all.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
DodogamaRayBrst posted...
You going on a multi-post tirade about me using the word "nobody" as if I meant it literally 100% totally never ever (getting back together) happens anywhere else on the planet and the universe itself is wild to me.
100% literal? It actually had little to do with the 100% literal word and more to do with your claim being even remotely close to being accurate. Even now you allude to it with the, " if I meant it literally 100% totally never ever (getting back together) happens anywhere else on the planet and the universe."

Never ever? It's no where close to being a rare or unlikely occurance of other fans being criticized. Smash Melee is not even close to being the only series that has people critical of its fans living in the past.
LightningThief posted...
100% literal? It actually had little to do with the 100% literal word and more to do with your claim being even remotely close to being accurate. Even now you allude to it with the, " if I meant it literally 100% totally never ever (getting back together) happens anywhere else on the planet and the universe."

Never ever? It's no where close to being a rare or unlikely occurance. Smash Melee is not even close to being the only series that has people critical of its fans living in the past.
Name another
Name another
Let's just take just one series from Nintendo Smash. The Legend of Zelda.

It's more difficult naming a long term series thats gone through changes over the years, that doesnt have a split fanbase for the new and old era.
You all sound terrible at both games lmao
(... D-Do I really inspire this sort of frothing desire from the female masses?)
I can see it, with Sakurai gone and Nintendo flat out admitting Smash isn't possible without him, I can see them trying to do old remakes of previous Smash games.
Prestoff posted...
I can see it, with Sakurai gone and Nintendo flat out admitting Smash isn't possible without him, I can see them trying to do old remakes of previous Smash games.
Sakurai's not gone.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
Nah, the Switch 2 will get Super Smash Bros Vi ctory
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
Solar_Crimson posted...
Sakurai's not gone.

He is on a semi-retirement from making big budget games, considering of much of a Herculean task Ultimate was.
The likeliest scenario is we get a re-release of Ultimate with new features (and characters, Sakurai willing), and call it Super Smash Brothers Ultimate+ or something.

Considering how big of a pain it was getting some of these 3rd party characters, it just doesn't make sense for them to let go of all of them yet.
...I think I'm done here...
Current Events » Melee will get a Switch 2 port, right?
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