Mario Golf is 25 years old

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Current Events » Mario Golf is 25 years old
Believe it or not, Mario Golf for the N64 is now 25 years old following its Japanese release on 11th June 2024 . 25 years!
R.I.P. SaikyoMog!
"You know, there are certain flaws in this film," Tom Servo
I never got into this game.

Mario Tennis, on the other hand...
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
R.I.P. SaikyoMog!
"You know, there are certain flaws in this film," Tom Servo
I had both this and Hot Shots Golf 3 and 4.

Triple click golfing was so fun.
Currently playing: Jurassic Word Evo 2, Fortnite STW, WoW, Punch-Out, Super Punch-Out, Project Zomboid
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Current Events » Mario Golf is 25 years old