Nintendo strikes again, removing content from a popular pirated games site

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Current Events » Nintendo strikes again, removing content from a popular pirated games site
This time it's the one that rhymes with Jim's Mayor
If she said we partied, then I'm pretty sure we partied. I really don't remember. I remember we departed from our bodies.
Stop making your pirate websites noticeable?
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
Glad I have everything Nintendo I might want from there
Arizona Diamondbacks: 8-8 | Arizona Cardinals: tanked
UNI2: Phonon | GBVSR: Nier/Zeta
Was that site charging money for its services? Normally that's the big thing that the Nintendo Ninjas and Lawyers would go after a website.
No :(
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
That already happened weeks ago or were they hit again?
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"
Same thing happen to "The Ostrich, "The Refrigerator", "The Physical Education" and "The Ocular" over the years.
"It was horrible," guard Jeff McInnis said.
"I took 100 naps and we were still in the air."
And another will pop up. Nintendo is playing a losing game here
Nintendo doesn't even release many retro games anymore. Like 99 percent of the games there won't see a release in any form.
Just call me Discount Dan.
Fuck Nintendo
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
Pikachuchupika posted...
And another will pop up. Nintendo is playing a losing game here
Maybe so but the internet is at least being fueled by the level of butthurt comments from people getting upset despite probably already downloaded these said games that got removed
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
Ah shit, Sega also went after it here, so a bunch of their games seem to be gone too.
Arizona Diamondbacks: 8-8 | Arizona Cardinals: tanked
UNI2: Phonon | GBVSR: Nier/Zeta
The iPhone people ruined it. I kept seeing TikToks and insta reels saying how emulation was possible for iPhones earlier this year and usually mentioned that site only
Hot Girls Message Board
Good, people should actually pay for their games
We're on a journey to forever! Dreams eternal in a wondrous world without walls
We are Forever, wondering what the future holds
It's not just Nintendo. Feels bad all the same, even if it stops absolutely nothing.
DFFOO ID: 801834319
I haven't used that site in years, instead I use Redacted.
Lancool II | Z690 Tomahawk |12700K | Fuma 2 | RTX 3070Ti | 16GB
3600MHz | FireCuda 530 1TB | Inland NVMe 1TB | RM750x
Aztex posted...
The iPhone people ruined it. I kept seeing TikToks and insta reels saying how emulation was possible for iPhones earlier this year and usually mentioned that site only

This. People being so ridiculously blatant about it are basically ruining it for everybody, since now it's not even just Nintendo doing it.
#SEP #Awesome #Excellent #Greatness #SteveNash #VitaminWater #SmellingLikeTheVault #Pigeon #Sexy #ActuallyAVeryIntelligentVelociraptor #Heel #CoolSpot #EndOfSig
Post #18 was unavailable or deleted.
That site was like as old as gamefaqs
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
meh, they've finally made most of their first-party catalog available on switch anyway. if i'm going to That Site it's for some third-party game that'll probably never see the light of day again
Oh no.
Asocial, not introverted. Know the difference.
Maybe those JRPGs villains were on to something about humanity being trash.
What would even be a loss other than Fire Emblems 3-6
Anyone know what this Entertainment Software Association is? Because they actually seem to be the spearhead here with most stuff that's taken down, even including first-party Nintendo stuff like Fire Emblem.
Arizona Diamondbacks: 8-8 | Arizona Cardinals: tanked
UNI2: Phonon | GBVSR: Nier/Zeta
firedoom666 posted...
Good, people should actually pay for their games

mind telling me where i can get a legal english copy of the sailor moon JRPG that was released on the snes

same goes for salyers while im asking
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Cheater87 posted...
Nintendo doesn't even release many retro games anymore. Like 99 percent of the games there won't see a release in any form.

probably be by the end of 2080 before even have the chance to play NES games since they'll be free of the copyright.

we'll all be dead by then due to things.
currently playing: The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Into Reverie (ps4)
RIP Sophie the dog: February 2011-april 2024. we'll miss you alot.
Fuck zoomers and their TikTok. Wouldn't have been struck down if they didn't shout from the rooftops where to go.

Roms is like fight club. You don't talk about it.
Wrestling fans are the worst thing about being a wrestling fan.
So fucking sad about that.
Neon >_>
RIP Hornyposting on CE. 1999-2024
Aztex posted...
The iPhone people ruined it. I kept seeing TikToks and insta reels saying how emulation was possible for iPhones earlier this year and usually mentioned that site only
Fucking clout seeking zoomers love to ruin shit for everyone. Remember when that Netflix Resident Evil show namedropped a popular pirate site? Thank goodness it's still around...for now
Neon >_>
RIP Hornyposting on CE. 1999-2024
Post #29 was unavailable or deleted.
Prestoff posted...
Was that site charging money for its services? Normally that's the big thing that the Nintendo Ninjas and Lawyers would go after a website.
Definitely not. Maybe they had a donate button on the bottom but you could get anything with no strings attached for free
Neon >_>
RIP Hornyposting on CE. 1999-2024
Yeah, this particular site wasn't monetizing as far as I can tell.
Arizona Diamondbacks: 8-8 | Arizona Cardinals: tanked
UNI2: Phonon | GBVSR: Nier/Zeta
another thing ruined by the iPhone generation
I haven't had to get any new emulations in a very long time, thankfully.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
PeteyParker posted...
That already happened weeks ago or were they hit again?
They were hit again, this time by not just Nintendo. The first one seemed to be a copyright troll, but it ended up putting the website into the limelight and...well...

This just proves that if people find a good place for these things, to keep it quiet or share privately.
Game collection:
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Dang. That's a shame. Was a great resource for games that are not available except through emulation and often fan translation.

I take it that will send more people to the "Bay". Good luck shutting that down.

Aztex posted...
The iPhone people ruined it. I kept seeing TikToks and insta reels saying how emulation was possible for iPhones earlier this year and usually mentioned that site only

HashtagSEP posted...
This. People being so ridiculously blatant about it are basically ruining it for everybody, since now it's not even just Nintendo doing it.

Dark_twisted posted...
Fuck zoomers and their TikTok. Wouldn't have been struck down if they didn't shout from the rooftops where to go.

Roms is like fight club. You don't talk about it.

I get the sentiment. That website didn't even have ROMs of the most current or second most recent consoles either, which usually spared it the major company's wrath. Sad it got targeted anyway.

firedoom666 posted...
Good, people should actually pay for their games
How do I pay for Fire Emblem 4 in English? Oh wait...
I wish Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma werent owned by some random insurance company that has zero interest in rereleasing it
Neon >_>
RIP Hornyposting on CE. 1999-2024
HashtagSEP posted...
This. People being so ridiculously blatant about it are basically ruining it for everybody, since now it's not even just Nintendo doing it.
Yeah, even news sites say it was the attention from iPhone users that put the site on lawyer's radars. They gotta learn to be more careful
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
firedoom666 posted...
Good, people should actually pay for their games
A lot of these games are not available for purchase. So, if it's a choice between skullduggery or paying ridiculous scalper prices, I support raising the ole' Jolly Roger every time.
"Let me hear you make decisions
Without your television."
NoxObscuras posted...
Yeah, even news sites say it was the attention from iPhone users that put the site on lawyer's radars. They gotta learn to be more careful
Zoomers will never learn. They just want to go on Tiktok and shout it to the heavens. They'll kill a great site if it means they get 2 more followers.
Neon >_>
RIP Hornyposting on CE. 1999-2024
firedoom666 posted...
Good, people should actually pay for their games
Neon >_>
RIP Hornyposting on CE. 1999-2024
firedoom666 posted...
Good, people should actually pay for their games

I would if I could. Sadly, most of the retro games that people were using these ROM sites for have had no re-release on modern digital platforms, so the only other way to play them aside from emulation is to buy an expensive second-hand copy, which Nintendo makes no money from anyways. And that's not even mentioning games that were never released in this region to begin with that people were playing with fan translation patches.

Not everything about emulation is pirating current games. Not even close.
Yeah, that's why I don't support looking for physical copies of rare games like that. Scalping is all too real, and that price is ridiculous for a not-pristine copy of that game.
Game collection:
Gaming channel:
BakonBitz posted...
Yeah, that's why I don't support looking for physical copies of rare games like that. Scalping is all too real, and that price is ridiculous for a not-pristine copy of that game.
Worse still is many of those expensive copies are fakes that either don't work or have issues such as saves not working.
Every time Nintendo shuts something down, people overreact and think it's the end of emulation.

This doesn't bother me in the least because digital media does not go away.
...I think I'm done here...
Hayame_Zero posted...
Every time Nintendo shuts something down, people overreact and think it's the end of emulation.

This doesn't bother me in the least because digital media does not go away.
No one is claiming emulation is going away. However, the site in question was a great resource that had an archive of games that have little to no chance of ever seeing release on modern hardware. They can still be found, but it becomes more tedious.
Charged151 posted...
No one is claiming emulation is going away. However, the site in question was a great resource that had an archive of games that have little to no chance of ever seeing release on modern hardware. They can still be found, but it becomes more tedious.

And generally more unsafe.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Cemith posted...
And generally more unsafe.
Also this.
I honestly never knew that place existed until these strikes started happening.
Does the site in question charge and/or teach people how to pirate?
Prestoff posted...
Does the site in question charge and/or teach people how to pirate?
Charging money is the main thing that gets emulators in trouble. But sites like this get hit because they're actually allowing people to download the games
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
Current Events » Nintendo strikes again, removing content from a popular pirated games site
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