Its really easy to get lost in Alan Wake 2 lol

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Current Events » Its really easy to get lost in Alan Wake 2 lol
I just beat the first boss in the forest and holy shit it took me forever to find out where to go. Everything looked the same in this god damn forest. I had to turn the brightness up to like 70 cuz I couldn't see shit. I need those damn yellow gamer markers man where are my gamer markers

Decent enough game so far tho. The gunplay is pretty bad and there's a few too many jumpscares for my liking already but the story is engaging. The detective board shit is cool too just wish it was snappier instead of the slow cursor.

I'm playing way too many games rn tho. Splatoon 3, AW2, Dragon's Dogma 2, Yakuza Like a Dragon, Sekiro, Octopath Traveler 2. I need to pick one and stick with it lol
I was playing it yesterday and got lost in the woods. I'm trying to find the fat guy's crime scene and have no idea where it is since it doesn't seem to be marked on the map?
This is where cool people write stuff.
Sound design in this game is next level. Wasn't really following the awards this game won but if they didn't win in sound from every outlet than that's a shame. This shit is spooky af on a surround sound system.

I feel like the mixed media aspect of this game is leaps and bounds better than Control. This feels way more organic and cool. Neat stuff here you can only get in vidya gamez
I don't even know what's going on. Is this whole game supposed to be a guy writing a book so it's not supposed to be really happening?
This is where cool people write stuff.
Just wait until We Sing.

LeoRavus posted...
I don't even know what's going on. Is this whole game supposed to be a guy writing a book so it's not supposed to be really happening?


The town of Bright Falls is next to Cauldron Lake, and there is an extradimensional entity within the lake that can manipulate and use creative works to its advantage. It can influence creatives and the things they create become reality, and it's repeatedly done this throughout history in an attempt to free itself.

In AW1, it takes Alan's wife into the lake to try to trick him into writing it free along with her. He manages to avoid this and frees her at his own expense. AW2 is him finally working his way free after over a decade of attempts and manipulation by the entity.
Whenever they mention the Dark Place I can't help but think of Garth Marenghi lol
Great game, but I got a bit bored of Alan's sections.
I just got done with the first time you play as Alan. I did like Saga's section more. Not that I thought Alan's was bad necessarily but it just felt like the story kept retreading itself.

I like this game more in segments where I'm exploring and solving puzzles without having to worry about enemies. The combat isn't very fun.
Just met Odin and Tor . I like these guys. Can I just get drunk with them instead of fighting cultists
the wolves are the most annoying enemies in the game
Big Apple, 3 A.M.
SSJGrimReaper posted...
the wolves are the most annoying enemies in the game
Absolutely. Really any enemy that runs away and dashes at you suddenly suck. Those teleporting enemies suck too.

Wolves are really shitty tho cuz why does it take like 5 headshots from a handgun or 2 shotgun blasts to kill these things? And you have to wait around way too long for an opening.
It's really great but I need to get back to it. I dunno why I stopped. I even got the deluxe edition with DLC - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
The gunplay is so bad on console. And I hate how underpowered the pistol is. These combat encounters with the teleporting dudes take way too fucking long I end up just taking my shotgun out and blasting just to get it over with.
Current Events » Its really easy to get lost in Alan Wake 2 lol