vile disgusting guntubers joke about killing trans people

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Current Events » vile disgusting guntubers joke about killing trans people
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
are you admitting to trolling a topic thats about trans violence
He admitted to it when he opened with trying to equate self-defense to targeted violence.

Him just trying to play the "you wouldn't support them if they were cis het white dudes!" is just the cherry on the sundae.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
But until that happens trans people arming themselves and learning how to defend themselves is the safe thing to do.
"You should do nothing until the perfect solution comes to fruition some time in the future" is a go-to for people trying to shut down or otherwise obfuscate a conversation.
I had three armed men break into my house and had to defend myself with a firearm in order to protect myself and my daughter. My mom was also an "illegal inmigrant" who fled into America (overseas) to escape oppression and I was born homeless and grew up without a home.

I can talk to you about privledge.

You were talking to me about my privilege, whatever happens in your life does not affect my privilege or lack of it. I brought up my situation in response to my privilege, this isnt some pissing game as to who has it worse. So no, you cannot talk to me about MY privilege, you can talk about yours sure.

Especially when your implication that moving is an option when not everyone has the ability and means to do so. So check your privledge at the door and come back when you have had to use a firearm to save your life.

I made no such implication because I still live in the same place, I know it is not easy but I'm trying to do it, I have been here for 35 years so for sure its hard do you think I live here because I enjoy it?
And once again with the privilege, did you enjoy using your firearm to save your life, did it feel good to shoot those people?

I challenged your claim that "feeling like you have to fight back" is "shit behavior." And equating like people "feel" like they have to fight back as if that's "not reality."

I was talking specifically about gun machos and trans people that feel threatened by their BS videos, did the people that break into your home do so because you are trans and they are trying to do something about it?

Your language is that people don't really need to fight back at all. They are just made to feel that way. There is literally legislation and encouragement here in america to remove certain people from society. People spouting nazi rhetoric and genocidal ideation.

That is what you want to think I said so you can easily box me into a label that you can easily dismiss, what I said is that there are other options you can take, if you think killing whatever is in front of you is your only means of self defense then you do that, nothing I say will ever chance your mind but you are sitting there trying to convince me that it is the only thing you can do.

You don't get to claim that fighting back is "shitty behavior" or imply the threat "isn't real." While you also say "defending oneself" is "an solution" as if there's better ones. Not everyone has the luxury to up and move.

So once those legislators have enough power that your firearm will no longer be enough what then, do you just kill what is in front of you until you cannot? is that really any easier?
Is moving that hard that you can say "ya know, Id rather kill people that want to kill me than to get the fuck out" can you really say yes to that?

Do also note that I am replying to every single point while you cherry pick and ignore what I say, for example what fighter pros teach you to do as self defense and how if you kill a guy in self defense apparently does not create more violence as if they had no one to back them up or as if no one would find out who killed their friend or such.

If you cant engage, then dont, but if you continue to cherry pick then there is no point because you will bring up new ideas infinitely.
"Warwick are you jungling"
"No I'm standing by the wolves because I miss my family"
Post #154 was unavailable or deleted.
inloveanddeath0 posted...
Do you speak for everyone in this scenario? I didn't realize that
shut the fuck up.

You think trolling in trans violence topics is funny. Again get the fuck out of here
Hee Ho
Dudebusters posted...
My Youtube Shorts recommendations are full of like Key & Peele and Always Sunny clips and shit but every once in awhile it randomly throws this female guntuber at me and her entire existence appears to be making videos where she's like "If you try to take my guns from me I'm gonna take his impractical sexy instagram stance and shoot you" and I keep telling it to remove those videos but they keep appearing anyway

Watched a single video on Resident Evil guns and how realistic they are or whatever and my recommendations are filled with gun nut channels that I keep saying stop recommending and to this day random ones still show up. Hate the algorithm so damn much.
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
orcus_snake posted...

Trans people should be able to defend themselves with force if necessary, and that does not make them just as bad as the person who attacked them.

Thats all.
Hee Ho
"This is what you would do."
"Except we wouldn't."
"But do you speak for everybody?" - somebody who just made claims for everybody

Strangely for someone who doesn't give a fuck about politics it seems so very odd that they made a broad claim of other's political beliefs.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
Post #160 was unavailable or deleted.
GranAures posted...
"This is what you would do."
"Except we wouldn't."
"But do you speak for everybody?" - somebody who just made claims for everybody

Strangely for someone who doesn't give a fuck about politics it seems so very odd that they made a broad claim of other's political beliefs.
Textbook rhetoric
Send those those pieces of shit out into space.

Rest in Peace Mamba
Gladius_ posted...
Why are you pushing this narrative I want to kill people?? What is wrong with you?
The funniest thing is, that narrative is still very much allowing the people who want to harm others for existing to still have power over their lives. Those narratives do not exist to help the people being targeted, they exist to tell the targeted people that it is easier to just let the people who hate them get their way.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
GranAures posted...
The funniest thing is, that narrative is still very much allowing the people who want to harm others for existing to still have power over their lives. Those narratives do not exist to help the people being targeted, they exist to tell the targeted people that it is easier to just let the people who hate them get their way.
Yeah, it's fucking vile.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
Post #165 was unavailable or deleted.
ScazarMeltex posted...
Yeah, it's fucking vile.

Heck, I often wonder at times when it comes to people making light of bullying if it's just lack of understanding or people who condone such, but don't have the nerve to admit it.
Amalgam Universe resident Born in 82.
User is currently not an active member. Hmm, I wonder why
Nothing to report here
Everyone's a pacifist as soon as minorities say they want to protect themselves for people literally trying to kill them.

Or in @Gladius_ case, when a woman tries to protect herself and her daughter instead of quietly moving somewhere else.
Post #169 was unavailable or deleted.
Post #170 was unavailable or deleted.
evilpresident posted...
User is currently not an active member. Hmm, I wonder why
that was basically an account SD. Why do people do that knowing it will get them banned?
Hee Ho
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
that was basically an account SD. Why do people do that knowing it will get them banned?
They seemed to want others to be punished, and when it wasnt working, started to spiral out of control. I kind of get that mentality, but I usually take a step back and just block some people instead.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
Post #173 was unavailable or deleted.
The thing I find funny about these gun nuts is that they likely wouldnt bust a grape in a food fight without their guns.
He's all alone through the day and night.
hockeybabe89 posted...
Everyone's a pacifist as soon as minorities say they want to protect themselves for people literally trying to kill them.

Or in @Gladius_ case, when a woman tries to protect herself and her daughter instead of quietly moving somewhere else.

It really shouldn't come down to violence. But there isn't much left for alternatives, if there was any. So yeah, you have to do what you must to protect yourself from all the phobes out there.

Me personally, I'd rather be in an area where it wouldn't be an issue, as I'm sure many others would like that as well. Sadly we don't have that much of a luxury to do so, because of all the evil there is out there. So we must fight back just to survive.

You know, one of the big fears I have, especially with right-wingers being so bold and brazen with their hatred, is pretty much how X-Men 97 Episode 5 went. You know what I'm talking about. Mind you I had this fear well before seeing that episode, but seeing that really hit close to home. I'd be afraid something like that could happen.
1,000 maps on 04/12/2010! -- 2,000 maps on 04/15/2016! -- 3,000 maps on 11/19/2019! -- 4,000 maps on 02/10/2023!
ka bump
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
No. We can talk about yours given that you're the one making sweeping generalizations here and are the one insinuating people have options without being in their shoes and knowing what options do and don't exist for them. That's privilege. I'm not the one claiming you were in a position to do something else and using my experiences to justify that assessment.

Nope you cannot, you have no idea what I have lived and even if I had the shittiest life of all time you would say I have privilege if I said the exact same lines that I said, your brain thinks not of what I have been through to assign privilege to me, you just WANT me to have it because I think different from you.

No, I was distraught and I was glad nobody died but what an awful question to even ask. I'd make the argument that even asking such a question is sick.

The very reason you dont enjoy to attemtp to harm other people and the relife you had because they did not come to harm even if they attacked you is proof that deep down, what we prefer is peace.
You can be sick of what I asked, but Im glad you answered and Im glad you had a honest response.

Irrelevant, my point is that people don't always have options when violence comes knocking at their door. I'm not trans for the record and would never speak for someone who is because it isn't my place. I can, however, defend people's right to protect themselves especially when sometimes there is no other alternatives.

It's not irrelevant, its exactly what I was spekaing about, dunno why you brought it up but as I mention when people bring up infinite ideas I guess I have to respon to them. We have a system to makes us not resort to vigfilantism, it is the police, we are suppsoedd to call them and have emergency support for these cases.

I'm not putting you in a box or dismissing you. I think it's disgusting that you are denying some people's real world experiences with arm chair philosophy about how "There are always other options.

Okay, you think so because you honestly believe there is absolutely 100% no other choice, is that correct do people NEVER have any other option? this is a yes or no answr I am asking, do you positively say they NEVER have any other option?

The alternative was what? Speak to one of the guys who said "go in the back and make sure no one wakes up"? Pray that they just wanted to make sure we are sleeping and maybe sing us a nice lullaby? Go out the window and risk my daughter screaming and panicking? What would you propose I do in your magical fairyland?

Im guessing you called the cops or did you just have a shootout?

Why are you pushing this narrative I want to kill people?? What is wrong with you?

I stand corrected, what is yoru alternative in how you woudl defend yourself agaisnt people that meant to attack you with firearms? I sincerely ask what is YOUR alternative.

Weird, no one came after me. Also I am an amateur kickboxer, my husband practices and teaches MMA and HEMA. I know what "pros" think.

So you know they recommend to disengage from fights but you would rather do otherwise?

"Warwick are you jungling"
"No I'm standing by the wolves because I miss my family"

I handled you just fine. Your points have been drivel. Philosophy mixed with magical thinking. While you make assumptions. You claim you are :"Replying to every point" you aren't. You're trying to attack me. Implying that I want to kill, and want to commit murder, asking me if it feels good to kill people, that's not debating. You even guessed at me being trans. Your agenda is immediately transparent.

You are quoting me words for word and then typing something I never said, you can read once again and I asked if it felt good to shoot them, I never said you killed them or if it felt good if you did, but I knew you did not feel good to do so this is exactly why I asked and I was glad that you expressed that it simply does not feel good, even when people wanted to hurt you, it never feels good to hurt people back.
You can think I'm sick because I'm glad you dont liek to hurt people, I'm okay with that.

since you think you have answered what I ask I will ask again.

So once those legislators have enough power that your firearm will no longer be enough what then

What I typed after is a hypothetical, I did not say you enjoy to defend yourself but I AM asking how would you even defend yourself, you never answered that. Once again how would you defend yourself if legislators keep pushing and having more power and a simple gun is no longer enough?

And wether you would be trans or not is of no improtance to me, I'm okay with whatever anyone wants to be cis or not or inter, thats up to them I'm only talking about violent behaviour.

The funniest thing is, that narrative is still very much allowing the people who want to harm others for existing to still have power over their lives. Those narratives do not exist to help the people being targeted, they exist to tell the targeted people that it is easier to just let the people who hate them get their way.

if I had a narrative at all is for the USA to not have fucking guns, because ebeyrone is a fucking nutjob that shoots up schools, shoots up mosques, shoots up nightcluns, movie tehatres, has shitties storing practices that results in their kids dying by crazy accidents or just shoot up people in general for multiple dumb as fucking reasons, if you think anything I'm saying is out to get some minority and thatrs the only thing I want it to be affected then you are delusional, I woudl prefer nobody to have a fucking gun, that would also prevent those nutjob guntubers from shooting up minorities, trans people inlcuded.

Everyone's a pacifist as soon as minorities say they want to protect themselves for people literally trying to kill them.

Dont say BS ass fucking things, if you see me against violence do you honestly think if the only violence there ever was came from gun macho people shotting up a storm, do you think I would not be against it?

It really shouldn't come down to violence. But there isn't much left for alternatives, if there was any. So yeah, you have to do what you must to protect yourself from all the phobes out there.

Me personally, I'd rather be in an area where it wouldn't be an issue, as I'm sure many others would like that as well. Sadly we don't have that much of a luxury to do so, because of all the evil there is out there. So we must fight back just to survive.

You know, one of the big fears I have, especially with right-wingers being so bold and brazen with their hatred, is pretty much how X-Men 97 Episode 5 went. You know what I'm talking about. Mind you I had this fear well before seeing that episode, but seeing that really hit close to home. I'd be afraid something like that could happen.

I agree that you shoudl do everything in your power to extricate yourself off a situation and once all options are gone your last resort is to defend yourself, I dont care how eveil I might seem to people Id rather them not hurt people if they can help it, hurting people, even if you dont kill them haunts you for years, I have never killed a person but even the ones I hurt I feel bad about a decade later, I cant even beging to imagine how guilt might sting and hauunt youi if you killoed a person, even if they were trying to kill you and I woudl rather people never experienced that. So call the cops, knockthem down and run away, shoot up a wall to allow yourself cover, do everyhting you can to live while letting the other person live, they might l;ive to change their ways, it has happened before what I say is not a fantasy, people change.

"Warwick are you jungling"
"No I'm standing by the wolves because I miss my family"
Post #179 was unavailable or deleted.
Cory898 posted...
No. Why, did you try and mark her for calling disgusting people disgusting?
Original post is gone but I'll just add, I've literally seen AceMos get purg'd for a typo that likely happened due to her disability, with the mod team point blank refusing to accept it was a mistake even when shown evidence that it's extremely unlikely she'd post what she was being accused of.

To say mods are giving her immunity, of all people, is laughable.
I fought the Trumble and the Trumble won.
hurting people, even if you dont kill them haunts you for years, I have never killed a person but even the ones I hurt I feel bad about a decade later, I cant even beging to imagine how guilt might sting and hauunt youi if you killoed a person, even if they were trying to kill you and I woudl rather people never experienced that

Sure, but I imagine that getting mugged/assaulted/etc. would haunt you for years as well
aka TritochZERO
_Valigarmanda_ posted...
Sure, but I imagine that getting mugged/assaulted/etc. would haunt you for years as well
or they might just kill you. This topic is literally about people joking about shooting trans people.

That dudes no violence is acceptable mindset is absolutely not gonna keep trans people safe if theyre attacked by people who hate them for their existence.
Hee Ho
Post #183 was unavailable or deleted.
Post #184 was unavailable or deleted.
I still would like to know what happened in the first OP video. The second, linked by Baron_Ox, made an offensive joke about trans people that was abhorrently insensitive; but it wasnt a joke about killing them. Since I cant see the Twitter links, and since I am part of the firearm community, its really important to me that I know whats being said so I can react appropriately as a consumer and potential content supporter.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
or they might just kill you. This topic is literally about people joking about shooting trans people.

That dudes no violence is acceptable mindset is absolutely not gonna keep trans people safe if theyre attacked by people who hate them for their existence.

The notion that "violence never solves anything" especially from an American perspective is wild - I guess we should've just calmly negotiated with the Axis powers
aka TritochZERO
Is homeslice back to screech about how self-defense is the same as targeted hate again? Along with some good old "everybody is a violent gun nut."

And no, I, and I imagine everybody else, don't imagine you're out to get some minority. I know your "advice" of "self-defense is bad" does nothing to help the people that are targeted.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
GranAures posted...
Is homeslice back to screech about how self-defense is the same as targeted hate again? Along with some good old "everybody is a violent gun nut."

And no, I, and I imagine everybody else, don't imagine you're out to get some minority. I know your "advice" of "self-defense is bad" does nothing to help the people that are targeted.
It's so absurd, especially the notion that anyone being attacked has some sort of obligation to their attacker to not end the attack by any means necessary. It's fucking childish and quite frankly it can get you or someone you care about hurt or killed.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
It reeks of about the same kind of cop apologism that we see every now and then, "Why weren't they calm and collected while the officer shout at them" as if somebody being attacked has every possibility to think things out.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
Post #190 was unavailable or deleted.
You need to check your privilege at the door because it's seriously gotten to your head. I can absolutely say you have privilege and again I can do it rather easily. You literally think that there's always another option than defending oneself because you have never been in a position with your back against the wall where you had no other recourse. You admitted it yourself. So check it.

Well, you see, because I say you have privilage then please check it before making other people check theirs, look within your own lawn before checkiong the neighbors.

You had over a day to respond and you do so with a typo riddled post showing how angry you typed this. I too believe most people want peace. I do as well. Doesn't change that sometimes people leave you with no choice but to use violence in order to protect yourself and the people you love and just because you are forced to use violence doesn't mean it must come from a place of hatred and malice. As I didn't hate the people, even as I pulled the trigger, and I hate the circumstances that lead to them believing that following the actions they took was a necessary part of their life.

Yopu expressed exactly what I said, thank you. I did have typos, sometimes I make typos when writing, it doesnt have to be because I am angry, which I am not, I said I was glad and happy that you dont feel good even when defend yourself. So no, I was most certainly not angry of course.
But you migth want to chekc your privilege if you think a person typing their second language HAS to be angry because they had typos in their message, we are humans and prone to mistakes, your privilege blinds you to such notions it appears.

Police response times on average are what, again? Do you think the police could have gotten to my house before those armed robbers got in the back where my daughter was sleeping?

That appears to be the time. They on average probably could not get there on time.

I think it depends on the situation. In mine, I had no other choice, but to hope that they chose not to kill us.

Thank you, I understand that there will be situations where you will NEED TO, in my previous post, I also said that I would hope people use all other options beforehand, I', not happy this happened to you and that you needed to do it what I am happy is that it did not end in tragedy.

Asking me further details is still wrong, btw. I called the cops after they had left my house. If you must know I ran straight to the back, closed the door, locked it, threw up the blinds, grabbed my daughter, and moved to a corner of the room that was not visible and we could not be shot at through the window and was away from the door but had a clear view to it. I called 911 and didn't move until the police arrived.

Under the circumstances I cant say you should have done X or Y because you are the only person that lived through how it feels in the moment and you did what you needed to do and nothing wrong happened thankfully, I'll take the hint that asking for details is not welcome too because that had already happened before and I dug deeper when I should not have.

There is none. You are asking me to prove a negative. I said, I had no other recourse. You're the one saying there's "Always other options." Why are you asking me to provide an alternative when none were present? The burden of proof is on you. You made the claim. You implied there were other choices.

You are speaking to two different points.

My first point you already answered to "there is none" but if there is nothing for you to do, what WILL you actually do? would be my next question.

the other point is what I implied, in fact I did not imply but state that there ARE other options which there are, specifcally talking abotu legislators that pass BS that would encroach on your liberties and even safety, you get out. We already talked about the difficulties of this but it being difficult does not make it an impossibility and by definition makes it an option.

Who said I'd rather do otherwise? I'm saying in this instance there wasn't any way to disengage. I literally had no choice. I challenged you to come up with a different solution I could have done at that time in your magical fairyland. The fact that you are challenging me on this while typing angrily and then asked ME to come up with an alternative tells me you have none. So...

You are once again mixing up two different points.

When I spoke about what MMA and boxers teach about engaging people, I meant in GENERAL and the back and forth about it was about violence in general, when I said what would you do otehrwise I was speaking about the point I briught up about legislation and how when the goverment is going further and it is no longer some bad people trying to break into your home, what would you do then.
THAT is what I asked.

I never asked about what you would do otherwise regarding the break in, and I even agreed with how you handled in the previous quotes.

As for you asking ME what I would do in your situation, I would call the cops, shout that I called the cops to have them know that whatever they are trying to do its dangerous because police is on their way, and iof neccesary also shoot back trying not to hit people. I can answer quite easily because how you responded under pressure was sensible and responsible and I would have done something very similar.

"Warwick are you jungling"
"No I'm standing by the wolves because I miss my family"
You had no right to ask that of me.

Sure, I'm still glad that you dont feel good about inflicting violence upon others.

I made a response in this very thread literally about that. I said, in this same thread, that people should have the right to defend themselves until the day comes when we can reasonably disarm everyone and the threat of gun related violence is no longer something people need to fear. That day is not today and I don't think that day is anytime soon. You can't do a blanket gun ban. Control needs to be implemented incrementally because we have too many politicians that are willing to fight tooth and nail to keep the 2nd amendment and if anything disarm those most vulnerable.

No wonder I asked again, you responded with what you think should happen until x day. That did not respond to my question so I will ask once again.

you said: "There is literally legislation and encouragement here in america to remove certain people from society. People spouting nazi rhetoric and genocidal ideation."

And once again I ask, because as you mention this is no fantasy, this is reality, as these people gain more power and encroach on your safety what will you do once legislators spouting genocidal ideating come knocking? what is YOUR alternative to this.
This is the alternative I asked. This one right here.

And before you ask for mine I will provide it, TO GET THE FUCK OUT.

You do what you can? Running is always the first option in any confrontation. Not everyone has the luxury to run. Then you do what you can. IF you can't run, you try your best to survive. If that means shoot, claw, bite, whatever. You do it.

oops, nevermind I kept asking and you answered it in the end, I agree, thank you for finally akcnolwedging you can try to escape and run away from dangerous situations. At this point I guess you thought everyhting we were talking about was under the framework of yoru specific situation and I never meant for it to be that way, but at least we now agree on what I consider to be important.

I agree but here in america that's not the case and won't be the case anytime soon. So until then I will always advocate that people who are threatened and vulnerable to take up arms to protect themselves. Right now gun legislation is what it is. There are very dangerous armed groups. The government is not on our side. So what can we (the vulnerable) do? Protect ourselves and be prepared. Hopefully no one has to ever defend themselves.

And once again I for the most part agree, because as I mentioned what I would hope is now iundeed a fantasy, the US will not drop its guns anytime soon, so until then what I advocate is different, it is the peaceful avoidance of violence in my case and I would rather advocate for people to flee from whatever cultural shithole they are in and I understand that is much harder to do physically but I honestly believe that engaging with this violence does much worse to the minds of people that are within the vicous cycle of gun culture, I would never hope that on my worst enemies and even less their precious children as a father myself. On that we have a fundamental disagreement and I'm okay with that, I can't expect everyone to think like I do because they did not live my life and I did not live their life or your life, so of course we think different.

I don't know anything about you other than you asking me very uncomfortable things and pushing me in very uncomfortable ways. The fact you didn't have the good sense to just walk away from the last post and do this isn't giving me a good impression of you. You also don't get to tell me what to say.

Uhh, well I was not telling you specifically as you did not type what I responded to, but I understand the confusion as I did not separate the post, my bad :P

I am a firm believer people can change but I'd do anything to protect my daughter. I'd suffer for her, I'd die for her, there's no power on this earth that could get in the way between me and her. She means everything to me and the only person who comes close to my daughter is my brothers, husband, mother, and father.

You need to calm down and back off.

Hey now, that was ALSO me responded to a different person and I agreed with everything that they said, I as a father of a 13yo would do the exact same, what I advocate is to exhaust all options, but once options are gone of course any parent would protect their children with their lives, it probably goes beyond my morality and thankfully I have never been in a situation that would put this dillema on me and I hope it never happens because I woudl rather live in peace with my loved ones.
And just to be clear, when I said I agreed with the person from the last quote, I was very calm :P

I did have a ton of chuckles because you went through the effort of bolding every single typo I had, that's a lot and I'm sorry that I did not bother to review it but it was so much I just did not want to, you on the other hand put extra effort and I commend it.
"Warwick are you jungling"
"No I'm standing by the wolves because I miss my family"
orcus_snake posted...
Well, you see, because I say you have privilage then please check it before making other people check theirs, look within your own lawn before checkiong the neighbors.
Note: the post does not get better from here.
inloveanddeath0 posted...
I'm IDGAF about politics

And yet you came in here to talk shit about trans people preventing themselves from being murdered with the only realistic way to do so.

You're fucking sick.

ssb_yunglink2 posted...
that was basically an account SD. Why do people do that knowing it will get them banned?

Cause they know all they've gotta do to get back in is tell DToast they're not actually a contemptibly vile trolling shitposter and if they're given another chance they'll behave.

Spoiler alert: They won't lol
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
"I'm not telling you what you should do"
"If it gets worse just move"

Moving is not always an option, fleeing is not always an option.

I am sorry we still have a homeslice upset that a targeted minority has to defend themselves while he wishes that members of that minority just played nice with people that wanted them dead. I'm not sorry that nobody is buying that BS that the LGBTQ+ shouldn't be ready to defend themselves.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
Post #196 was unavailable or deleted.
Post #197 was unavailable or deleted.
Gladius_ posted...
Suggesting anyone get out as a solution is a privileged argument btw. Not everyone can leave. You think a person who is disabled, can't drive, is living on welfare, and doesn't have a passport or friends can "Get out" to "Avoid legislation"? Pray tell how they can go about doing that. Note said person may not even have the means to walk or be even terrified of leaving their house or crippled by various other physical or psychological ailments?
Bingo. But "just move" is always the go to of people who totally care about a problem. State bans abortion? Just move. Targeted by your local or federal government? Just move. Hateful rhetoric leading to people harassing/assaulting you? Just move. If you can't actually move? Suck it up.

Just be submissive and don't cause any problems for the people that hate you.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
Post #199 was unavailable or deleted.
Gladius_ posted...
You also provided me your own scenario of what you'd do in mine and your only difference was to call out that you have a gun (which adds to the risk) and "shoot back in a way to not harm anyone."
I'm extremely hopeful that person doesn't own a firearm.

I'm prepared to be disappointed.
Current Events » vile disgusting guntubers joke about killing trans people
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