What's your opinion on brown nosers/snitches/kiss asses in the workplace?

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Current Events » What's your opinion on brown nosers/snitches/kiss asses in the workplace?
He's all alone through the day and night.
I hate them
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
I've been in some sort of office environment as a job for almost 30 years now, starting as a Data Entry Clerk at a bank when I was 19, and I've never really witness the stereotypical "brown nosing" of the boss like you would see in TV or Movies.

Whenever I would hear about it, the accusation is usually from someone that half-asses their job and are jealous of the guy/girl that is actually doing their job to their full potential, and just being nice to their superiors.
You gotta laugh. That is the one thing at the end of your life you will not wish you did less of.
You shouldn't have authentic feelings about a personality someone conveys at work.

You're really mad when they are doing a job.

Is a waitress or a bartender a kiss-ass to the customer?
Jaguar34 posted...
You shouldn't have authentic feelings about a personality someone conveys at work.

You're really mad when they are doing a job.

Is a waitress or a bartender a kiss-ass to the customer?
I dont think you know what kiss ass and snitch mean.
He's all alone through the day and night.
These are two different things. Brown nosers/kiss asses are trying to make their work experience better and possibly up their chances of advancement. Snitches are trying to get someone fired or paint them in a bad light for various reasons.
This is where cool people write stuff.
LeoRavus posted...
These are two different things. Brown nosers/kiss asses are trying to make their work experience better and possibly up their chances of advancement. Snitches are trying to get someone fired or paint them in a bad light for various reasons.
Theyre often times the same person, though.
He's all alone through the day and night.
I kiss ass all the time. I consider it part of my job
More to do with the humidity than heat
Don't care. They're playing the game the way that works for them. Snitches suck though
Big ole "it depends."
"We live in a country Hasire.." ~ yosouf06
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I hate them but unfortunately they are part of all workplaces
Pimpin ain't as easy as ya fellas think it is so don't front on me like that SON!
Current Events » What's your opinion on brown nosers/snitches/kiss asses in the workplace?