Do You Think Trump Will Successfully Overturn Democracy?

Current Events

ROB45 posted...
Obviously the current president for the other party isn't doing a very good job if you guys think this is a serious problem. Just saying, maybe vote for someone outside these two garbage parties for a change?
The conflict on Israel is Bidens biggest embarrassment, and its a no-win situation where he isolates one group by supporting the other and loses outright taking no stance. Beyond that, republicans just hated on him for being a dem. Well, I guess some fiscally conservative people who may not be republicans could have been upset with him for spending money to help Ukraine. Considering Russias desire to undermine and manipulate politics in the USA and the constant cyberattacks Russia allows to happen, anything to disrupt and thwart Russia at this point in time is a positive.
ROB45 posted...
See, you go for the moral high ground by trying to indicate that you vote to save the trans people. The reality of it is that people vote selfishly for things that benefit themselves and only themselves. You keep this rhetoric of "you are a Nazi if you don't vote for the messiah Joe Biden" when people even suggest that maybe just vote for someone else.
Im not Latino/a/e, but Trump playing up immigration fears against specific groups is disgusting and abhorrent. I am also not Arab, and Trumps statements against Arabs have also been unacceptable.
I cannot become pregnant and will likely never impregnate someone, yet I am furious at the loss of bodily autonomy inflicted upon those who can carry children because Trump stacked the Supreme Court with judges who would overturn Roe v Wade.

Im a sociopath who lacks empathy, so anyone making light or being dismissive of what is at stake raises more red flags than I raise with my normal day-to-day life. While I would support that system being dismantled from the ground-up by the voters, that is simply not what is happening, and now is not the time to take a risk where peoples lives could be at stake.

People in other countries absolutely can have views on politics in other countries. Dutertes was slaughtering Filipinos over drugs was abominable. Was it Bolsonaro who held a military parade for a dictator Brazil had to overthrow? I thought that was a smack in the face to the people of the country who had suffered under a dictator that they needed to oust.
I was a big fan of how New Zealand enforced lockdowns during the Covid pandemic, as well as their immediate and decisive response to a mass shooting to try and prevent future mass shootings. However, I am also aware of how the Mori are marginalized by the governments action in their own land.
Theres nothing wrong with holding views about politics in other countries, so long as those views arent garbage.