Why does YouTube keep recommending me these random videos?

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Current Events » Why does YouTube keep recommending me these random videos?
Right now it's recommending me a video of some guy talking about his plane trip that's several hours old and has 12 views. Why?
http://i.imgur.com/VeNBg.gif http://i.imgur.com/gd5jC8q.gif
http://i.imgur.com/PKIy7.gif http://i.imgur.com/3p29JqP.gif
You know you've hit rock bottom when this hits you're recommended.


Especially when you realize he has 325 videos just like it.
"I dreamt I was a moron."

Here's an example. What the hell is this doing here?
http://i.imgur.com/VeNBg.gif http://i.imgur.com/gd5jC8q.gif
http://i.imgur.com/PKIy7.gif http://i.imgur.com/3p29JqP.gif
UnholyMudcrab posted...

Here's an example. What the hell is this doing here?

The algorithm is designed to throw things at you every now and then that it doesn't really know if you'll like or not. If you engage? It adds new data to its information on you, more videos it can show you. If you refuse to click it or tell it not to recommend that video again? It now actually knows you don't have much interest in it.

This isn't to say it won't try again later since peoples tastes change over time.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
UnholyMudcrab posted...

Here's an example. What the hell is this doing here?
The only thing to do is watch the Suburban Sasquatch Spotlight Episode again.
Why be stupid? Does it make you happy to be stupid?
Strider102 posted...
You know you've hit rock bottom when this hits you're recommended.


Especially when you realize he has 325 videos just like it.

One sitting and smiling for 4 hours video could be written off as someone goofing around. Doing it for over 9 years is something else.
This is where cool people write stuff.
Youtube won't get rid of some videos I've already watched from the recommended. They've been there for days and just won't go away.
Without truth, there is nothing.
LeoRavus posted...
One sitting and smiling for 4 hours video could be written off as someone goofing around. Doing it for over 9 years is something else.

That in addition to doing it for 4 hours straight. And getting anywhere between 10,000 views to 300,000 views.
"I dreamt I was a moron."
What I learned is to subscribe to a few channels. It's almost 95% the same stuff I like that comes up.

I expect shorts to throw random stuff though.

So if I sub to a car restoration channel. I Get car shorts for good and the bad. I got motorcycles breaking the law speeding for months. MaxWrist for example. Couldnt wait till they got him and it felt good when it did. So it's something you are subbed to that's throwing these
I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me-
YouTube's algorithm fucking sucks, that's why. Instead of recommending videos that are related to what you're enjoying it just spews random shit at you. Used to be you could go down an endless rabbit hole of related videos, not the case anymore
The Legend is True!
MC_BatCommander posted...
YouTube's algorithm fucking sucks, that's why. Instead of recommending videos that are related to what you're enjoying it just spews random shit at you. Used to be you could go down an endless rabbit hole of related videos, not the case anymore
In addition to that it also shows you videos you've already seen or been recommended when you're trying to search for something else.
Without truth, there is nothing.
MC_BatCommander posted...
YouTube's algorithm fucking sucks, that's why. Instead of recommending videos that are related to what you're enjoying it just spews random shit at you. Used to be you could go down an endless rabbit hole of related videos, not the case anymore
I guess what it's trying to do is prop up small creators, but, like, maybe show me videos that are at least tangentially related to what I'm watching?
http://i.imgur.com/VeNBg.gif http://i.imgur.com/gd5jC8q.gif
http://i.imgur.com/PKIy7.gif http://i.imgur.com/3p29JqP.gif
I'd rather get bombarded by alt-right shit stains than the child funerals and goodbye videos from terminally ill YouTubers I would get. The one that was recommended to me today was from a YouTuber who had ran a small knitting channel for several years. She was explaining to her audience from her bed that she was too weak to continue making videos and that she probably won't survive the month. The shit is depressing as fuck.
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?"
-Mark Twain
UnholyMudcrab posted...

Here's an example. What the hell is this doing here?

Serves you right for watching RLM
Current Events » Why does YouTube keep recommending me these random videos?