Congress is debating a bill to sunset Section 230

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Current Events » Congress is debating a bill to sunset Section 230

tl;dr Section 230 is the thing that makes free speech possible on the Internet. but lawmakers claim it doesn't do enough to protect children, so they'd like to pass a bill to sunset it in 18 months so they can make something better. Nobody knows what that something better looks like, but under the pressure of the internet collapsing, they'll be forced to come together and finally find a solution!

The sheer stupidity is mind boggling.
Cuteness is justice! It's the law.
tihnk of the childrens tho
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Ah yes, the tried and true tactic of "get rid of it now and we'll totally replace it with something better later even though we have no idea what would be better, trust us". That's worked out so well before.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
What will this mean for 4chan and VPN?
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without 230 cant twitter be sued to hell?
Wouldn't KOSA have the same effect as this?
"2001 called, it wants it's message board signature back....." - aarrgus
The internet and specifically social media platforms need some type of regulation but at this point it would be impossible to enact as nobody can be trusted with crafting the legislation.
Thanks for reading!
And why are these crappy internet bills always bipartisan?!!!!
"2001 called, it wants it's message board signature back....." - aarrgus
Bat178 posted...
And why are these crappy internet bills always bipartisan?!!!!
Some combination of old people don't understand the internet and moneyyyyyy.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
KajeI posted...
Some combination of old people don't understand the internet and moneyyyyyy.

Bat178 posted...
And why are these crappy internet bills always bipartisan?!!!!
Think about it. It's an easy one.
Thanks for reading!
Bat178 posted...
And why are these crappy internet bills always bipartisan?!!!!

What's worse is both Biden and Trump are anti-230. Most of our politicians are old morons who don't understand the internet.
~ DH ~
CRON posted...
The internet and specifically social media platforms need some type of regulation but at this point it would be impossible to enact as nobody can be trusted with crafting the legislation.

Government can't really regulate it unless there's a national security interest. 230 is a law that absolves Hosts of liability for user actions. It's not a regulation.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
From one of the article's linked pages:

Unfortunately, Section 230 is now poisoning the healthy online ecosystem it once fostered. Big Tech companies are exploiting the law to shield them from any responsibility or accountability as their platforms inflict immense harm on Americans, especially children. Congresss failure to revisit this law is irresponsible and untenable. That is why were taking bipartisan action.


Our measure aims to restore the internets intended purposeto be a force for free expression, prosperity and innovation. It would require Big Tech and others to work with Congress over 18 months to evaluate and enact a new legal framework that will allow for free speech and innovation while also encouraging these companies to be good stewards of their platforms. Our bill gives Big Tech a choice: Work with Congress to ensure the internet is a safe, healthy place for good, or lose Section 230 protections entirely.

This is not going to end how they think it's going to end. What the fuck are they thinking?
I'll be your guide when you wanna get lost
I'll be the sword at your side at all cost
What a wonderful thing to do just before an election that may or may not end democracy
A worthless existence
Kimberly posted...
From one of the article's linked pages:


This is not going to end how they think it's going to end. What the fuck are they thinking?
Obviously made by old people who have no tech literacy, and it sounds like from the TC's link that sunsetting Section 230 would make the internet even more lawless instead of putting pressure on Big Tech to moderate their content more, since websites would be incentivized to not moderate their users period to avoid being held liable.
"2001 called, it wants it's message board signature back....." - aarrgus
It's so dumb, you don't roll back legislation like this without a replacement ready. I can buy the argument that social media needs to be more accountable but this is just a ridiculous way to do it.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
Kimberly posted...
This is not going to end how they think it's going to end. What the f*** are they thinking?
They're thinking "This is going to look good for my campaign", "I'm getting a big sack of money and gold bars for this" and "Thank god I don't have to come up with any replacement for this shit, I hate actually doing the work part of my job". The US government has all but fallen to corporate interests which have all but fallen towards supporting dictatorship and fascism interests that make it easier for them. Democracy just doesn't stand up to greed and self interest especially nowadays where the greedy have way too many ways to isolate themselves from any negative fallouts to it
A worthless existence
Or just create the bill now rather than try to kill the bill and maybe start over.

Dems fall for Republican shit time and time again.

What's hilarious is all the red pilled assholes will be affected more than anyone else. But they don't seem to understand that and just focus on but twitter/facebook/tiktok. Ignoring that this would cripple Fox News and other right wing media.
Even the fucking corrupt Republican SCOTUS knew getting rid of Section 230 was a bad idea, which is why they didn't do anything with the Gonzalez case last year.
"2001 called, it wants it's message board signature back....." - aarrgus
dems need to stop helping republicans
CADE_FOSTER posted...
without 230 cant twitter be sued to hell?

Every cloud...
Re-open board 261.
didn't they try this last year too?
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Enclave posted...
It's so dumb, you don't roll back legislation like this without a replacement ready. I can buy the argument that social media needs to be more accountable but this is just a ridiculous way to do it.

Section 230 was written expecting websites would be operated in good faith, moderating its own users without the need for legal intervention. But when a site breaches that trust, allowing hate and disinformation to flourish, what really can be done?

No sane person believes handing the keys to the internet to government censors would be anything short of catastrophic!
Swimming over the barrier to protect my egg.
ClayGuida posted...
Or just create the bill now rather than try to kill the bill and maybe start over.

They explained why in their WSJ opinion article.

They feel Congress hasn't acted and big tech companies won't respond to any attempts they have made, so they're looking to force the issue by sunsetting it.

The problem is both Congress and big tech are just gonna say "bet" and we're all going to be fucked.

I'll be your guide when you wanna get lost
I'll be the sword at your side at all cost
>cry about free speech and being censored on private social media platforms for their views when really they just constantly violate their terms of service with hateful and violent rhetoric
>we'll just actually take away everyone's actual free speech on the Internet, take that!
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
mistymermaid posted...
Section 230 was written expecting websites would be operated in good faith, moderating its own users without the need for legal intervention. But when a site breaches that trust, allowing hate and disinformation to flourish, what really can be done?

No sane person believes handing the keys to the internet to government censors would be anything short of catastrophic!

Which is exactly why it's awful that they don't have a replacement in place before getting rid of this law because what this means is that they'll end up passing something that has basically zero public oversight and input.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
Muh freeze peach
Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
They/them. Bad faith user
Kimberly posted...
They explained why in their WSJ opinion article.

They feel Congress hasn't acted and big tech companies won't respond to any attempts they have made, so they're looking to force the issue by sunsetting it.

The problem is both Congress and big tech are just gonna say "bet" and we're all going to be fucked.
If there any way for the sunsetting to be cancelled before the year and a half time limit is up?
"2001 called, it wants it's message board signature back....." - aarrgus
Okay on one hand something needs to be done. Facebook, twitter, etc have purposely made their algorithm prop up racist propaganda, bs conspiracy theories, etc just to make a buck. They own half of the blame for the current state of public insanity. You open them up to lawsuits, I guarantee you they will immediately start cracking down on nazi posts and fake news.

on the other hand, whats actually going to happen is the right wing will sue everyone over hello kitty and she ra posts. The first group that always gets hit are disenfranchised minorities.
~ my improv troupe ~
Kimberly posted...
They explained why in their WSJ opinion article.

They feel Congress hasn't acted and big tech companies won't respond to any attempts they have made, so they're looking to force the issue by sunsetting it.

The problem is both Congress and big tech are just gonna say "bet" and we're all going to be fucked.
If you can get a majority of Congress to support sunsetting it, you can literally get a majority of Congress to craft a new bill.

I mean what this is really trying to do is just eliminate it, like Trump wanted 5 years ago. Just like Republicans wanting to sunset Social Security and Medicare.
VRX3000 posted...
on the other hand, whats actually going to happen is the right wing will sue everyone over hello kitty and she ra posts. The first group that always gets hit are disenfranchised minorities.

Yeah. Someone explained that to me when there was really about charging Jan 6 people with terrorism, explaining how almost any update to terrorism laws would target brien people first before ever seeing use against its intended targets...
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
Post #34 was unavailable or deleted.
Where's sterolizer?
MrResetti posted...
Where's sterolizer?

I don't think Mr."I-never-vote" will have nuanced thoughts on legislation.
This signature is not political.
MrResetti posted...
Where's sterolizer?
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
Post #38 was unavailable or deleted.
No. The democrats are too nice. Theyll take the high road and let Fox News get away with everything. Then when republicans take charge, theyll shut down everything that isnt Fox.
~ my improv troupe ~
SerperiorThanU posted...
They figure that they'll be given an exception when they're in charge, if not this year then 4 years later, which unfortunately could potentially happen. It's likely also why establishment Democrats support it. They think they can control what they want to and are delusional enough to think that all their views will stay static for them throughout the years.
I'm talking about edgelords on 4chan and other shit hole sites. This, much like internet censorship will have a larger effect on them than anyone else, yet they're the ones cheering on Republicans and Trump.
ClayGuida posted...
I mean what this is really trying to do is just eliminate it, like Trump wanted 5 years ago.

That's what I said.

Congress will not be moved to act by this, because it is what they ultimately want. Big tech platforms be moved to suddenly work in good faith with Congressional attempts, because they will not bow to regulatory out of the blue after decades of lobbying.
I'll be your guide when you wanna get lost
I'll be the sword at your side at all cost
The problem with expecting stronger moderation on user driven platforms is that that costs money and we are in a society that has spent decades ensuring that spending money (as a business) is bad.

What will happen if this passes is more likely to be "oops we've shuttered everything because we don't want to be held liable for the worst of society", not "okay we'll vet our stuff"

Like damn, Twitter over there is already the wild West of C O N T E N T. I N. B I O. Can't wait for that to spill everywhere
Variable General Veeg, at your service
Post #43 was unavailable or deleted.
SerperiorThanU posted...
Like I said, they think they'll be given an exception or migrate to dark webs/sites hosted in other countries like Russia.
Does the EU have a Section 230 equivalent? Because I could see US sites migrating over there in the scenario it gets sunsetted to get around being held liable for user-uploaded content, especially if the Republicans win in November.
"2001 called, it wants it's message board signature back....." - aarrgus
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Might be a novel idea but maybe parents should monitor their children better.
darkmaian23 posted...
The sheer stupidity is mind boggling.

It isn't stupidity it is malicious. They don't like that people can say things freely on the net and want to control it. First step in doing so is forcing every site to have your real ID under the false guise of protecting children.

Wonder what made them so spooked? Protests of Israel treatment of Palestine? What do they fear so much?
Congress sucks ass. They can't solve a REAL problem. Not one. They solve fabricated bullshit their geriatric brains believe in.
Japanese Crack:
It is just a matter of time before they label anime and manga as "porn" because in some certain characters have large assets like in One Piece and outfits like Rebecca.
WingsOfGood posted...
It is just a matter of time before they label anime and manga as "porn" because in some certain characters have large assets like in One Piece and outfits like Rebecca.
dont forget they will want to ban video games

and all of the people who thought republicans where on their side in this stupid culture war they manufactured will be stunned

the party that has openly been against none christian media for decades

will want to force christian media on every one
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Current Events » Congress is debating a bill to sunset Section 230
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