Video game complaints I will never understand as long as I live.

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Current Events » Video game complaints I will never understand as long as I live.
Random battles
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
QTEs were really popular and misused for a while.

Instead of a boss battle that smartly and uniquely utilizes the game mechanics and skills you have learned up to that point in the game to challenge your grasp of said skills, it turns the game into Simon fucking says.

They can be used well, but often they're not or are randomly thrown into cutscenes and punish you for A) being too engrossed B) not being engrossed enough or C) putting the controller down to stretch/rest your hands
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Random turn based battles is the absolute worst
Currently playing: Lies of P
Interactive movie gets thrown around for just about any game with a compelling story, regardless of gameplay.
He's all alone through the day and night.
Linearity. Since when was linearity a bad thing?
"I play with myself" - Darklit_Minuet, 2018
the no dedicated dodge button one

also when people complain about an action game being too button mashy (like dmc style games). i like mashing buttons in various patterns
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
QTEs randomly dropped into cutscenes in games where QTEs aren't used otherwise can be a little annoying.

Like in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. I'm watching a crazy scene of Spidey trying to save people on a runaway rollercoaster, and 5 minutes into the scene have to randomly press square to dodge an arrow? What does that add to the game other than forcing the player to pay attention to the scene?
You gotta laugh. That is the one thing at the end of your life you will not wish you did less of.
QTEs are a garbage mechanic. When your gameplay boils down to 'press x to not die', you know the devs are unfathomably lazy.
Shut your BF28/9 sound hole and listen up.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Strike three.
"walking simulator."

Sounds like a weird way to say exploration.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
Post #10 was unavailable or deleted.
There being too many things to collect to 100% an open world game.

You're doing that to yourselves, nobody's forcing you to collect every Korok seed.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
Xatrion posted...
QTEs are a garbage mechanic. When your gameplay boils down to 'press x to not die', you know the devs are unfathomably lazy.
This tbh
It reminds me of the games I used to make in middle school that were literally just "click on this specific part of the picture in 5 seconds or you start over"
Sack to crack, going to town
Random battles very often are not balanced well in terms of frequency and pacing. Games rarely had any way to mitigate them in the past.
QTEs are just a mindless form of engagement that provide no real player feedback 99% of the time and might as well just be full cutscenes.
Handholding and easy modes often are balanced poorly and end up affecting the experienced users in negative ways, "yellow paint" being a recent example or the Mario games that completely cut out the little 100% bonus if you died in a level 5 times and saved.
creativerealms posted...
"walking simulator."

Sounds like a weird way to say exploration.
Walking in a straight line isn't exploring. You're not understanding what a walking simulator is
See profile pic
QTEs specifically can fuck off from turn-based games.

I'm playing turn-based because that's what I want. I can do without the insertion of a reaction test for extra damage or whatever.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
ArmieBuff posted...

Dating simulator is also likewise thrown around too much simply for having romance options or even having romance at all for some Gamers.

That's more a tag issue in general. Like almost every game on Steam having tags that just do not apply to the game. Tags are supposed to be for actual genres and something that's very common in the game. A game is not a card game just because it has a card game minigame.

K181 posted...
There being too many things to collect to 100% an open world game.

You're doing that to yourselves, nobody's forcing you to collect every Korok seed.

The best way to do this is to show them on a minimap. Assassin's Creed Revelations had it so you needed to collect so many of them on your own before it showed them on the map.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
Post #17 was unavailable or deleted.
ArmieBuff posted...

I was referring to people who complain but the logic of your tag issue is certainly part of that. People grab minor elements (usually ones they don't like but ones they do like as well) and make it larger than it really is when the point of a genre is that it's the main focus. It should be obvious when you think about it even a little. Kirby having shmup moments does not make it a shmup. Super Smash Bros having level ups for Amiibos doesn't make it an RPG.

A lot of the time it's just trolls trolling the tagging system. I remember when a game had updated its premium system in Kongregate and people had added the gambling tag.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
Random encounters aren't so bad as long as they're not overwhelming
She rings like a bell through the night
HighSeraph posted...
Random encounters aren't so bad as long as they're not overwhelming

I think it's best if there's an easy way to control them or some indicator when the random encounter will happen, like Etrian Odyssey. A toggle for it which games do also work for me.
Why would you want handholding tho
Guide, it's Guide, it's that Guide
GiftedACIII posted...

I think it's best if there's an easy way to control them or some indicator when the random encounter will happen, like Etrian Odyssey. A toggle for it which games do also work for me.

Not sure if it counts but my favorite version of random encounters are where it's only encountered if you run into them on the map.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
I hate when the amount of things to loot becomes excessive.

I think some genres could automatically deposit items in your inventory when you kill enemies and it wouldn't make the gameplay worse.
Revelation34 posted...
Not sure if it counts but my favorite version of random encounters are where it's only encountered if you run into them on the map.

That's overworld encounters which are different from random. The point of random encounters is that you don't know what enemies you encounter. Although I can see overworld moments where the monsters are obscured being a mix of both.
GiftedACIII posted...
I think it's best if there's an easy way to control them or some indicator when the random encounter will happen, like Etrian Odyssey. A toggle for it which games do also work for me.
Several of the Wild Arms did this, and it was pretty neat. You'd get an indicator before a battle and could cancel it. Like a green warning was free to cancel because the enemies were too weak or you would get a surprise attack. White cost X amount of energy (that you regained over time) for a normal encounter. Red you had to fight and meant enemy got the first attack.

The last game in the series also added a mechanic in dungeons where you could eventually find a switch to toggle random battles on/off in that area. Great for revisiting the area later when you have more tools to access new areas/items in earlier dungeons.
The ball is round, the game lasts 90 minutes. That's fact.
Everything else, is theory.
I genuinely don't give a shit about 30FPS vs. 60FPS (EDIT: so long as it remains stable and isn't constantly in flux) or if a character's outfit got changed between the Japanese and English versions.
loafy013 posted...

Several of the Wild Arms did this, and it was pretty neat. You'd get an indicator before a battle and could cancel it. Like a green warning was free to cancel because the enemies were too weak or you would get a surprise attack. White cost X amount of energy (that you regained over time) for a normal encounter. Red you had to fight and meant enemy got the first attack.

The last game in the series also added a mechanic in dungeons where you could eventually find a switch to toggle random battles on/off in that area. Great for revisiting the area later when you have more tools to access new areas/items in earlier dungeons.

Never played it but did 5 have that awful battle system that 4 did?
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
"Too easy"
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
Garioshi posted...
Linearity. Since when was linearity a bad thing?

Its not always bad. I think it got bad with FFX and 13 though.

FFX because there was already the linage of the series for having a lot of side content and out-of-the-way optional towns to find. X isnt bad in hindsight though.

FF13 on the other hand, is completely linear, has NOTHING to do besides battles, and the only side content that it has is an area with more battles. It has no sidequests besides that one mentioned before, no optional areas, and nothing to find for yourself. The game gives you everything as if you are a baby in a high chair and mom is saying here comes the airplane while feeding you baby mush.
ORAS secret base:
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
Evening_Dragon posted...
Why would you want handholding tho
So I don't get lost? Believe me, before this was a common thing, players used to spend tons of time running around in a room with all the enemies dead trying to find where they're supposed to go next.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
Anyway for me, Id also agree with linearity. Id also go with length. Sometimes a short game is great. I honestly probably play arcade games more than anything, because they are fun.
ORAS secret base:
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
"There's no postgame"

Not every game needs a fucking postgame, it's fine for a game to just end.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
Random battles

*two steps* BATTLE
*five steps* BATTLE

Insert some witty line here
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
So I don't get lost? Believe me, before this was a common thing, players used to spend tons of time running around in a room with all the enemies dead trying to find where they're supposed to go next.

Skill issue tbqh.

Good game design doesn't need handholding.
ai123 posted...
QTEs specifically can fuck off from turn-based games.

I'm playing turn-based because that's what I want. I can do without the insertion of a reaction test for extra damage or whatever.

Absolutely agree
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
So I don't get lost? Believe me, before this was a common thing, players used to spend tons of time running around in a room with all the enemies dead trying to find where they're supposed to go next.
Back in the 1980s and 1990s, some games you basically had to draw your own map of the game world to avoid getting lost.
Insert some witty line here
Revelation34 posted...
Never played it but did 5 have that awful battle system that 4 did?
The Hex based system? Yeah, but they changed it up a little bit by adding different configurations and obstacles that could block out a hex from being accessed.
The ball is round, the game lasts 90 minutes. That's fact.
Everything else, is theory.
Murphiroth posted...
Skill issue tbqh.

Good game design doesn't need handholding.
Yes but that kind of game design is all but dead. Open world philosophy is to design a world for its own sake and put objectives in it afterward.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
Random battles

Random battles are just potentialy annoying for nearly no benefit.

Especially when they are just insanely repetitive like Zubats in a cave. When 30 minutes of exploring a cave ends up with fighting 30 zubats, it's just frustrating. It also doesn't help that they come out of nowhere like a bad jump scare. Your control over them is minimal, and if you are unlucky you just finished some annoying fight, only to start another annoying fight after 5 steps.


They are just... what's the use of it? They are quite literally "Press X to win". If they happen within a fight they can be fine (like, boss just grapped you, mash X to escape, or 50% phase transition happend) but if they happen in a normal cutscene, their greatest impact is that they just made a cutscene unskippable.

It also doesn't help that they just feel... primitive.

You are not supposed to fail QTEs in the first place, and if you fail, it's simply because they got you by surprise the first time. There is simply no satisfaction if you beat a QTE, in the worst case they just punish you for being distracted during something you thought was a harmless cinematic. No gain, only pain.

"Handholding" - Eh, that could be anything, and is the hardest to explain or justify as a valid complain. That's something that has to be judged case-by-case for sure.
Planning is the process of replacing chance with error.
QTEs are bad because they are basically a failed attempt to make a cool scene interactive that is not only easy to screw up, but also means your focus is constantly being interrupted by "press the button now or else" when you could be just watching a really cool scene.

There is a good version of them. They are called action commands, and are used in a number of RPG battle systems. They are good because they are part of the normal battle system, and are not just there to ruin a cutscene.

I am the Hunter of Topics. My post never fails to kill its prey.
*pounces* Nyaa!
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
So I don't get lost? Believe me, before this was a common thing, players used to spend tons of time running around in a room with all the enemies dead trying to find where they're supposed to go next.

I was there, I'm an old man too. And while this was true for me, it was a rare thing, and I'd still prefer to figure things out on my own than be told.

Honestly, struggling to think of the cases where it wasn't just me being stubborn or tired.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Post #43 was unavailable or deleted.
Too much content and mini games. (With FF7 rebirth being the most recent target).

I am a long time tales of fan that actually misses the time period when tales of games had a good bit of random ass mini games to change things up.

Rebirth's content is sometimes compared to a ubisoft game's open world and I don't get it. Climbing this one tower to chart out the local area, clicking on this lifestream thing for like 8 seconds total and doing this button press for this region's summon materia (with nice music in these places to boot) ain't nowhere near a big enough deal to complain about compared to something like a far cry game's go to this base and fight a few waves of the same enemies you encounter throughout the entire game style map things.

No, despite what some say it is not "required" to do all that and that is just that fear of missing out malarkey talking. If skipped out on things you may miss out on getting a certain materia earlier (like the time materia from one of those costal del sol minigames, forgot which one off the top of my head) or be a little off on party exp for those skills on that board, but it ain't all that big a deal if the goal is to just comfortably play through the game to see the story.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
People don't really remember the controversy these days, but this aspect of DBZ: Ultimate Tenkaichi pretty much killed the series for years
My complaint is a hot take but all sandboxes are boring and the same, especially with the homogenized engines people use these days. Dynamic NPC schedules, faction wars, territory stuff, and any other player agency in a dynamic "world" is long, long gone. The Sony/Ubisoft model of checking off boxes and exploring static biomes with fixed enemy spawns is like pulling teeth for me gaming wise. I love linear, short, easy to knock out titles. Been having a blast with Senua 2, Alan Wake 2, and the Resident Evil remakes as an example. I put like six hours into Elden Ring and just went back to playing Dark Souls 3.
Since only from below can one better see the heights.
I will never understand story complaints when the gameplay is good

a good story can elevate a game, but if a mechanically great game has a shit/no story I couldnt care less
Games: \\ Music:
I've always enjoyed QTEs, as long as they're not too bullshit. I find they make the cutscenes more intense.
I am the Cheese! I am the best character on the show! I am better than both the salami and the bologna COMBINED!
Mad-Dogg posted...
Too much content and mini games. (With FF7 rebirth being the most recent target).

I am a long time tales of fan that actually misses the time period when tales of games had a good bit of random ass mini games to change things up.

Rebirth's content is sometimes compared to a ubisoft game's open world and I don't get it. Climbing this one tower to chart out the local area, clicking on this lifestream thing for like 8 seconds total and doing this button press for this region's summon materia (with nice music in these places to boot) ain't nowhere near a big enough deal to complain about compared to something like a far cry game's go to this base and fight a few waves of the same enemies you encounter throughout the entire game style map things.

No, despite what some say it is not "required" to do all that and that is just that fear of missing out malarkey talking. If skipped out on things you may miss out on getting a certain materia earlier (like the time materia from one of those costal del sol minigames, forgot which one off the top of my head) or be a little off on party exp for those skills on that board, but it ain't all that big a deal if the goal is to just comfortably play through the game to see the story.

too much content.. you lost me there

This is my sig. Don't like it, then don't look at it.
Video games that aren't 20+ hours being "too short".
It's amazing how people hang around message boards of games they don't like
Current Events » Video game complaints I will never understand as long as I live.
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