If God created the universe.

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Current Events » If God created the universe.
What created God???

A powerful light source?
Your human level has changed to GOD.
It's not a question that has any meaning for those who believe in God.

There is no existence without God.

Some scientists theorize that there was nothing in existence before the Big Bang.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
ai123 posted...
It's not a question that has any meaning for those who believe in God.

There is no existence without God.

Some scientists theorize that there was nothing in existence before the Big Bang.

....and those 'scientists' aren't worth their weight in salt...many of the vocal ones hailing from the mid 20th century or even earlier, and yes, no sensitive way of saying it, many of them being western monotheists . ..

Nowadays a majority does believe that at least something went on before the 'big bang' ( more like Big Misnomer), they're just divided over what 'that' exactly was...
"Saxon = joke account - I might put that in my sig." - MrXbox360_2012
ai123 posted...
It's not a question that has any meaning for those who believe in God.

There is no existence without God.
Oh yes, special pleading and begging the question, the fallacies which form the basis for all apologetics.

ai123 posted...
Some scientists theorize that there was nothing in existence before the Big Bang.
I was under the impression that matter/energy can't be created or destroyed and therefore something has always existed. Unless you're talking about "nothing" as defined by Lawrence Krauss in the book A Universe from Nothing, which I believe is an idiosyncratic definition. It's not absolute nothing like in the philosophical sense.
kind9 posted...
Oh yes, special pleading and begging the question, the fallacies which form the basis for all apologetics.
I don't believe in any gods myself (though I'm not all angry and condescending to those who do). But I do know that trying to science away faith with apparent gotchas like 'who created god then, eh? Checkmate!' never works. Science and God don't really belong in the same conversation. One relies on hypotheses and testing, the other on belief alone.

'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
ai123 posted...
I don't believe in any gods myself (though I'm not all angry and condescending to those who do). But I do know that trying to science away faith with apparent gotchas like 'who created god then, eh? Checkmate!' never works. Science and God don't really belong in the same conversation. One relies on hypotheses and testing, the other on belief alone.
I didn't assume you were a believer, and I 100% agree with what you're saying.
kind9 posted...
I didn't assume you were a believer, and I 100% agree with what you're saying.
We're cool. Apologies if I came over as a bit snotty.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Shadowblade posted...
What created God???

A powerful light source?
Probably the Ancient Greek gods.
We are a subatomic universe of a camper turning on a flashlight.
No lollygaggin'.
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
Double God
Chuck Norris
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.
He's all alone through the day and night.
Isn't the answer to thus question turtles?
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
LonelyStoner posted...

Fix your hearts or die.
When I sin I sin real good.
We are that mmo in star ocean 3
ORAS secret base: http://imgur.com/V9nAVrd
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
Don't religious people believe God always existed? Like he had no beginning, he was just always there.

If that could be a real concept I guess it's over my head.
This is where cool people write stuff.
It's a question that would come for any origin of the universe. The only way it would make sense is if the origin was outside time and time only started with the universe. However that would work would be hard for normal humans to comprehend since time is all we have known.
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Because of the brave
LeoRavus posted...
Don't religious people believe God always existed? Like he had no beginning, he was just always there.

If that could be a real concept I guess it's over my head.

But either way, you have to believe something was always there. Either God was always there before he created the universe, or a hot dense mass was always there before it big banged.
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.
I wish I could wrap my mind around the concept of something always existing, but I can't. I'd better get some answers when I die or I'll be pissed.
Buried alive in the coffin of who I used to be
Valjackal is dead.
Yoh dawg, I hurd u liek Gawd.
Humans are too locked into "what happened before" and "what happens after" because of our own life cycles. We assume that since things came before US and will happen after US, that that's the way the universe works as well.

It's beyond many people's capacity to imagine "it's always been here"
Vivaldi7 posted...

....and those 'scientists' aren't worth their weight in salt...many of the vocal ones hailing from the mid 20th century or even earlier, and yes, no sensitive way of saying it, many of them being western monotheists . ..

Nowadays a majority does believe that at least something went on before the 'big bang' ( more like Big Misnomer), they're just divided over what 'that' exactly was...
This reads like some kind of made up New Age garbage.
Cuteness is justice! It's the law.
Current Events » If God created the universe.