Presentations are due in class today. Do you volunteer to go first?

Current Events

Current Events » Presentations are due in class today. Do you volunteer to go first?
Toward the end for me, sometimes very last. Did not like speaking in front of the class like that at all. So much anxiety, it's nuts.
walk like thunder
Sure. Get it out the way.
Yep, I always like to go first. There's no bar, you set it.

Last thing you want is to pick going 6th or something and suddenly the presentation before you is top-notch.

Go first, get it done, move on.
No, I'm not that one.

I didn't do my project, and pass it in the next day with a -20% grade
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Always volunteer to go first
2nd is always best. First is nerve wracking, going much later stresses me out. Second is the best spot to be.
Current Events » Presentations are due in class today. Do you volunteer to go first?