Completed SoTN. What Castlevania game should I play next?

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Current Events » Completed SoTN. What Castlevania game should I play next?
Aside from the tedious backtracking and the Inverted Castle, I found the game to very enjoyable. It took me 16 hours to complete. Is it worth going for the 200.6%? How are the modes with Maria and Richter? Ive read that improves Aria of Sorrow improves on a lot of things SoTn did. Should I go for Aria next, or should I go for one of older Castlevania games, such as the ones on the NES?
"I will die of cancer before I let another dude finger my a******." - ZeroX91
Try one of the older ones and see how you like that style. You can't go wrong with Castlevania IV on SNES.

As far as the Metroidvanias, Aria is the best one, but it wouldn't hurt going into Circle of the Moon and go through them chronologically because none of them are terrible.
...I think I'm done here...
I cant get into the classic Castlevanias at all. If you dont already have it, the Advance collection has Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance, and Aria of Sorrow bundled together. AoS is considered one of the best; the other two I think get a bad rep but I liked them too despite some flaws.
I beat LOS earlier today. Launched the second game. Made it to the shop
And just don't feel like continuing it anymore.
Try Castlevania 1 on NES. Its a fairly short game, just with a few difficult bosses.
Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran
Either take the path backwards and try Rondo or Super CV4, or venture forth to Aria. Prepare to backtrack, as every game after SotN copies that formula.
Literally all the GBA and DS ones. Also Bloodstained
Curse of the Moon
Portrait of Ruin was a good one.
I'm here! I'm furry! I'll try not to shed! =^_^=
i7 5820K|Rampage V Extreme|32GB DDR4 Ripjaws 4|EVGA 2080 Ti XC Ultra|HAF 932
Move to the GBA then DS games, although you can safely skip Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance. The former is the most difficult out of all of the Metroidvanias and has some really frustrating features like poor jump physics and lack of save points. The latter is closer to SOTN and has similar exploration mechanics, but has some really washed out graphics and poor music, and is rather easy.
Any of the GBA or DS ones.

Circle of the Moon is a nice balance between classic CV and post-SotN CV. It's a little difficult if that's a turn off. There's really simple glitches that amplify the experience, IMO.

All the DS games are SotN-style romps. They all have varying pros and cons.

Shoutout to CV3, especially JP version, for having a variety of gameplay and tight difficulty curve. Feels like a modern roguelike where you gradually get better and better on every run and have multiple paths and playstyles to victory.

If you're going to play Bloodstained, do NOT play it on the Switch. Personally, I thought it was way too easy in comparison to the DS games but doesn't make you feel OP enough in comparison to SoTN. But I played it in the Switch which just sucks.
"Am I a butterfly dreaming I'm a man... Or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of sashimi? Never assume that what you see and feel is real!"
Fenriswolf posted...
Circle of the Moon ... is the most difficult out of all of the Metroidvanias.
Is this true? I don't remember having too much trouble when I played it back then. It was definitely tougher than Aria and probably SotN. Haven't played any of the vanias past Aria.
Hayame_Zero posted...
Try one of the older ones and see how you like that style. You can't go wrong with Castlevania IV on SNES.

As far as the Metroidvanias, Aria is the best one, but it wouldn't hurt going into Circle of the Moon and go through them chronologically because none of them are terrible.

Harmony of Dissonance should be avoided at all cost. That game has the worst map layout of any Metroidvania ever. You do nothing but backtrack everywhere. And the soundtrack was one of the worst I've ever heard in any video game. Which made no sense considering the series has some of the best music you can find in gaming. It was just noise. Nothing but ear grating noise.

But to answer your question, Castlevania IV is a great pick if you want to go the classic route. I'd also suggest Bloodlines which I think is somewhat underrated. As for the handheld titles, Aria is the best, but Circle of the Moon and the DS titles are all pretty great. You can't really go wrong with any of them, except for the aforementioned one.
This sentence has five words. This sentence has eight words. Only one sentence in this signature is true.
The next one you can play is Circle of Moon.
I believe in the Golden Rule and you should too!
Castlevania 2
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AvlButtslam posted...
I cant get into the classic Castlevanias at all. If you dont already have it, the Advance collection has Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance, and Aria of Sorrow bundled together. AoS is considered one of the best; the other two I think get a bad rep but I liked them too despite some flaws.
I have both of the collections. Aria seems to be regarded as the best in the Advance collection, but which game is the best for the Anniversary collection?

Link_of_time posted...
Either take the path backwards and try Rondo or Super CV4, or venture forth to Aria. Prepare to backtrack, as every game after SotN copies that formula.

Fenriswolf posted...
Move to the GBA then DS games, although you can safely skip Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance. The former is the most difficult out of all of the Metroidvanias and has some really frustrating features like poor jump physics and lack of save points. The latter is closer to SOTN and has similar exploration mechanics, but has some really washed out graphics and poor music, and is rather easy.

Is it worth playing the GBA/DS games, then going back and playing the much older games?

Also, why is SoTN/Rondo of Blood still exclusive to the PS?
"I will die of cancer before I let another dude finger my a******." - ZeroX91
Killmonger posted...
I have both of the collections. Aria seems to be regarded as the best in the Advance collection, but which game is the best for the Anniversary collection?

Is it worth playing the GBA/DS games, then going back and playing the much older games?

Also, why is SoTN/Rondo of Blood still exclusive to the PS?
SotN has been ported to a bunch of systems, but Rondo was always a difficult find. Probably because its original release on PC engine and Konami's close relationship with Sony. I believe they both have been ported to the Wii Virtual console. I wouldn't advise ppl going back to play the original 3 games unless you're really into retro gaming(3rd is best). I think Super Cv4 and Bloodlines would be the only ones I'd play from the anniversary.

edit: didn't realize that Dracula X/Rondo is apart of the Advanced collection.
Hayame_Zero posted...
Try one of the older ones and see how you like that style. You can't go wrong with Castlevania IV on SNES.

As far as the Metroidvanias, Aria is the best one, but it wouldn't hurt going into Circle of the Moon and go through them chronologically because none of them are terrible.
Aria/Dawn of sorrow ARE the next best Metroidvania style ones. Bloodstained is also a great non Castlevania one. Helps it was made by Iga
Paula Wood. My love, my life. 1980-2021
Killmonger posted...
Is it worth playing the GBA/DS games, then going back and playing the much older games?

Absolutely. The older games are classic action platformers, and the 16-bit games, especially Super, Bloodlines, and Rondo of Blood are some of the best of their genre.

Also, why is SoTN/Rondo of Blood still exclusive to the PS?

The rumour is that the PS4 version is an emulation of the PSP version, minus the updated version of Rondo of Blood, and thus the licensing prevents them from being ported.

Seems the only non-Sony version of SOTN are on Xbox Live (based on the original with hammy voice acting) and iOS/Android (based on the PSP update, with extra characters unlocked already.

As for Rondo, if you missed out on the Virtual Console version, it's only legally available on the TG16 Mini.
Current Events » Completed SoTN. What Castlevania game should I play next?