Florida raises the age requirement to be a stripper to 21

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Current Events » Florida raises the age requirement to be a stripper to 21
Post #101 was unavailable or deleted.
Asherlee10 posted...
Exactly what are you asking? Are you wanting to know why forcing Christian-based laws are horrible? Are you wanting a synopsis of how Christianity has basically turned into a hate group in the US and is used by some of the worst humans to further their agenda?

Where have you been for the last 40 years?

He's been supporting Pizzagate.
Post #103 was unavailable or deleted.
Sad_Face posted...
With stripping, you're putting women in precarious environments that are ripe with drugs and could lead to abuse or trafficking.
Unlike actual battlefields, apparently.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
Asherlee10 posted...
Exactly what are you asking? Are you wanting to know why forcing Christian-based laws are horrible? Are you wanting a synopsis of how Christianity has basically turned into a hate group in the US and is used by some of the worst humans to further their agenda?

Where have you been for the last 40 years?

Christianity is at an all time low. It's very interesting to hear someone call Christianity the enemy despite them writing the playbook for what I believe are the most successful societies today.
https://i.imgur.com/WmIB016.jpg https://i.imgur.com/53FGj6K.gif
Post #106 was unavailable or deleted.
Sad_Face posted...
Christianity is at an all time low. It's very interesting to hear someone call Christianity the enemy despite them writing the playbook for what I believe are the most successful societies today.
It isn't that Christianity is the default enemy.

It's the Christo-fascist fuck faces (all fascists are fuck faces) who want to act all holier than thou and dictate your life based on their own religion and beliefs.
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Prismsblade posted...
Idk why people keep bringing up this for comparison as if its equivalent in the slightest. Especially when your country is facing a legit and existential crisis and wouldnt be thrown out the window as soon as shit hits the fan.

Outside of wars (on your home turf), you're selling your body to the government in exchange for food, shelter and a paycheck when you join the military

Ask me how I know.
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
epik_fail1 posted...
I am not fron the US, but I actually thought it was already 21 due to drinking age law.
It's 18 to drink where I live.

Kinda weird to let people strip at a place they cannot be legally customer.

A couple of things:

  • You can work in an establishment that serves alcohol if you're underage to drink, you just can't be the one serving it (though this may vary from state to state)
  • In some states, the level of nudity is limited by the liquor license. For example, in Illinois, you could not have fully nude dancers if you served alcohol (**that is based on the last time I went to a strip club in Illinois, which was nearly 20 years ago)
Sad_Face posted...
i believe are the most successful societies today.

in a way yes. but not for all the good or positive reasons
currently playing: elder scrolls skyrim (ps5)
RIP Sophie the dog: February 2011-april 2024. we'll miss you alot.
So you can sell your body to the via the military at 18 but not strip?
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
It would be wise to tag Sad Face as an unapologetic Pizzagater and move on. Anything beyond that validates him.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
Post #113 was unavailable or deleted.
Reminder: republicans think ten-year-old girls being sold into marriage and forced to bear children is acceptable.
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
Prismsblade posted...
Idk why people keep bringing up this for comparison as if its equivalent in the slightest. Especially when your country is facing a legit and existential crisis and wouldnt be thrown out the window as soon as shit hits the fan.

He didn't say he was against having people in the military, but was referring to the age you could join and how dangerous it can potentially be
Why an I still on this website?
Euripides posted...
A couple of things:

* You can work in an establishment that serves alcohol if you're underage to drink, you just can't be the one serving it (though this may vary from state to state)
* In some states, the level of nudity is limited by the liquor license. For example, in Illinois, you could not have fully nude dancers if you served alcohol (**that is based on the last time I went to a strip club in Illinois, which was nearly 20 years ago)

I actually kinda understand this rule. But are you sure it was not an establishment rule rather than a law
Why an I still on this website?
wackyteen posted...
Outside of wars (on your home turf), you're selling your body to the government in exchange for food, shelter and a paycheck when you join the military

Ask me how I know.
Been there, done that. Whether its the military or any typical civilian world job youre selling yourself to somebody/business for money to survive. Only difference is how socially accepted it is or not.

3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
People on social media : people cannot consent under 25 due to undeveloped brain!!!

Also people on social medias *gets mad at this when in the US, you need to be 21 to enter bars*

Why an I still on this website?
Sad_Face posted...
Christianity is at an all time low. It's very interesting to hear someone call Christianity the enemy despite them writing the playbook for what I believe are the most successful societies today.

You're a Pizzagater, by default your beliefs and opinions are garbage and should be immediately disregarded.

It's pretty funny though that you're playing dumb about the rise of Christofacism in this country.
epik_fail1 posted...
People on social media : people cannot consent under 25 due to undeveloped brain!!!

Also people on social medias *gets mad at this when in the US, you need to be 21 to enter bars*

The former are the people who are supporting this bill.
This is a good change, imo. I know quite a few people who've worked as strippers and it's EXTREMELY exploitive. They definitely take advantage of young women and a lot of them aren't actually 18 when they start to begin with.

I also believe the she for military service should be raised to 21.
Asherlee10 posted...
I really don't have the energy for your brand of bulls*** and feigned ignorance.

"ChRiStIaNiTy iS At aN AlL TiMe lOw"

hurr durr

"You don't share my opinion, so you must be trolling". Ideas and sentiments aren't that black and white my dude.

wackyteen posted...
It isn't that Christianity is the default enemy.

It's the Christo-fascist f*** faces (all fascists are f*** faces) who want to act all holier than thou and dictate your life based on their own religion and beliefs.

I will give you that for a lot of belief systems, for the system to work, everyone has to be in agreement on the belief, as opposed to an opt in system of "you can believe or follow this practice if you want..." or you won't be able to reap the benefits. This is the motivation behind the people who want to dictate your life based on their own religion and beliefs.

To give an example of a Christian law everyone agrees with; Catholicism banned cousin marriages. This allowed the creation of nuclear families (husband, wife, children born to them) which made the family unit more economically nimble, allowed for people to take on careers and crafts that weren't passed down the family (this is where the term "journeymen" came from), and made for more trusting citizens overall.


So it's interesting to hear the complaints towards Christian laws. I get that a lot of politicians and commentators pushing this may come off as imposing their will, they're not doing a good job of selling the benefits. But we already live in a Christian based society even if most people don't practice it and there are things Christianity (Catholicism I should be clear on) set hard rules against and because we don't practice them, the problems the rules were designed to prevent are now bubbling back up to the surface (in full force).


Murphiroth posted...
It's pretty funny though that you're playing dumb about the rise of Christofacism in this country.

So we're going at an uptrend now? Still a far cry from how prominent Christianity used to be. My church is still dead and there's still concerns about having enough of the new generation to take over. Why do you think it's rising?
https://i.imgur.com/WmIB016.jpg https://i.imgur.com/53FGj6K.gif
Post #123 was unavailable or deleted.
Sad_Face posted...
So we're going at an uptrend now? Still a far cry from how prominent Christianity used to be. My church is still dead and there's still concerns about having enough of the new generation to take over. Why do you think it's rising?

Why do I think Christofacism is rising? I live in reality. Christian lawmakers are regularly trying to legislate entire groups of people out of existence and pushing for violence against said groups.

Really funny though that you won't address being a Pizzagater because you know it'll complete weaken any points you might have.
Aloc in shambles
http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/5517/cateyes.gif Rams: 7-9
Asherlee10 posted...
This isn't a Christian law. There are many examples of cousin, niece, etc. marriages in the Bible. What are you even talking about?

I just gave a couple links regarding the Catholic church banning incest marriage.

Sad_Face posted...
But we already live in a Christian based society even if most people don't practice it and there are things Christianity ( Catholicism I should be clear on ) set hard rules against and because we don't practice them, the problems the rules were designed to prevent are now bubbling back up to the surface (in full force).

I suppose I should have prefaced with this instead of putting it at the bottom of my post.

Murphiroth posted...
Why do I think Christofacism is rising? I live in reality. Christian lawmakers are regularly trying to legislate entire groups of people out of existence and pushing for violence against said groups.

Okay, you're not understanding what I'm saying. I'm not denying it if that's the inference you're getting. I want to know if you had an understanding of why it's rising in the first place.

And to address the latter, I'll say that you're free to PM me to inquire further. But if I were to address here, when did you first find out about Epstein and what were your thoughts?
https://i.imgur.com/WmIB016.jpg https://i.imgur.com/53FGj6K.gif
Sad_Face posted...
And to address the latter, I'll say that you're free to PM me to inquire further.
The coward's anthem.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
lolife67 posted...
This is a good change, imo. I know quite a few people who've worked as strippers and it's EXTREMELY exploitive. They definitely take advantage of young women and a lot of them aren't actually 18 when they start to begin with.
The ulterior motives are obvious, but anecdotal stories from several female co-workers has led me to believe Florida strip clubs have a real tendency to hire 16/17 year olds. Not sure if infantilizing women and further restricting their rights is the best way to handle this problem though.

I also believe the she for military service should be raised to 21.
And people really don't want to hear this but some studies show things like alcohol, tobacco, and weed could possibly need a limit of 25 due to how badly they can mess up your body and mind when starting earlier.
Validate your purchases and discredit the purchases of others whenever possible. Numbers objectively define quality and enjoyment.
Sad_Face posted...
Okay, you're not understanding what I'm saying. I'm not denying it if that's the inference you're getting. I want to know if you had an understanding of why it's rising in the first place.

...didn't you pretend not to understand the term Christofacism earlier in the topic and now you're trying to tell me I don't understand why it's rising to being with? Do enlighten me, this should be rich.

And to address the latter, I'll say that you're free to PM me to inquire further. But if I were to address here, when did you first find out about Epstein and what were your thoughts?

Nah you don't get do the cowardly chud "just PM me bro!" thing, lmao. Talk about it here or nowhere.

Don't remember, Epstein sucks.

Christo-Fascism is on the rise BECAUSE church attendance/self-identification as Christians is going down. It's the Christian elites' last gasp effort to keep the religion in power.
Post #131 was unavailable or deleted.
Board_hunter567 posted...
The ulterior motives are obvious, but anecdotal stories from several female co-workers has led me to believe Florida strip clubs have a real tendency to hire 16/17 year olds. Not sure if infantilizing women and further restricting their rights is the best way to handle this problem though.

The obvious solution is to have better protections for them and vet the institutions more but of course they wouldn't want to do that since their aim is in ending them all anyway.

Board_hunter567 posted...
And people really don't want to hear this but some studies show things like alcohol, tobacco, and weed could possibly need a limit of 25 due to how badly they can mess up your body and mind when starting earlier.

"Brains don't fully develop until 25" is internet pseudoscience.
Substances can damage your brain at any age.
LightHawKnight posted...
Arent republicans pushing to keep child marriages around and didnt one say something about a young girl being ripe and fertile?

A 19 year old showing off her body is bad. But a 13 year old carrying some 40 year old white man's baby is totally fine. - Republicans
Asocial, not introverted. Know the difference.
Maybe those JRPGs villains were on to something about humanity being trash.
Post #134 was unavailable or deleted.
CADE_FOSTER posted...
how long till red states raise the voting age to 25 like they always wanted
why stop there, just make it 60, so they can get more of the conservative vote.
Game Playing: Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes
No I think you mean Florida raises volume
updated 5/22/2023
Why would they do this though? Did DeSantis accidentally get a lapdance from a 17yo so now he's raising the age to protect himself?
1 Like 0 Comments
Master_Kazuya posted...
Why would they do this though? Did DeSantis accidentally get a lapdance from a 17yo so now he's raising the age to protect himself?
The dog who caught the car.
Moustache twirling villain
https://i.imgur.com/U3lt3H4.jpg- Kerbey
Euripides posted...
A couple of things:

* You can work in an establishment that serves alcohol if you're underage to drink, you just can't be the one serving it (though this may vary from state to state)
* In some states, the level of nudity is limited by the liquor license. For example, in Illinois, you could not have fully nude dancers if you served alcohol (**that is based on the last time I went to a strip club in Illinois, which was nearly 20 years ago)

In my state 18 year olds can be bartenders. Which is crazy to me since the drinking age is still 21.
This is where cool people write stuff.
Probably meant to change it to 12 and no one caught the typo.
Seaman_Prime: Oh **** there was a second Oompa Loompa!
TomClark: I am rejuvenated by this whimsical turn of events!
GiftedACIII posted...
The obvious solution is to have better protections for them and vet the institutions more but of course they wouldn't want to do that since their aim is in ending them all anyway.

"Brains don't fully develop until 25" is internet pseudoscience.
Substances can damage your brain at any age.
Cheers for that. To be clear, I didn't think 25 is a magical number where everybody's brains are fully developed. It really has to do more with my general perception of people's shitty impulse control or lack thereof even at, or especially at, 21 that results in them going overboard and becoming addicts or suddenly developing health issues.

But I'm not ignorant to the reality that people would drink/smoke anyway, often in more dangerous settings, and becoming a nanny state is not the solution because people should be allowed to live their lives how they want.
Validate your purchases and discredit the purchases of others whenever possible. Numbers objectively define quality and enjoyment.
I wonder what the average age of Floridians is over time?

Is he trying to increase it? Or is he trying to offset the tremendous loss of the elderly during Covid?
Moustache twirling villain
https://i.imgur.com/U3lt3H4.jpg- Kerbey
Golden_Key33 posted...
Probably meant to change it to 12 and no one caught the typo.
nah see if the 12 year olds marry the conservatives it's fine. but they can't take their clothes off for other dudes until 21 or never.
Moustache twirling villain
https://i.imgur.com/U3lt3H4.jpg- Kerbey
Gotta love the increasingly-common occurrence that is the terminally online finding common ground with religious fundies because sex / sexuality is icky.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
Board_hunter567 posted...

Cheers for that. To be clear, I didn't think 25 is a magical number where everybody's brains are fully developed. It really has to do more with my general perception of people's shitty impulse control or lack thereof even at, or especially at, 21 that results in them going overboard and becoming addicts or suddenly developing health issues.

But I'm not ignorant to the reality that people would drink/smoke anyway, often in more dangerous settings, and becoming a nanny state is not the solution because people should be allowed to live their lives how they want.
So do we do the inverse for the elderly? Do we limit drinking at 60 because after 60 it causes more harm to your body than when you're 30?

Stupid shit like this is always amusing to me. "Think of the health risks for the youth" Ok, what about the elderly? Do we tell them to stop smoking once they turn 65?

This is a commentary on the 25 year old idea, not necessarily what you're proposing.
ClayGuida posted...
So do we do the inverse for the elderly? Do we limit drinking at 60 because after 60 it causes more harm to your body than when you're 30?

Stupid shit like this is always amusing to me. "Think of the health risks for the youth" Ok, what about the elderly? Do we tell them to stop smoking once they turn 65?

This is a commentary on the 25 year old idea, not necessarily what you're proposing.
Hand in those drivers licenses. And so there can be no retaliation, strike them from the voter rolls.
Moustache twirling villain
https://i.imgur.com/U3lt3H4.jpg- Kerbey
Board_hunter567 posted...

Cheers for that. To be clear, I didn't think 25 is a magical number where everybody's brains are fully developed. It really has to do more with my general perception of people's shitty impulse control or lack thereof even at, or especially at, 21 that results in them going overboard and becoming addicts.

But I'm not ignorant to the reality that people would drink/smoke anyway, often in more dangerous settings, and becoming a nanny state is not the solution because people should be allowed to live their lives how they want.

Indeed, this link has a lot more sources on it.
The 25 number comes from an outdated 2004 paper.
In any case the comments there bring up a good point that maturity past puberty doesn't really come from biology but from life experiences and restricting that life experience only pushes it back even more creating a vicious cycle of older ages becoming less mature. There was a driving study that showed it isn't specifically teenagers that crash the most but any demographic within their first few years.
On that point, a lot of people, Americans in particular, seem to think legal age limits are for when it's best or safest for people to do something when it's actually just meant to denote that one's a legal adult with the freedom to decide things for themselves.
This was such a pressing issue in Florida that was beyond out of control and needed to be reigned in. Those darn 18 YO's making money for bills, rent, college, food by taking advantage of men. The nerve! I'm glad we have a governor who saw the need to reign in these strippers. I hope he next moves on to insurance rates and housing costs.
Why is it that the world can't spell "lose" or "woman" right???
So if Im correct you can enter a strip club at 18, but now cant work at till 21.
I'm a ? Block. No, punching me won't give you power ups.
Current Events » Florida raises the age requirement to be a stripper to 21
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